When's the next action on the Hearing Protection Act?

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Oct 24, 2015
Now that this has now been introduced in the House and Senate when's the next action on it? I'm under the impression that it will have to pass both, and then any differences in the 2 will have to be reconciled and then if that is done it will go to the president's desk for signature. I could be wrong, so if I am, just explain what happens.

When's the next action on the HPA?
Now that this has now been introduced in the House and Senate when's the next action on it? I'm under the impression that it will have to pass both, and then any differences in the 2 will have to be reconciled and then if that is done it will go to the president's desk for signature. I could be wrong, so if I am, just explain what happens.

When's the next action on the HPA?
That's pretty much it.

No. It doesn't have to be voted on at all. It can be tabled. Keep in mind that it started in 2015 and hasn't gotten beyond Congress.


Ah. Ic.

I see that the HPA reached a 100 cosponsors, so apparently that's a good milestone in pushing this bill forward. With this happening I wonder if will get a vote anytime soon.

Sure would like to put a can on a 9mm carbine for home defense, and not have to pay extortion fees or register anything.
I do believe that we should be able to buy suppressors, as well as SBR etc. without paying a tax and waiting, but it's the wait that really annoys me more than the rest. By God, if I've paid for something I want it and I want it NOW!
But when will it be?

Anytime soon?

Not very likely. RINOcare is the issue du jour in the House. The Senate is on confirmations and Gorsuch is up soon. Then, budget, probably a short term CR for now, and tax reform. That gets us to summer recess at least.

It can pass the House but I don't think it gets a vote in the Senate. There are only about 49 sure GOP votes and no more than 5 likely Dems. That leaves it 6 short of a cloture vote, so McConnell's not going to touch it.

How many Senate sponsors and are there any Dems on?

Tax reform might do it and if leadership is keen, it could be achieved in budget reconciliation.
The Schoolhouse Rock references made me sad, since it reminded me of the Family Guy bit of the singing bill being stabbed by a trash collector's stick & stuffed in a garbage bag...

RPRNY (and I'm sure others) have it right, that this cost-free initiative with direct impact for hundreds of thousands, and eventual impact for tens of millions (i.e. practically every gun owner will end up with a cheap can, same as every other country), instant regulation-free implementation, is simply too much of a niche issue to take precedence over the infeasible Rube Goldberg machine of whatever controversial system will replace the Obamanable Care Act. Nope, gotta focus all our energy on charging that windmill for a solid year, year-and-a-half before they can even think about how much good they'll promise to do for us gun owners after the mid-term elections, if they could only get 2/3rds of both houses...

I really, really, reaaalllllllyyy hope the Democrats soon come to their senses and start ditching the hardline gun control stance. Not because I want them to start winning elections (God, no) but because I want the fear of God put into Republican officials on this issue, for once. They've been paying lip service for thirty stinking years, and have accomplished jack and squat (sneaking a sunset clause into the AWB does not count when you're also voting for it) despite numerous golden opportunities. They have no reason to actually resolve this issue in our favor, since they believe we will lose the desire to support them in elections & donations, and they don't stand to directly benefit from loosening gun control themselves via insider trading. So they will do nothing for us (at best, and pull a Bush anti-gun backstab at worst), until some upstart Democrat starts saying things about loosening gun control (gee, kind of like Sanders for a while early in the primary when he was catching fire) at which point our indolent Republican incumbents will feel the need to speak out in our favor (gee, kind of like Trump's sudden full-bore support of gun rights at about the same time, at which point the NRA endorsed him & he really took off*) or better yet back up these cheap words with actual policies. Competition, my friends, is what we require.


*I mention this as yet another example of how patently obvious it has become that the "tiny niche" status of gun rights is the phoniest of phony social illusions carefully erected over decades by politicians & the media to keep us from holding them accountable for the theft of our civil liberties
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