what's it like getting shot?

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I've been shot at with a high power hunting rifle. Dont know that caliber but I do know that after I put the 3rd round thru the back of the bastards truck bed he decided to turn tail and run. Long story....
"what's it like getting shot"....OK, think of a sharp metal poker, that has spent all day, in an oak fire..... then put this sharp RED/WHITE HOT poker...on the end of something going FAST.... and has allot of force behind it.... then think of your own blood....not a little...ALLOT....and it squirts....not just bleeds... think of the pain...of a broke bone....now think of that pain...with a shattered bone...BLINDING PAIN...remember those days, when you were a kid? when you spun around so much you were sick, from being dizzy.....and felt kind of light headed....and competely out of it.... now add three hundred times that feel.... but not so much...that you lose track of the fact...that someone is doing their best to KILL YOU...and still is trying. that is as about as mild...as I can put it. now don't even think about what comes later.... you never just get shot....it's you've been shot...and every day...it comes and pays you a visit....forever.
I honestly didn't notice I was shot until someone pointed out that my entire sleeve had turned red, and was dripping. Afterwards it hurt, somewhat.

The more annoying aspect was the healing part. It itched like crazy. I couldn't vigorously scratch it like I wanted to. People probably thought I was insane, because for a few weeks afterwards I'd stare at my arm, grit my teeth and/or swear my head off.
From my experience, it stuns you, and then it hurts like hell.

Agree. Throbbing and burning...lot's of throbbing and burning 20 minutes or so after the fact.
When I was taking gun safety classes, my instructor told us a story about getting shot. He was hit with a .22 in the leg and didn't feel a thing. He didn't realize he was shot until his boots filled up with blood :eek:
Never happened to me and I don't care to experience it but I have collected a few 1st hand anecdotes through the years:

1) Many years ago back in Florida- saw a guy in a bar get shot with a twice with a snub nose revolver from maybe 6 feet away. Looked like he got it right in the belly button but I later learned he actually kind of took a couple of low-power (.32 or .38 S&W) rounds kind of in the rib cage on his left side. Looked like it didn't even bother him. He hit the shooter on the side of the head with a glass beer pitcher (put him down good), grabbed the gun away and put one in the fellow's temple from about 2 inches away as the shooter was sort of face down on the floor trying to get up; DRT as I recall. Then he went and sat down outside the bar on the porch and just waited on the cops to come. It all happened real fast.

2) A friend shot himself in the calf with a .22 rifle because of a careless fence crossing. He freaked out and ran a couple of hundred yards to where he had parked his motorbike and rode to an emergency room a few miles away. He said it felt hot at first and then by the end of his run cramped his leg up something fierce.

3) Knew a man who got shot in the hand and grazed in the arm with what was probably a 7.62X39 round in Vietnam. Never found out if it was from an AK or SKS, he said the guy jumped up in front of him, they fired at each other, and the NVA or VC whatever he was just hauled butt outta there. He said it was "hot, real hot" but not incapacitating.

4) A Pakistani I knew in graduate school got shot in the buttocks and heel running away from a riot in Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan. He didn't know what caliber hit him but it left fairly clean holes, and another vote for very hot.

I've got a whole bunch more. I'm convinced there's not much good about getting shot.
Here's probably the most pathetic story, compared to gettin hit by the Cong, the Pakistani police, and Bubba the Bird Hunter...

I was showing one of my wife's friends how to shoot with my air rifle, a Gamo .177 that puts 'em out at about 1000 fps, and about the time I said, "Hey, watch that muzz.." BANG!

Felt like someone kicked me in the foot. Hrrm, says I...figured it never made it through my boot, until I noticed the blood. Growling and cursing, I made my way to the head, sat down on the edge of the tub, and pulled my boot off over the toilet. Got a little pale when I saw how much blood poured out, then played it tough and tried to dig out the pellet with my Leatherman...hrrm, says I, again...what's that hard thing in the hole?

One of my buddies stuck his head in at about this time and fainted at all the blood (I called him a little girlie man later :evil: ) and I figured out that the hard surface was bone. Figured, hey, it's in the bone, I can't get it, and it won't kill me...apply Band-Aid, ice, and a dose of whiskey.

Shrug...two days later, I was in the hospital, with a really lovely set of reddish purple streaks running up my leg, and an uber-cool X-ray (kept it, too ;) ) of my foot bones with a big lead lump stuck in the big toe bone. The dox said that the chunk of boot, sock, and lead in that bone caused an infection in the bone (who knew bones could get infected?), and if left unattended, could have cost me a foot. Spent three days in the hospital and several hundred dollars on intravenous antibiotics...

Moral of the story, if you get shot, even with an airgun, you might oughtta seek medical aid. And to answer the question of "What's it like getting shot?", it really, really sucks. :eek:
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I had a friend in school who tended to hang around the worser parts of towns (for questionable reasons).
Anyway, he was a good guy...just made some bad choices in his life.
He had a scar on the back of his leg from what he said was a 38 special or 357mag, something 35 cal out of a revolver.
The person who pulled the trigger was an old woman(I assume from his history that she was defending her property).

He said he heard the bang and it felt like someone whacked him as hard as they could with a baseball bat. He said it didn't move his leg like a baseball bat would, it just felt like it.
Then he said he could feel cold blood running down his leg.
He said he ran to a friend's house, then fainted.

I don't know how true his story is, but its still interesting.

Hope I never find out what it feels like...
the guy i know who REALLY got shot-
he didnt feel a thing, ever again, still can't 30+ years later

got hit in the lower back, just high enough to cut off all sensation below the neck, can move his head, and just barely one shoulder.

it's not good to get shot.

Thank you for that enlightening and grim, real story. I know I NEVER want to take that experience....EVER!

Worst I've had was shooting at a pellet trap with a .177 CO2 revolver. Ricochet came back and hit me square between the eyes, putting a small dent that lasted for a few days. Hurt like hell, but made me a lot more aware of "be aware of your target and backstop".

I never have - my family is lucky that way.
Another dad story -
Mine was flying Hueys on his second tour in Vietnam (71-72) and his co-pilot had a M-79 (grenade launcher) he carried around. They were flying a mission and he shot himself with it in the thigh. They have a fuse that does not go hot until it travels a given distance; which is what kept them from dying.

I don't think the Darwin awards were around back then but this guy certainly quailifies.
I got a .45 ricochet in the meaty part of my calf a few years ago, the bullet trap was so dirty it wasn't functioning properly. It didn't go too deep, more like someone running a knife blade across the side of your leg as opposed to a true penetrating injury, like a laceration. It surprised me more than anything. It stung and bled profusely, but it didn't hurt so bad that I had to quit shooting ;) . Compared to what all these other guys have experienced, it's definately nothing. I still have that slug somewhere, just don't remember where.

That was the last time I shot at that range.
I got hit with a .32 in the right shoulder. I didn't feel any pain in my shoulder. But that bullet broke 3 of my ribs in my back and that did hurt a lot. I couldn't figure out how the BG shot me in the back when I was facing him !

When I took of my shirt the medic informed me that another bullet went true my left arm above the elbow (hadn't noticed).

I had to stay a few days in hospital with tubes draining impurities from the wounds.

At the hospital the surgeon told me later that their biggest worry was that if any lungtissue was hit they would have had to remove part of that lung.

I kind of regret the surgeon cut true the bulletholes ... no cool scars :D .

One of the presidents i forget who it was, was shot with a .22 and didn't even notice it until later!

That sounds like the Reagan shooting. From what I recall of reading the accounts, the SS grabbed him immediately and rather unceremoniously dumped him in the limo to get him the heck out of there. Reagan's initial reaction was to yell at the agent to get off of him, that he (the agent) was crushing Reagan. The initial pain Reagan felt was from the manhandling necessary to move him out of the line of fire. It was only later in the hospital that they realized he had been shot.
A friend of mine was a door gunner on a heliocoptor in Nam. Served two tours. He tells a humorous story. General wisdom among the troops was that you could tell when you got shot and took a serious wound: It burned. You knew you were likely to die when it burned.

He was standing near a campfire with some other guys. It was hot, he had his shirt off. Unbeknownst to him, someone had thrown some ammo into the fire (.223?) The round cooked off, and the red-hot cartridge case flew out, struck my friend square in the chest! It burned like hell, and he knew he was a goner! Luckily, such was not the case, and he chuckles about it years later.
454 Casull 260 XTP bullet through my chest, and out my back, while boar hunting. Hit my liver, diaphram, 1 lung, and broke a rib. I was still able to run to a pickup, and hang on for 25 minutes until we got to the hospital. Unless someone is hit in the central nervous system, they dont go right down, like in the movies. Thank God!! :)
General wisdom among the troops was that you could tell when you got shot and took a serious wound: It burned. You knew you were likely to die when it burned.

My experience is that one sign of a serious wound is incredible thirst. That's a symptom of shock, and shock is what kills most people who die of wounds.
I took an AK or SKS round in the thigh from 50-100 meters. It felt like Roger Maris hit me with a full swing. I sat down and saw the blood, no big deal, says I, by the time I got off the medivac bird it hurt like 9000 abcessed molars being finessed by a jackhammer. The morphene couldn't come big enough or quick enough. I got a month of clean sheets and hot chow out of that one.

Back in the bush a month or so later, I got hit in the back with a 12" long piece of 155mm short round. The impact knocked me for a midair summersault. It knocked the breath out of me and plastered me flat on the ground. The impact of hitting the ground flattened a steel canteen. There was a bruise the size of a football on my hip and side that stayed with me for several months. The skin on my back at the point of impact of the shrapnel was not broken and there was no bruise. Someone standing ten feet away got hit behind the ear with a piece of shrapnel about the size of a toothpick. He was dead before he hit the ground. A machine gunner got struck in the body by the round when it landed. All we found of him was a boot with a foot in it, loose mangled maching gun rounds scattered all over and a punctured can of shaving cream spewing shaving cream all over. We never did find his M-60 or Helmet.

A year later, I was on a rear area firebase standing at attention for a memorial ceremony. The Captian standing next to me took a stray spend AK round that went through his bicep. He did not flinch and was unaware that he had been hit until someone else saw the blood. To his credit he refused a purple heart.(hear that jean fruaude kerrie?) He said at the time that he thought he was having a muscle spasm when the bullet hit.
Interesting to hear so many stories of gushing blood. I've only seen 2 out of a bunch of GSWs in the ER actively and externally bleed, and only because a vein or artery had been hit.
A guy on opra was shot 7 times at point blank outside of a court house. he stated that he could feel the heat pass through his body and the force of the bullet hitting him but that was it till he got into the ambulance.then he said it was the most excruciating pain he ever had felt. the psyciatrist on the show stated that pain was a way to let the body know something is wrong. He said it takes the body .003 of a second for it to react to its enviroment he also stated that the injury occured so quickly that had his body realized what happend he would have passed out from pain and then he would have been killed.
454 Casull 260 XTP bullet through my chest, and out my back, while boar hunting

How'd it happen? Did someone mistake you for a hog or did he just get carried away shooting at one?

brad cook
Yes, right between the eyes too.

Back when I was 9 or 10, I had just got my first slingshot. I was almost as interested in ballistics then as I am now. I was shooting everything, everywhere, finding out how deep it would penitrate through things, and I far I could get it to go.

Then, I got the idea to see how high I could shoot it up. I looked around for the biggest rock (thinking bigger rocks flew farther), put it in the pouch, and shot it strait up.

The problem was that I couldnt tell when it stopped going, when it stopped completely, and when it started falling...

then next thing I know I felt a good sized 3/4 inch rock smack me right perfectly between the eyes on the bridge of my know. Hurt like heck, but it didnt break the skin, or even leave a bruise. Just a really, really sore spot.

Another time when I was 11 or 12, two of my friends were shooting their BB pistols at the side of their house. I could tell just be the looks of them that they werent that high quality, and probably not that powerful. Somehow, they convinced me to shoot them if they could shoot me. So I got the BB gun, cocked it, and shot them in the back with it. Nothing much.

So I turn around, waiting to feel a good thump on my back, when I hear a loud(er) "snap". A second later, I felt a really hot burning sensation on my cheek (hint; not on my face). It turns out one of them had a more powerful pistol, snuck it out, and shot me in the a$$!

After a few minutes, I went home to check for any blood, and while glancing at my pants, I noticed a little black dot close to where I was shot. I dont know if it was coinidental or not, but I could swear it was a burn mark the BB made from hitting so fast!

They werent bullets, and thankfully, this is the closest I have come to being shot.
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