What would YOU have Done?

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DOES do is guarantee that any escalation will be THEIRS,
Very good point. Until they come through the door, there is no escalation. And, you get the chance to arm yourself to the teeth, and you know the layout of your home, thus ensuing a tactical advantage.

If I lived on the dirt road as described, I'd probably install flood lighting, switchable from the inside. Light up the neighborhood, call the police, and release the hounds!
I think I would have chosen something in the nature of an Evil Black Rifle in this situation and done all my talking from the upstairs window through my "15$ garage sale impulse buy" megaphone.

We would discuss the terms of their hasty retreat first with the megaphone, then with a hail of 7.62x39 if negotiations go sour.
#1 If there is a warning shot, it should mark their truck, the tailgate would be good.

#2 They came in through a "closed gate"? That is the time to dial 911.

#3 I agree, he should have dealt with it from inside the house. Standing beside the door, not directly in front of it.

#4 Was there area lights? Why not? There should have been, either motion detecting, or with a switch. Illumination may have scared them away.
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