Where NOT to drive a suburban (gun related) in a big way

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Since we don't know what really happened it is easy to blame the pilot. Unless the air controller told him to shoot the suburban (very, very unlikely) the pilot will likely be found liable.
Though only a former student pilot myself, I believe being the "Pilot In Command" puts ALL the responsibility on the F-16 pilot, regardless of what ant ATC says. 5 kilometers from the live fire range in not "close enough for government work" where the Air Force is concerned. Not even for training purposes.

If this F-16 pilot's flying career isn't over, it will surely be under a magnifying glass. This incident probably will not be good for his future promotions, either.


I remember a buddy and me in Kansas were out in the country shooting at this place that had a great big dirt backstop that looked like a Cat made it. All a sudden a military jeep comes rolling up and an MP with an M-16 starts yelling at us. Turns out we were on the impact range for Ft. Riley. Darn near karked in our shorts. :eek:
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