what's it like getting shot?

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Feb 27, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
well this is something ive been curious about for a little while... what is it like being shot? is it like excrutiating pain or are you so out of it afterwards, that you dont really feel anything until you wake up in the hospital? and what's the recovery like? obviously this isnt something id like to experience first hand, but ive never had the chance to chat with anyone who's an experience where they were the victim of a shooting.
What was that movie...

guy gets shot and his partner says..."Does it hurt bad?"

His answer..."Well, it don't hurt good"
Not highly recomended. I took a few 7 1/2 shot to the chest out bird hunting. None penetrated my shooting vest but it still hurt like an SOB.
I got the answer

Tell you what, I'm willing to help you with your inquiry.
Break into my apt., while I'm there and try to steal something. To make it more interesting, bring a knife with you. I guarantee that you'll find out. And to make it more sporting, I'll even allow you to choose which caliber that you want to feel:

or 12 Guage.

I've been hit by birdshot too. The first thing you notice is how big and heavy the pellets feel when traveling fast...
ever seen the movie 3 kings? i imagine it is like that ^_^

but it also depends on where it is at and what caliber bullet. One of the presidents i forget who it was, was shot with a .22 and didn't even notice it until later! I have heard a couple counts of this although i find it hard to believe. Maybe it is like when you skin your knee you can barley feel it even though it is bleeding.

why don't you shoot yourself in the foot and tell us all how it feels ;D
"Interesting, ive been hung, stabbed and burned but ive never been shot (scratch scratch) kinda itches" :D

I got a 9mm in the left shoulder once, it was a ricochet off of some steel target plates. I didnt get through the vest i was wearing but it made a really nasty mark and spun me around when i got hit. that little bullet seemed like a buick when it hit me, i was pretty surprised.

And also bird shot, that stuff stings.
I was shot clean through the thick part of my left thigh when I was 12 years old, with a .22 rifle (long story!)

The impact felt like a hammer blow. For whatever reason, the blood running down my leg felt cold, like ice water was spilled on me. Until we got to the hospital, I thought I could feel the bullet still lodged in my leg, but it turned out that I was feeling the exit wound instead.

Weird, huh?

Not fun at all, I assure you...
Only thing I've been hit with is a paintball. But that is enough to tell me I don't want to be shot.

OTOH, watch the movie Jackass sometime. Guy voluntarialy takes a shot to the stomach with a beanbag, and he goes right down. They show the bruise a couple days later, and it is pretty nasty.
This morning I heard an interview with one of the kids in the school shooting last week. He was shot in the hip. He said it actually hurt LESS than he expected. Better him than me, I say.

I think the location of the injury has as much to do with the pain you feel as the caliber/severity of the wound.

Hope I never find out. :uhoh:
Rocksalt stings, and makes you fall off of barb-wire fences. Ain't no pumpkin worth it, kids.
I don't personally know, but, dad was in the 3rd Battalion 5th Marines, H&S Co., Vietnam, in Sept. '67, and was hit 3 times with an AK. One grazed his elbow and took out some meat (the scar looks like an ice cream scooper just went across his arm), one grazed his stomach. The third went in near the belly button, and out under one buttock, taking some intestine with it.

The first two, he said it felt like it was on fire, like a branding iron or something. He fought several hours like that (they were overrun numerous times that night by a large NVA regular force that had them surrounded), but the third one put him in shock and he nearly died from blood loss. A buddy kept him alive all night until the a.m. When dawn broke, air support was finally able to run off the NVA. Choppers came in, his buddy walked off to tend to some others, the medics put dad in a body bag and zipped it up. His buddy came back over and asked what the heck they were doing, unzipped the bag, and pulled him out. Believe it or not. Operation Swift, Sept. 6, 1967. I was born 3 years later, dad met mom at Ft. Sam Houston where she volunteered to help the war wounded in the hospital. It's a wonder I'm even here at all, eh?

I have no desire to know what it's like to be shot. Suffice it to say I bet it sucks, big time.
I didnt get through the vest i was wearing but it made a really nasty mark and spun me around when i got hit.

I doubt the veracity of that statement. A 9mm bullet straight out of the barrel doesn't have the physical ability to "spin you around" much less one that ricocheted off a metal plate and didn't penetrate. You may have spun around but that bullet did not spin you around.

brad cook
I've never been shot, but my dad was in Korea. Chinese bullet flying low to the ground went in on outside of his foot/ankle and exited the other side. He was hit while running for cover after the shooting started. He said it hurt like hell after the shooting stopped and the adrenaline passed.

:rolleyes: Sorry i was simplifying, i was in a hurry, it was easier than typing "turned me approximately six inches to the left.

and yes i did some of the "turning" myself.

You would have done a bunch of turning too if you got whopped in the chest with a ricochet. :)
No pain at first, just a feeling of dread and a cold feeling. I thought someone had popped a flashbulb and smacked me in the head with a board at the same time. Shock made me want to puke, crap and pass out all at the same time. Pain came about 2 hours later, and morphine did not help.
Took 2 surgeries, and about 6 weeks to get back on my feet.
I suggest you take the advice on this thread and avoid the experience.
I was in the indoor range here in town once, when my buddy in the lane next to me shot his target with his S&W Scadnium .45. Somehow the bullet bounced back THROUGH my target and into my shoulder (I had my weapon down because I was watching him shoot). The force sent me backwards, flipped through the bulletproof glass windows, through the lobby, out of the bay windows and onto the hood of my car in the parking lot. All of this left only a little welt on my shoulder, felt like a paintball. The smashed up round landed on the counter in front of me too - I probably should have kept it.

I got accidentally shot in the back by a friend with a .22lr and it felt like grandma whacked me with a switch followed by an intense burning sensation. Then I could feel the blood streaming down and pain in my shoulder where the round exited.
I got real lucky. No serious damage other than a gargantuan bruise for about two weeks. The round traveled up my shoulder blade just under the skin and exited the top.
Been rained on (with spent shot) while duck hunting public land. But the ducks decoy so well in this one funnel each opener that I just stand under cover now.
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