what's with "some" hunters being against RKBA

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I am a hunter, so I run in what would be said a "hunting" crowd. In fact, I grew up in one.

And I know several hunters that don't think people should be able to own "Assault" rifes or any semi-auto pistols.


Because They don't want an "assault" rifle and they like their revolvers.

It really is a knee-jerk reaction for many. They don't like them and express that they don't like them. But really the thought process ends there.

You can usually reason with them if you take the time. They usually aren't lost causes.

For instance....

My father would be called one of those that really doesn't like EBR's. He really never saw them as a sporting firearm either. Last year, we had a long talk about them and you could see the lightbulb turn on when he realized that my Saiga 308 and his Remington 7400 are essentially the same on the hunt. However, he stands by his conviction that he would never own an EBR. But at least he has good reasons now.

He things they are a little to short on the LOP for his tastes, and he likes beautifully carved wood and nice bluing.

I can live with that reason.

-- John
I've been considering an argument for just such gun owners. Something like: hunting is more than a sport and a tradition, hunting is an exercise in self-reliance and independence, if only in emergencies. It fulfills the basic need of food and all it takes is your skill and a tool. Another basic need is protection, something that not many can rely on others for. Law enforcement makes us safer, but they aren't bodyguards and can't be relied upon as such. Like hunting, self-defense fulfills a basic need and is a means of self-reliance that can save you in an emercency.

But i fear the hunting part of my argument might be nitpicked and the point would be lost.
I think the truth is that no one really believes that they don't have the right to self-defense if thye alos hunt, they just won't admit it. They may believe that YOU don't have the right to defend yourself, but THEY do. Even Chuck Schumer and Rosie O'Donnell will hire armed guards and Diane Feinstein probably has more guns than you or I do. And then there is the "Zumbo" type, who thinks you are inferior and shouldn't be allowed those nasty evil guns that are only suitable for terrorists. Even Hugh Hewwitt thought it was okay to "trade" an AWB for more liberal votes. It's also a cultural thing. Life long residents of NYC want to fell superior to residents of other cities. So, they take "pride" in the fact that they have no RKBA in the city. I have also heard some British folks say about the same thing. You know, it's a: "We're more 'civilized' than you chaps in the colonies." It's an attiude that "facts" won't even change. As for most hunters I know, they aren't hostile to the RKBA. I'm sure that there are some out there, but it is purposely overblown.
People are weird like that. If they have no use for something, then nobody should ahve any use for it.

As a side note, my dad is one of those weird people. Thinks nobody should have a pistol. However, a MG in a rifle platform is fine.
We have those in this town. You can open carry a handgun here and garner plenty of comments, but carry a deer rifle over your shoulder with a sling and not get a second look.
I've met hunters who couldn't conceive of shooting another person. And I'm definitely not trying to stir the pot, just stating a fact.

I'm just the opposite.

I can't conceive shooting an animal, but threaten my life or the lives of my family and I will drop the hammer in a New York Minute.

I'm not a hunter. It never appealed to me, but I certainly don't begrudge others from hunting if that's what they're into.
These hunters aren't stupid or ignorant

but often are victims of the divide and conquer tactics of the anti's. It isn't just hunters, you'll find skeet shooters who don't think anyone should have an FA, and bullseye pistol shooters who don't think .50 caliber rifles should be allowed.

Sometimes people are just people.
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