What is it you think...

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i guess they are morons and deserve it. however if anyone threatens my life or my familys they will have hell to pay.
Crazy lier.

Hey there:
These type are liers. If a bad guy tossed him in the water would he try to swim or just let himself fall to the bottom ?:confused:
Tell the person to pull up a chair, drink some coffee and cling on every word I say:

There are two types of criminals:

1.) Career criminals who make it their livelihood to terrorize the innocent.

2.) Flat out psychotic/mental/"take others with me to the grave"/suicidal criminals who will end lives at a drop of a hat.

That's the reality my friend.
I agree with Tuner. Talk is cheap and no one really knows what they'd do in that situation until they're faced with that reality.

Still and all, mindset is kinda important as is training and preparation. If they don't have the mindset, training or equipment... life could be short, brutal and nasty. Not to mention painful.
I agree with the guys that have commented to the effect of one not knowing until they are in that situation...Take for instance "Walking in on your wife cheating on you...kill them both!" I have always thought this as well...until talking with a buddy of mine that actually did walk in on his wife, in their bedroom...he was a 1911 guy! He said he walked in and was more embarrased and ashamed than mad and angry!

As far as defending myself or family, even friends, or in my case church members! I like to think that I practice for a reason, not just to have something to do! Granted I would do my best to possibly reason with the guy, and settle it calmly, and only resort to lethal force as a last resort. By the way...I have been labeled as the "Gun totin' Preacher" by my congregation!
What is it you think...

...when a person says they would refuse to shoot someone threatening their life?
I think it is their decision to make, but it certainly would not be my decision 99.9999999 percent of the time.
I agree, no one truely knows until the needs presents itself. I'll admit that I hesitated the first time I had to fire a warning shot at someone over in Iraq, and thats just a warning shot, but ultimately I was able to pull the trigger, I think I hesitated maybe about a half a second, felt like forever though
I would respect their honesty. No one knows for certain what they would do in such a situation until it happens to them. That said, I like to think I would preserve my life.

I respect any persons decisions in that aspect provided they respect mine. Anyone who would let his wife get rapped deserves to die anyways.
I respect any persons decisions in that aspect provided they respect mine. Anyone who would let his wife get rapped deserves to die anyways.
So, are you saying, a person with deep religious convictions, who beleives in non-violence, would deserve to die if he did not kill someone to prevent his wife from being raped? Or do you just mean anyone as in the guy described above?
So, are you saying, a person with deep religious convictions, who beleives in non-violence, would deserve to die if he did not kill someone to prevent his wife from being raped?

Maybe he doesn't deserve to die, but he certainly doesn't deserve to live. Anyone who would allow something like that to happen without doing everything in their power, including taking life, to stop it is just as guilty.

As far a religion, God helps those who helps themselves, and all that.

Incoming thread lock!!!

Its coming but I'll comment anyways.

I stated that wrong. He does not deserve to live. And once again to each his own but Its one thing to be yourself, the woman who placed her safety in your hands and the father who gave her to you deserve better.
It is simply survival of the fittest. Being somewhat removed from the food chain, we tend to forget that nature naturally culls the really inept. We can voice our unfitness to survive, but it is all still just natures way of eliminating the weak and foolish.
I'd think they would be likely to reconsider their decision when the moment of truth was upon them.
I hope they're in that exact situation before they're in one that will allow them to vote.

+1 romeo212000

I've read all the above and I agree with the "Gee, that's unfortunate for you" attitude.

It is a misguided fool who believes that the bad guy will leave them alone if they give them what they want.

I know they train LE for years to make this split-second decision, and most of us hope to do it with normal good judgement, and weapons proficiency.

I know I don't intend to be a statistic. If I'm actually in fear of losing my life, the BG is going to experience a determined effort to be put down. I can't understand why anyone would rather die than survive...
These type are liers. If a bad guy tossed him in the water would he try to swim or just let himself fall to the bottom ?

Depends on if the bad guy told him to or not :evil:
If someone holds their life so cheap and is so disconnected from their basic survival instincts, I can do nothing but pity them.
I would say-

"I can respect your view on it. I hope you have the same respect for mine. Thats what tolerant people do."

If they persist I would say "No one can tell you or me it's wrong, or right, it is a personal choice and not for someone else to make for you or me."

I would also think (to myself) that it is better that they understand their limitations, because thinking you would, only to find out you wouldn't is a detriment to peoples safety as opposed to a benefit. I'd rather have them being honest about it..... if for no other reason than I now know not to count on them in such a situation with me or mine.
If someone holds their life so cheap and is so disconnected from their basic survival instincts, I can do nothing but pity them.

That reminded me of something I saw earlier today...

There's a duck nesting in the corner of my backyard, and without fail, every single day two male ducks come by and try and gang rape her, and without fail, every single day she tries to get as far as she can away from her nest to keep the eggs from getting crushed in the ensuing struggle, and without fail, as she's getting chased down, the father of those eggs comes dive bombing in, and after a brief explosion of feathers, the two offending males run away as fast as they can, which is about all they can do at this point from losing so many feathers in these daily fights. Now if a duck is willing to put it's life on the line for it's mate and offspring, how pathetic is a human who refuses to do the same?

Also, I think it makes a good comparison to the career criminals, who just plain won't change their actions with no incentive, and won't stop unless they get crippled, killed, or locked up.
...when a person says they would refuse to shoot someone threatening their life?
That's easy to say when you've never had a serious threat to your life. One bullet going by their head would convert them real fast.
I've often seen it too

I've often seen that too. I believe it is a form of disassociation from reality, in fact, DENIAL.

The person simply denies that any human experience justifies killing. That way, they can disconnect from reality.

It is also a form of ENABLING. This way, the person chooses to be a spectator, regardless of the kind of chaos and mayhem that the lower element of humanity offers.

Disclaimers that suggest that "It's none of my business!" or "Who am I to judge?" offer a kind of disconnection from social responsibility.

This is a weird kind of personal empowerment, in a way that might at first look like helplessness because of its neutrality. Instead, it is kind of like saying:

"I'm obligated to nobody, and I'm not responsible to protect anyone. I can just stand here and watch the world go by."

It is a very selfish attitude, but too common to warrant escaping our examination and sharp criticism. Those of us who care about each other, and desire to be responsible for ourselves and others, can never afford to think like that. Caring requires heavy responsibility, because we must discern between those who must be protected and those who must be controlled because they prey upon the sheep. :)

If people cannot help, they could at least get out of the way.


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