Where Would We Go?

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Dec 12, 2005
Spokane, WA
Back in September, October, and November of 2004 I heard many Democrats talking about how, if Bush won the election they would move to Canada or France. Well that got me thinking, suppose Hillary wins in 2008 and the Dems control both houses. Then they approve the UN's IANSA, shoot down any 2A SCOUS case or flatout ammend the Constitution and continue to create an Authoritarian state. Pretty much if the US becomes unlivable, where would freedom loving people go?

It seems like the wild and free parts of the globe are rapidly disappearing. Most places are either run by despots or controlling sociallist governments. Are there any places that still respect personal freedom, or (through lack of government) don't infringe on them that you could see yourself moving to?
I'd go nowhere, Fink, this is my country. In America I was born and bred, and will end up dead. Ya don't mess with a dog in his own backyard.;)

Stay and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, as I have sworn several times to do. Let the others flee.

I don't say this with bluster, bravado, or hubris. I just state it as fact (since you asked).
If that time comes it is in my opinion, our duty to resist the tyrants. Our constitution was set up with the 2nd ammendment to prevent that type of government. Ask you self WWGD, What Whould George(washington) Do.
Of course I would be more inclinded to stay and fight for our rights, but the exercise I was hoping to spark was:

What countries have a level of freedom on par with ours that you would consider moving to?

Edit: I assume everyone here would rather stay and fight so (for discussion only) lets drop that option.
The United States is the last hope for liberty on this ball of dirt ... if we fall* than humanity is doomed to some form of totalitarianism (until someone starts a nice nuclear holocaust and maybe the survivors can build a new free land ... assuming there are survivors).

Nope, not a happy thought, but there you have it.

*and there are many...even in these forums...who believe we have already fallen or will soon and that liberty is beyond saving. So the time may come soon that we have to go all Patrick Henry and stuff :( .
Some of the Marines that I went to college with would joke that when the Government finally overturned the Constitution or disbanded the Corps (not sure which they thought was the greater offense:rolleyes: ) they would all get together and take over Guam or Hawaii and rename it "Corpsylvania":D

edit:Gajaq59, I wasn't sure there was, just thought one migh have slipped by my notice.
I think most of us would go to DC and let them know exactly why we have the 2A. Something along the lines of 'This is our country...and we're taking it back' :cool:

We accused the idiots that proposed abandoning the U.S. if GWB became president of hysteria and foolishness. Are we going to become the same type of loosers whining over Hillary being elected as they did for GWB?:banghead:

Follow the advice given then. If you don't like the way things turn out participate in the political process instead of whining.

Better yet, do it before hand.
THEFABULOUSFINK - " What countries have a level of freedom on par with ours that you would consider moving to?"


I ain't goin' anywhere!

Both maternally and paternally, my people were here BEFORE the American Revolution. One of my bloodline ancestors signed the U.S. Constitution. My ancestors fought, shed blood, and died in EVERY war this country fought, except Vietnam (too old for that one), Kuwait and our present war on Moslem terrorists.

I saw someone's signature on the 'Net, supposedly by an American Indian, that says it all for me.

"If they come for me in the morning, I'll be right here!"

I know I wouldn't be running off to some other country if that happened. Damnit I'm an American, & I won't run from/be ran out of the country by some bleeding-heart-liberal nor will I will I just abandon my country & let it go to crap, because of the she/man gun-haters! This is my home, I aint going anywhere!
I might go back to West Virginia and live in the mountains or buy a couple of hundred acres of land, prefferably woods in NC & start my own little compund.
What would George Washington do?

Amen. Certain people *cough*Hillary*cough* have taken our freedoms for granted and have become power hungry spoiled brats. They've lost sight of the foundations of this country and what our forefathers fought and died for. God help us all if Hillary wins! :what: :eek: :what: The damage she did when she was Bill's sidekick was bad enough. Gun control is just one of the many things she'd FUBAR if she were elected. :banghead:

Somebody needs to ship her off to her own little desert island that she can tyrannize and control. Just take all the living creatures off the island first so the poor iguanas don't have to be subjected to her crap. Send Bill and an intern there just for kicks, too. ;) That would be an ineresting reality show.

Back to the original question, I don't know of anywhere that has freedoms on par with our country (hence "land of the free"). If I rule out staying as an option (just for the sake of the original poster's argument), maybe I'd go buy a tiny island somewhere (just not the one Hillary would be on:neener: ). But in reality, I have to agree with all the others that I'd stay and vote to get her out of office in 4 years. Then I'd have to find someone to vote in who'd undo all the damage she did. If nobody stepped up, I'd have to run for office and convince all of you THR folks to vote for me. ;)
I am not aware of another developed nation where citizens have freedoms and rights equal to ours. That being said, I, as others, believe we have a responsibility to stay and fight for those freedoms when threatened.
Ideally and rhetorically, we'll all stay and fight. The problem is that if this kind of extreme occurs, you and your immediate family standing off at your house (heck add your entire neighborhood) will not stop the army of whatever dictator exists.

Anyone recall the line from "Patton" about making the OTHER guy die for his country? I think I'd move to Texas. Or find some bastion of freedom lovers and THEN do something about it. The revolutionary war would not have been won by families with personal firearms. It took an army.
going going --- to DC

DoubleTapDrew said:
I think most of us would go to DC and let them know exactly why we have the 2A.

You be way late-- Suzanna has already gave em the double tap.

"The Second Amendment isn't about protecting ourselves against criminals. It's about all of us protecting ourselves from all of you." Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, to Congressman Charles Schumer (D-NY), 1994
All of us "gunnies".....

can invade and take over Mexico. Then we can kick all the gringo wannabes north of the rio grande. Then we can run Mexico like it should be run..........tequila and soto would be cheaper too.......chris3
I've heard that Costa Rica's entire army totals less than the number of THR-ers surfing this site at peak times. Hmmm . . . ;)
Which way da go - which way da go

Thefabulousfink said:
Pretty much if the US becomes unlivable, where would freedom loving people go?
If you be living in "Aztlan" you won't have to move.
Learn your Latino Slang now.
Latino Slang 4 Gringos to Understand What Others Are Saying About You.

The common people - the poor, the dirty, the lice ridden, the cockroaches are advancing on the United States, a country that needs to speak Spanish because it has 33.5 million Hispanics who are imposing their culture. Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska Caracas, 3 July 2001
I had a new supervisor come in once, who was going to change everything. He was the new sheriff in town and his word was the law.

I told him, "That might be so, but you'll be leaving eventually, and I'll still be here."

"I'll still be here."
There are no substitutes. Burying your guns in PVC, moving to woods and reliving Deliverance or leaving the country are always brought up.

Work at the ballot box for gun rights. That works. We now have 40 shall issue states and the AWB expired. It was political action that got that done.

Now for my soapbox - only fight for gun rights and don't join gun rights with crackpot right wing issues. That's the way to lose middle of the road support. Gun rights should be independent of other nutball crap.
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