What's your favorite gunboard whopper?

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Mike Irwin, the sad part is that one you most recently posted isnt some joke.

My crystal ball sees alot of similar and mundane and boring posts being posted by new and old members alike, and then most being shut down with the explanation of "the information you are looking for can be found in the archives. Please use the search button to find your requested info.'' I see the livelyness being taken out of The High Road. Taking The High Road doesnt mean posts that are bereft of livelyness and excitement, as well as bereft of a little goofy humor now and then.

My crystal ball also sees this thread being shut down with the explanation being the quote you posted Mr. Irwin.

Like I said in the Tech Support forum, I really liked it here before.:(
Ah c'mon, I done heered about them thar Kaintucky raifles. Why, my Uncle Cleetus was a tellin' me that during the Revolution, them boys was a-shootin them Redcoats at over a mile! An he'd know, to. He's the smarterest one in me whole family, what wif his GED an all. Ain't none o' the raist uh us ever done got none o' that higher edumacation afore.
That thread with Golgo-13 on TFL was very good; I had forgotten about it. But that mall ninja thread was hilarious. I was roaring with laughter while my dog laid here staring at me. The replies were funnier than the original posts. "If Plan A is to take .308 rounds in the back, you should work on a plan B (or something to that effect). "If you get multiple perps you can put them on the choo choo train and take them to mall jail". :D :D :D
I don't believe anyone who says they are "ex-special forces" (and why do they always claim to be SEALs? No Rangers? Hmmm?)

I choose to believe that anyone who really was one would have enough self confidence to not need to appeal to that authority for whatever it is they are claiming.:rolleyes:
"I choose to believe that anyone who really was one would have enough self confidence to not need to appeal to that authority for whatever it is they are claiming."

Man have you said a mouthful of truth right there...

I lived next to my neighbor for over 3 years before his son told me that he was a decorated F-4 Phantom pilot in Vietnam with at least 1, and possibly 2, kills to his credit.

I worked for a guy in a gunshop for over a year before I saw a picture of him in his Green Beret get up. He was also in Vietnam, according to a good friend of his, very heavily into the thick of things for almost 5 years.

Neither of them said much about it even when directly questioned.
That "Mall Ninja" one cracked me up. I can just picture that guy up on the mall roof at Christmas time, making sure no one dips their hand into the Salvation Army collection bucket. :D
Back in 1957, in Germany, some older guy in the unit was extolling the virtues of the .45 ACP. He claimed that one shot from a .45 took some guys arm, "clean off" with one shot. He did not see it himself and I think it was a hand-me-down story too.

This story has been handed down in my family. My great-grandfather was a hunter and used to sell meat in Denver from deer and elk he shot out on Cherry Creek. The meat sold for .08 cents a pound.

When he was hunting for camp meat in the Big Horn Basin in Wyoming he was on an elevation overlooking a watering hole when he saw a large buck drinking water. He fired a single shot and ended up with three deer. There was a doe and a fawn on the other side of the buck, and all fell to the single shot.

Of course I wasn mot there to witness it, but I know that all the men in my family were good shots and with the exception of me, they all shot meat for the table. Great-grandfather Frank was at one time known as the greatest rifle shot in the Rocky Mountains. He used to have contests in Denver with man named Gove, who was a gunsmith. They would set up a metal circle on a post and back off so many paces and shoot. After each shot, they would back off and shoot again, untill someone finally missed.

One day I was in Denver visiting our field office. I took an afternoon and went to the main library and spent several hours of research. I was getting weary and about to give up. I told myself I would look for 10 more minutes after a break to rest my eyes. When I sat down at the reader again I started scanning old papers and the first page was about him. He had collecterd some specimens for inclusion in a natural history display. I need to do some checking and see if any are still there.

" I don't believe anyone who says they are "ex-special forces" (and why do they always claim to be SEALs? No Rangers? Hmmm?)
I choose to believe that anyone who really was one would have enough self confidence to not need to appeal to that authority for whatever it is they are claiming."

If you want to buts some big windbag go to http://www.phonyveterans.com/index.html
One of my favorites that I still hear from time to time:

"When hollow point bullets come out of your body, the hole is the size of a watermelon!"


You trying to start a conflict?

I spent 20 years on military bases. I know enough to take anything said by military or ex-military with a grain of salt.

They're no better informed than the average member of the public on a lot of things, and far less likely to think independantly.

So yeah, any member of THR who claims to be a Seal in the process of trying to sway something to his or her point doesn't get any respect from me for that claim.

Either they weren't a seal or they are making the logical fallacy of appeal to authority.
You don't have to be on the gunboards---

Best whopper of the last century: "Lee Harvey Oswald used a cheap Italian import rifle, aimed and fired 3 shots in 7.3 seconds, hit his target twice, while Oswald was aiming down and the target was both moving and accelerating."

Some versions of this whopper have LHO's bullets entering from the front of his victim, while LHO was behind the victim.
Finally, in re: 5.56 "tumbling" inside the body: I first heard that from an ex-USMC doc who served with the 1stMarine mechanized in Vietnam.

Dunno how he knows about this because I don't know if he operated on VC victims of the 5.56.
I will have to vote for the guy who went by the tag of "Wild Romanian".

He stills owes me a date with one of those visiting wild girls from Romania:evil:
This thread is so funny that I do hope the moderators will leave it alone. I haven't laughd so hard since I don't know when.
When I worked in a gun shop a few years back, a fellow was trying to sell us a beat up 1911 for about five times retail by claiming "This gun was present when Che Guevara was killed".

My other favorite is "The gooks could shoot our ammo in their Aks..."
one word...


I dont try to inflate myself too much becuase you may end up running into one of these fine folks in person. i had been corresponding via email and postings on another board and then we met face to face ata gun shop one day... good thing i hadnt said i was a 6-6 ripppling muscle bound ex seal/ranger/CIA-NSA-FBI whatever... he would have laughed so hard and passed out, I would have had to use my MD degree i earned at age 19 to save him :)

Thanks for the link to the national archives i do want to order records on my grandfather who died when my dad was only 14 and see if i can get his records on stuff he did in the USN in the 30's. i have his name, SSN and birthdate and approx dates of service. sposedly was a fleet champ boxer and had other exploits in the south china seas... although these are tales my dad was told when he was a kid so they may have been embellished.. all i have from him is a few firearms he owned..
Not funny like many of these posts, but I've read several over the years where CCW(claimed) holders are looking forward to having to defend themselves. I don't know if these guys are just pretending they are macho, think it makes them look brave, or are idiots. My guess is idiots.
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