"what's your personal homeland security level" ???

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My level has gone up to two cases of ramen noodles (I had an extra $2 when I went to wal-mart), and as much extra beer as I could afford. I have to have extra food handy in case the war starts. I don't want to have to go to the store to get more snacks and beer while I'm watching the Iraqi army being bombed out of existence. I suppose I could make a beer run during a commercial, but I could also flip channels and not miss any of the action.
I still carry the same 79 rounds that I always have.

45 in the Glock 17
27 in the Springfield 1911A1 Mil-Spec 9mm
7 in the Raven

Considering where I live (very rural Texas), if the terrorists strike here, then they were really lost...:scrutiny:

I'm not taking any more precautions than I do for my daily life already. At least one gun nearby & one knife (now a CRKT Crawford/Kaspar folder) on my person.

Condition Yellow always...:cool:
Just got my CCW,I'll be carrying when not at work.(i work in a state building and cannot carry there,although if things get really bad I may anyway.)
Also keeping my family close and accounted for,and maybe a little ammo stock piling......:cool:
I never said the two were the same, but in some fear leads to cowardice, after all without fear no one is a coward and if you don't see a connection between fear and cowardice, nothing I will say is going to change your mind. We'll just have to disagree.

Let's face facts, there is very little any of us can do in the face of terrorist attacks -- unless they just hop into a McDonalds with an AK. Not something to worry about. I am sure most of us are reasonably skilled at taking care of ourselves and our loved ones, from criminals, no matter what their religious slant.
My "security level" -- which has always sounded kinda silly to me-- has always been dependant on the immediate enviroment, I don't suspect that to change no matter what color CNN/MSNBC/FOX/et al. scroll across the bottom the the screen.
So what is today's forcast? 40 percent chance of nuclear attack possibly turning to biological by evening? :)
after all without fear no one is a coward
Without fear, Cowards have no need to demonstrate their cowardice. They're still cowards, they're just waiting for a fight to run from.

Fear is a good thing, part of your natural survival skills. Whether you control/contain that fear and let it work for you, or you allow the fear to take control and misguide your actions, determines whether you are a coward or not. It is a character trait/flaw that is with you regardless of how safe you are at the moment.
Condition Yellow Pants = Soiled my pants :eek:
Condition Brown Pants = Oopsie :eek:
Condition Red Shirt = so my teammates don't know I'm bleeding! Yeah! Molon Labe!!! :D
Condition green. I carry my Glock, practice often with rifle,shotgun and pistols, wash my hands thoroughly, try not to sniff weird chemical smells, stay in shape, eat healthy, and never,ever run with scissors.
I live in a small town with absolutely no strategic or even shock value as a target. If I lived in the middle of the largest concentration of Jewish people in the world, in DC, or near famous monuments that represent America, then I might worry about being a target.
Well, I for one won't be going near any big cities.....'cuz there are none around here. I am with Azrael; I don't wanna miss one exciting moment.

Think I'll do a couple racks o'ribs, make a batch of Beer and call it B-1 Fun or something, keep on shooting at targets lots, and dream of that huge bull elk that is out there.....somewhere.....

Good thing I was home today, wouldn;t want to have missed all the action at the UN this morning. Besides, they were having a sale at Big 5 Sporting Goods...luve them Mil-surp rifles! :D

Now that the show is going to drop, the local LEO have been put on increased alert, DM AFB is getting ready to go black, it seems like a good time for us to go CONDITION PURPLE!

Condition Purple is me straining bringing in the extra cases of beer, chips and other munchies into the house. God forbid, a crazed terrorist may shoe-bomb the part of the garage we keep that stuff in. Hey, better safe than sorry.

And, I will be carrying my 1911 and the Mrs. will carry here Commander when we leave the house. Oh, wait a minute, we do that already. Hum...everything normal here. :p
Fear: Emotion caused by exposure to danger - fear sharpens awareness. Cowardice: When one is easily intimidated by danger or pain - cowardice dulls your senses.[\quote]
Good point Old Fella.
I live in condition yellow all the time. It's called situational awareness, and it can save your life.
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