Who can identify these German Police Weapons?

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Well, a team member over @ arfcom solved the riddle of the first picture.
It is indeed an H&K MP7
Apparently the magazines are now straight walled also.
Great picture - explains it all.

By the way, what prompted the pictures was the search for a cop killer.
The officer was wearing body armour, but was hit in the neck.
His (female) partner returned fire, but missed...

That stock sure seems to work great with the helmet.
Groin protection aside, that is a goofy place for a kangaroo pouch and a badge. No wonder the guy in pic 1 wants to keep his identity anonymous! :)
Does anyone know if the person in the original pictures is state police or Bundespolizei?
Media reports talk about local and state (Bavaria) SEK (Sonder Einsatz Kommando).
Unless requested, no need for a request for Federal (Bundesgrenzschutz) support since no state boundary was crossed.
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