What is wrong with this picture?

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What next will our soldiers be saying NI to old women?

But seriously we have NO IDEA what the woman was holding those rounds up for we just know what the reporter told us she said.
This is the same kind of Jihadist propaganda that the US news media have been pushing for years. They treat everything from the "evil" Pentagon with skepticism but publish without question the latest from Al Jazeera.

Don't be running around with those! Like scissors, it's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out.
UPS man tossed 500 rounds of that deadly stuff onto my kitchen counter last night... In fact it was Russian, sneaky I tell ya... sneaky!

I may write a strongly worded letter to the UN.
Here's something, why don't the 5.56mm she's holding up have the green tip on them???

You see? I'm on to something....:D
Yahoo pulled the page from their site.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.
So here's what was under the pic of the two live rounds + old lady:

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:confused: AAAa eeee WHAT? when I was in Irak even the ammo they gave us (supposedly new) (yea right) didn't look that shiny. Besides, how in the heck somebody fire that?
I didn't know you got to have a heck of an arm now to go to Irak, lol
Somebody in this picture thing is really, really wrong or really dumb.

Have fun everybody
But seriously we have NO IDEA what the woman was holding those rounds up for we just know what the reporter told us she said.

Roger that. There are a lot of things that could be going on here aside from intentional duplicity. There could be bad translation or a mix up in the photos.

The end result is a hilarious mistake, but there's no telling where the mistake was made.
Here's something, why don't the 5.56mm she's holding up have the green tip on them

three possibilities

not military ammo (most likely since teh brass is shiny)

it's older 5.56, ie 55gr ammo

Or it's non US ammo, the 720rds of Radway Green sitting in my gun room is not so marked.
just a thought,

Could the bullets have hit her house as a result of the explosions, mentioned in the article?
They must have fallen from a helicopter flying above her house. Or she is an insurgent and that was the only excuse she had when they found the ammo in her house..:rolleyes:
I am not sure what the big deal is, if you live in a war zone during a battle and 2 round hit your house, I would say the US military is doing a fantastic job of minimizing collateral damage even if it were true.

shiny brass w/o annealing or green paint, the could have held them up to show her displesure for 5.56 as a military cartridge, the actual quote might have been "you intend to repel the divine forces of jihad with this pathetic poodle shooter!!! fight like men, use 7.62x51":D
I was once given a ride in a truck by a guy who had about a dozen >45 rounds laying on the dashboard. I didn't think much of it but later a mutual friend told me he had done that to "intimidate me." If the sling shot had been there too I really would have been scared.
MaterDei ~

Of course she has man hands. People who work for a living with their hands generally have hands that look like that. There's no shame in it -- or there wouldn't be, in a healthy culture.


Why is everyone hung up on whether she's holding military ammunition or not?

The point is that those two rounds couldn't have been fired at all, not at her house or anywhere else.

Drudge has just reported that the Jihadist that threw those bullets at the old lady's house has been put on inactive injured reserve by the Sadr City Cyclones.

Seems he threw one at a marine. :eek:
Most likely the reporter/photographer handed her those rounds for her to pose with. Photographers like to take interesting photos, and unfired rounds are a lot more recognizable than mangled lead.

Whether or not it was simply a demonstration or meant as trickery would depend on what the caption said.
Hey, that old bat gets around! She looks like the one that got her house destroyed 3 different times by the evil Israelis in Beirut last year.

How do I piss off the Army so they will stop by and throw free ammo at me?

And for the Marines: "If they have ammunition in their house they are an insurgent. If they do not have ammunition in their house they are a well disciplined insurgent!" :D
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