I'm starting to load some 30-30 for the first time and understand to seat to the cannelure and crimp. I have MBC #1 whitetails and 150 grain Hornady RN's. What part of the cannelure should I seat to though? Since the overall cannelure is maybe 0.030" there's lots of room between one end of it and the other.
Somewhat arbitrarily I seated the Hornadys to the top of the cannelure, thinking that this would give the maximum amount of recess for the crimp to bite into. This gave a COL of about 2.530" vs. the 2.550" I found in the manual.
I then gave it a pretty solid crimp (about a full turn in using the Lee FCD). Looked about right when compared to factory ammo.
Somewhat arbitrarily I seated the Hornadys to the top of the cannelure, thinking that this would give the maximum amount of recess for the crimp to bite into. This gave a COL of about 2.530" vs. the 2.550" I found in the manual.
I then gave it a pretty solid crimp (about a full turn in using the Lee FCD). Looked about right when compared to factory ammo.