What is it that draws you to shooting?

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Feb 28, 2006
Snack Capital of the US
I seem to always have an obsession about researching, buying, shooting, or cleaning this gun or that. I love printing small groups or hitting obscure targets at extreme (for me) ranges. I like the mechanical action of a semi auto pistol and how they come "alive" when you shoot them. I like the looks of the lever action and the functionality of the bolt. Shotguns are so versatile. The hunting and self defense aspects are great but even without them I really enjoy the shooting sports.

What is it that draws YOU to shooting?
The fact that shooting accurately forces me to relax first.
Control breathing, focus on now, etc.

It is a form of misdirection from life's daily BS, work etc.
It depends what type of shooting:
recreation - shooting cans, bowling pics, pc monitors with family. I've been doing this for 20 years so part of it is tradition. the other part is it's just plain fun!
competition - shooting for a score. I mainly due this to train and to better myself as a shooter.
hunting - tradition, good food, keeping the spirit of my great-great-great-grandfathers.

Generally, I love to shoot because of the "once in a lifetime" shots. Literally, it may take me 2 hours aiming at a golf tee at 100 yards, but when I hit it I feel like something special for about 5 minutes :D

Another thing is family competition. My brothers (all 7 of them) are pretty good shooters. It's fun to get together once a year and see who can do what with how many bullets.

Forgot one: stress relief. I don't care what people say, shooting 50 clays on my lunch break helps me to enjoy the rest of the work day.
the best part of shooting for me is taking a day to go to the range to hangout with the guys. competeing to see who has the best shot. trying new weapons youve never shot
Man-yoga. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

It is a skill. It is something I can get lost in. It is something I'm good at. It's fun.

I like shooting because its a complex disciplin to master. Trigger pull, relaxation, and aiming are very hard to master and can take years.

I also like guns because they are complex yet simple designs which are all built around different uses/needs of its future environment. Really fascinating to try and understand it all, 2 years in and I'm still loving it.
I call it man-yoga

Yeah, I do it because its relaxing. Shooting is a huge stress reliever for me. I also like the historical aspect of old milsurps, new technology of polymer pistols, the functionality still presented in a 60 year old rifle with a brand new handgun on my hip. I like the sense of independence I get when I put my pistol on the night stand and that safe feeling I have when I have to fill up on the highway at midnight.
It's sensual. I like the sight of the guns, the feel of the guns, the smell and the sound (through muffs)...and for the hunters the tasty li'l trophies.
I seem to always have an obsession about researching, buying, shooting, or cleaning this gun or that. I love printing small groups or hitting obscure targets at extreme (for me) ranges. I like the mechanical action of a semi auto pistol and how they come "alive" when you shoot them. I like the looks of the lever action and the functionality of the bolt. Shotguns are so versatile. The hunting and self defense aspects are great but even without them I really enjoy the shooting sports.

the best part of shooting for me is taking a day to go to the range to hangout with the guys. competeing to see who has the best shot. trying new weapons youve never shot

Combine those two and you've got mine. Add in reloading and the mechanical workings of the press plus the physics/chemistry of the bullets and I'm hooked. I'm kind of a nerd anyway so all these things appeal to me, but I'm also into sports and extreme things (rock climbing, motorcycle racing, off-roading, etc.) and I consider the moving/shooting IDPA and stuff like that to be an adrenaline pumping good time.

When I get older I'll probably bench rest shoot more and what not, but for now it's mostly moving and dumping lead adequately accurate (combat accuracy) as quickly and effectively as possible as opposed to same hole accuracy at 600 yards, but I can appreciate those who can do it!
I just shoot for recreation at a range. I like it because it is a challenge of hand/eye coordination, and to practice a skill and succeed makes me feel good. It also is an interactive sport that takes my mind off things and reduces stress. I also got into shooting b/c I'd like to compete in a biathlon some day, hence my username.
I like loud noises, fire, and explosions.

I also like controlling myself to work in perfect harmony with a machine.

And then there is the appreciation of any kind of quality engineering and craftsmanship.
The noise the smell, (not the shooter next to you, the gunpowder) ha,
and the BS that goes with a group competing, ain't nothing like it.
I find the mechanics and design of firearms fascinating. I also enjoy honing my skills (or lack of) and the discipline... it's a life long practice and I don't cut corners at any point.
I've thought about that one a bit. Problem is, I was never able to articulate it satisfactorily. That is until I found this somewhere. It sums it up rather well.

"I like history. Guns are historic. But more than that, I can think of no other hobby that opens such a wide variety of scientific, historical and social topics. Guns, reloading and shooting have introduced me to metallurgy, history, physics, chemistry, research, mathematics, social studies, law, politics, military history, wildlife biology, mechanics and a host of other sciences."

I would give credit to whomever it was, but alas, I can't seem to remember where it was, or who it was.
Not to be sounding too strange here but shooting, guns, ammo, cleaning guns, buying guns, etc. is sort of like a "sexual desire" for me. What I'm saying is there is a REALLY "deep desire" that I can't explain towards my firearms. For example, if I get my eye on a new gun I want - I won't be satisfied until its in my safe. I like to get my guns out - line them up - look at them, hold them, clean them, etc. All of my guns are "treasures" and I rarely sell a gun. In fact, I've only sold two in my life (I'm 39). The first gun I sold was a little .22 semi-auto Marlin. I've regreted that sale for years. The other gun I sold was defective so it had to go. It was a single action rifle - 30-30 caliber and it kept breaking so I got rid of it. Best I can recall it was a Winchester.

I guess what I'm saying is that my love of firearms and shooting runs much too deep for me to understand (sort of like a "sexual desire").

Once I wanted a new pistol so bad (wife wouldn't let me buy it as she said that baby formula was more important :rolleyes:) - I looked through all of my junk (that stuff that has value but I never use) and sold it off so I could buy the pistol.
It is not about me, it is about others.
So what has always drawn me to shooting are the people, the memories, and passing forward as passed to me.

Oh, and the dawgs and the good eats that are a part of shooting too. *smile*
Ultimately I shoot because it’s fun. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when I drop a pop up target at 300 yards; I like watching the balloons pop. And it's a chance to spend alone time W/ the wife
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