whats microsoft's stance on gun control?

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Microsoft, whatever Gates' own beliefs, is NOT participating in the fight over the 2A, on either side. If there is hard evidence that they are donating money (not corporate matching, but actual voluntary funds) to anti-gun campaigns, then please post it. Otherwise, there's no point in crying about what Bill himself believes.

The 360 is a heckuva game console, and any High Roader with one is welcome to add me to their friends list- my Live handle is the same as my THR handle.
cajun47, it's obvious to anyone following the thread that your initial question was a transparent, disingenuous attempt to attack Microsoft. You really weren't inquiring at all, were you?

Even if you had a good point, it's now lost in the duplicity of your attempt.

Bad form.
Actually Gates has been very open about his anti2A stance. He's given large sums of money to "solving the gun problem in American streets". Doesn't make the XBox any less of a gaming console but I've other reasons for not owning one, mainly, I have a life.

NRA-ILA list of organizations and individuals known to have made contributions to anti-firearms causes:

(Be sure to read the disclaimer on this page.)

About the list of celebs who's donated or participated in anti-gun causes...I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier to just say "Everyone in Hollywood, with the exception of the following 3 people...."
NRA-ILA list of organizations and individuals known to have made contributions to anti-firearms causes:

Interesting list. I guess if you are a "boycotter" you might as well get rid of your TV. You might accidentally support an anti by watching. :evil:
They need to remember that our firearms were using a "point and click" interface long before they "invented" it.
About the list of celebs who's donated or participated in anti-gun causes...I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier to just say "Everyone in Hollywood, with the exception of the following 3 people...."

Are there actually that many that are exceptions? wow! :)
Technosavant - I might send you an invite if I can get my 360 to recognize my wireless system again. Earlier this week I was having trouble staying conected- I like to play Rainbow 6 LV- And while it may be lambasted here,I am allready waiting for the GTA IV to come out. I will have to skip work for a week :evil:
Microsoft is a pretty neutral corporation.

They do contribute money to Anti-2A organizations with their matching funds. They also do contribute money to Pro-2A organizations with their matching funds. Knowing the predomination of employees at least on the Corporate campus, I'd say that more money goes to Anti-2A just because more employees donate to Anti-2A organizations and get matching funds.

They also completely forbid any weapon on Campus property for any reason. For "Safety" concerns (yeah, right). However, there is a provision in that you are allowed to have one in your car if you are in the Microsoft Gun Club and are immediately going to attend a gun club event after work.

Caveat... It's been 5 years since I've worked there, so things might have changed.


You're going to counteract the political views of the richest man in the world by not buying one of his video games.
Might as well quit buying toilet paper to save the forests.

Whatever spins your prop.
You wanna get back at Bill Gates cause he's an anti? Play Perfect Dark Zero and mow down everybody with the AK-47(KSI-74 in game name) WHILE.......your REAL ak is sitting on your lap! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Anybody that did this would be real high on my list of "No guns for this guy".
"Anybody that did this would be real high on my list of "No guns for this guy"."

thank god you are a nobody. your list? some of you here are more commie than rosie.

Originally Posted by cajun47
i laugh at the united negro and jewish groups ^^^^ that are anti gun, helping disarm the common folk.

perhaps you should burglarize their homes to teach them a lesson..."

how stupid can you be? seriously.
Microsoft's views on gun control? Nope, haven't a clue.

However, if Microsoft built a handgun, here is how it would be.

1. It would be ugly, maybe even come in a crap-like color.
2. There might be one version that works alright, but others would be dogs.
3. It would be derivative while being marketed as innovative.
4. It would be incompatible with common standard ammunition.
5. It would appeal to the lowest common denominator.
6. It would be marketed as superior while winning market share only through nearly giving away the product.
7. Many of those forced to use it would hate it with a passion.
8. The majority of those forced to use it would declare it ". . . eh, good enough I suppose."
9. It would be painfully obvious that the market contained much better choices for the coin spent.
10. They'd never ackowledge design shortcomings.
11. They'd play footsie with the overbearing government rather than looking out for the best interests of the consumer.

In short, Microsoft would make something like a Glock 37 with a jamming problem (equivalent of crashes), while playing kissy-kissy with a BATFE ballistic fingerprinting program behind the backs of their customers.:D
You wanna get back at Bill Gates cause he's an anti? Play Perfect Dark Zero and mow down everybody with the AK-47(KSI-74 in game name) WHILE.......your REAL ak is sitting on your lap! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Uh.. I won't even pretend that makes any sense or is funny.

I won't pretend that it makes any sense either, but you have to admit that his enthusiasm is infectious.
cajun47 said:
how stupid can you be? seriously.
I suppose the depths of human stupidity are limitless...
And somewhere ~20,000 leagues down is the advocation of thievery from someone who disagrees with your opinion.
Here we go again...

Microsoft the company is neutral on the gun issue politically. They prohibit guns on the company campus. They allow Microsoft Gun Club to meet in campus, unarmed.

Bill Gates' father is very anti-gun. He's a Seattle attorney, what do you expect?

Bill the younger isn't really into the gun issue.

In 1997, a handgun owner testing andlicensing initiative (I-676) was run in Washington. Proponents claimed widespread support, on the order of 65-35% (shades of California's 1982 Prop 15). On election day, the only poll that counts, we won 71-29%.

Bill Gates the elder donated $100,000 to the "yes" campaign. Bill (Microsoft Bill) and Melinda Gates donated $35,ooo -- about 15 seconds' interest from his savings account, at the request of dad. Most of the pro-676 money came from software millionaires in and around the Seattle area.

Gates gave money, but it was pocket change. He hasn't followed up with any other anti-gun activity. Given the resources he could throw into the fight if he chose to, do you really want to kick him in the kneecap? Let sleeping dogs lie.

Joe W
Chairman, No on 676 campaign
Anybody that did this would be real high on my list of "No guns for this guy".

Sir, it was a joke! That's all it really was. And no, I've never done that and would never do that. Hell, I barely ever TOUCH my guns when I'm in the house. Why would I have it in my LAP. It was only a joke.

Second, you don't know me or my abilities with firearms, so what's with the "no guns for this guy" attitude?

You sound like you're an anti-gun politician.:neener: :evil:
thank god you are a nobody. your list? some of you here are more commie than rosie.

And apparently you know me well enough to call me a nobody and a commie? :barf:

As for my list? If I were somebody that was allowed to have a list and I witnessed the behavior you described, that person would be on it.
I wonder if there's an even more effective way to preserve the recognition of our right to keep and bear arms than private boycotts of products that you weren't really interested in anyway based on random internet hearsay? :confused:
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