What if ccw and open carry was banned nationwide?

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Well, if that were to happen, how about a massive open carry march on D.C.?

Count me in as well.

It's weird, so many people are affraid to say stuff like this... We shouldn't be. It's kind of our duty to humanity...:eek:
I'll wager many of us learned the art of concealment before CCW law gained so much momentum. I can't see where losing CCW would change much for us, in that regard, other than the legality of it.

If the government decides to make millions of gun owners into criminals by the stroke of a pen, there's a whole lot of folks likely to get real serious about their new job title.
I can't see where losing CCW would change much for us, in that regard, other than the legality of it.

Oh, I can. Consider the person that has a heart attack, stroke, diabetic seizure, gets into a car accident, etc. The firearm WILL be found and that person risks jail time, legal fees and the permanent loss of any future firearm ownership because of a potential felony conviction for illegally concealing a firearm. Same thing for carrying illegally and actually NEEDING to use it. Just carrying/having the gun on you at all will be ANOTHER felony to be added to the potential list if it's not deemed a "good shoot". Heck, if national CCW was banned, there might NEVER be a "good shoot" outside the home/in public since it wouldn't have happened if you weren't carrying in the first place. :rolleyes:

Just like if there were a ban on guns period, a LOT of people would get scared of being caught/tracked down and turn them in anyway. I'll wager the illegality of CCW would cause a LOT of people to stop doing it, as well...
I think that any nationwide federal ban would probably die in the courts. I can't see how a federal mandate could legally nullify existing state laws on concealed carry. I also can't see something like this being mandated without being legally challenged before the ink was dry on the paper it was written on.

I may be wrong though and I don't mind somebody proving it if I am. Maybe someone that knows the topic a little better than I do can weigh in on whether this would be legal or not.
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Katana, the federal gov't doesn't have to pass laws trumping state laws. All they have to do is threaten to withhold federal funding and a lot of states would bend over and change their laws. Sort of like how the seatbelt law applies to EVERY state in the US because if the states didn't adopt this policy/law, they would lose federal highway/transportation funding. Doesn't have to be through laws...just control the purse strings. :rolleyes:
Oh, I can. Consider the person that has a heart attack, stroke, diabetic seizure, gets into a car accident, etc. The firearm WILL be found and that person risks jail time, legal fees and the permanent loss of any future firearm ownership because of a potential felony conviction for illegally concealing a firearm.

In Texas, you can now carry legally in a vehicle, just has to be "out of sight". In Texas, carrying without a permit is a misdemeanor, not a felony. As in California, don't get caught with a fixed blade knife over 4", though. :rolleyes:
Maybe that's the case for now, MCgunner, but laws can always change. The original post talked about a FEDERAL ban on CC, which could cause the states to revoke current CC laws due to pressure of withholding federal funding. I don't think the federal gov't can "make" the states change their laws, but they can make it painful enough that the states may change it on their own.
What if ccw and open carry was banned nationwide?

I'd do just like I did for years before concealed carry.

My Wife's and my welfare is a lot more import to me than what some slimy politician thinks.

Many years ago when I was a LEO I knew of people that carried illegally. I thought they would be foolish not to.
Heck, I even sold a Derringer to a Catholic Priest.:)
Indeed Sir

Quote: Concealed is, as concealed does. ;)


+ 5 - Personally, I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate myself.

The Federal Government would have no legal grounds to ban concealed carry and open carry because that clearly violates our Second Amendment right to bear arms. That is not to say they might not try to do so, however! I doubt that such a law would hold up in court, but even if it did, there are some states like Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and a few others that would probably just quietly ignore the law. After all, it's not like Federal officers interact with the general public that much. I have no doubt that many would continue to carry in any case, though, as the ability to protect ones self and ones loved ones clearly outweighs the desire to obey an unconstitutional law. I would think that armed insurrection would be much less likely as a result of a law prohibiting carry than it would be in the event of a law requiring firearms to be surrendered.
the bad guy's would have a field day with anyone they feel they would like to.It would cause quite possibly a civil war.
Before considering this a ruling from the Supreme Court on Heller will have to be given. Also if the makeup of Congress and the Senate were to go much more liberal it wouldn't matter who the president is.
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