Who has seen Outfoxed?

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Sep 3, 2006
My girlfriend rented it from Blockbuster tonight and I watched it. I was wondering who else has seen this Movie and what do you guys think about it?

Here it is on Google Video. For those of you who havent seen it.

I was already aware of how bad network news is but this was a real eye opener.

It is about the media (specifically fox news) using propaganda to form public opinion and effecting the way people feel and act about things like, firearms, politics, trials, legislation, all of our civil liberties, including the 2nd Amendment.

It is stuff we talk about here all the time but this movie I just watched kind of calls it all out in the open.

Like one part a CIA officer who was a Fox news contributer is told to refer to Marine Snipers in Iraq as Sharp Shooters because Sniper sounded to Negative. Suicide Bombers are to be called Homicide Bombers.

It is actually about a lot more than that but this should satisfy what your question.

I guess it's not about guns, specifically but then again a lot of threads on here aren't. I just thought some of my friends here might be interested.

It could be a biased documentary like they all are, so I am just asking your guys opinion.
I just watched about 20 mins of it, I'll finish watching the rest when I have more time.
So far I'm not impressed, they throw out a lot of unrelated things with very short clips and jarring interviews that are cut and pasted together to prove whatever point they are trying to make.

Once I have a chance to watch the rest I will post my full impressions of the film.
You mean fox isn't fair and balanced :what:?[/sarcasm]

Admittedly neither is the "documentary". True objectivity among men doesn't exist, but some do it better than others.
All news is biased to some degree. I have a hard time finding a period where the newspapers were not trying to influence public opinion. The best thing you can do is accept this fact and try to get your news from multiple sources.
All news is biased to some degree. I have a hard time finding a period where the newspapers were not trying to influence public opinion.

Exactly. Some years ago, it was revealed that newspapers were judging reporters based on the number of stories that cast certain minority groups in positive light versus negative. The "idea" was to negate stereotypes by reducing references to crimes.

BBC has also admitted to being biased.

And let's not forget: Dan Rather and the fraudulent memos; NBC and the faked truck explosions and AWB demonstrations; Peter Jennings whining about the '94 election results; etc.
And let's not forget: Dan Rather and the fraudulent memos;
According to one source, Rather had the real deal and got canned for political reasons. It's in "Armed Madhouse," by Greg Palast.
Yeah, topic drift. Sorry about that, but this is a real eye-opener.
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