Who here is not a Republican or a Conservative?

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I don't like any politicians. I'm a classic liberal in most of my philosophy as well.
My guess is I'm libertarian on most issues; have voted over the years for Democrats, Socialist Worker's Party, Republican, Libertarian.

I wouldn't now really put myself in anyone's camp- I pick and choose what makes sense to me, and try to destroy (figuratively) those who stand in the way of "freedom with responsibility", and common sense.

I think pretty much the same as the Libertarian Party, but since they are not usually a factor in most elections I usually vote Republican. I sure wish we had some other choices.
I guess the best description for me would be a small L libertarian. Again, I don't agree with all of their platform, but quite a bit.

As Jefferson said, Government governs best, that governs least. Or words to that effect. That's where I'd like us to be.
I don't belong to or support any party. I vote for the individual, not the organization. I have a few acid tests I apply to candidates for any office:

- Would I buy a used car from this person?

- Would I be happy to see my father/mother/brother/sister/son/daughter dating this person? Would I be happy to welcome them into my family?

- Does this person espouse and practise the same values as myself in areas that I consider important? Examples would include RKBA, abortion, size and role of government, etc.

If the answers to these questions are "No", then that person doesn't get my support.

There are, of course, times when none of the candidates measure up to these tests. Under such circumstances, I vote against the greater evil, rather than for the greater good, by voting for the least objectionable candidate. I don't think I ever have the right not to vote - if I've been given that responsibility, I need to exercise it, not let it atrophy.
Check out the Constitution Party

Yeah, but the death penalty for drug use?:what:

But I do like alot of what they say.



Think I'll take some from CP, some from AFP, some from Libertarian, mix it up and come up with my own party.:D

Want to join?
I claim to be a staunch Conservative, that is to say that the less government interference in my daily life, the better.

For years I lived in a state that was mainly Democrat (Read that as liberal) so in many elections I did not vote for a local or State official on the basis of his party but as has been stated earlier, I voted for the lesser of 2 evils.

I am proud to say however that I never voted for a Democrat for president all the way back to JFK and I was a registered Democrat at the time MEA CULPA ( I have changed partys since)

My main criteria to gain my vote is the candidates stand on the Constitution special attn. to ammendment #2
Political Affiliations

I'm a Libertarian, with strong rational anarchist tendencies. I don't like political parties, and usually freak out my freinds when I tell them that public office should be filled by conscription.

Knock on the door

"Mr/Mrs/Ms Doe?" -says neatly dressed individual

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Consider yourself elected. You have 10 min to grab a tooth brush and say good bye. We'll wait in the car"

Jobs are held open during your term in office, room and board provided and pay is suffecent to service your personal debts.

Radical perhaps, but its got to be a darn sight better than the snail-oil salesman we have now (Hon. Rep Paul excepted)
Depending on how idealistic or grouchy I am on a given day, I oscillate between being a market anarchist and a small "l" libertarian.
Conservative/Republican here, but (in order to reach the masses of New Jersey before the next elections) is there credibility to the arguement that the right to chose to carry a concealed weapon is actually somewhat of a liberal concept if you really think about it?
I consider myself to be a reasonable centrist with Bakuninist tendencies and occassional right leaning Trotskyite thoughts allthough I am a registered Republican.

I live in Alaska...I can think anyway I want without anyone caring very much...so can anyone else..
Interesting fellow, Leon Trotsky. Too bad Lenin left a power vacuum when he died. He reached out many times to Trotsky and was rebuffed. The result was Stalin.

A strict Constitutionalist, myself, but not a member of the Constitution Party nor the Liberterian Party. Not registered Dem or Rep, I dislike them equally. Part Free Silver, part Free Soil, part Populist, part Federalist, maybe part Menshevik ala Trotsky? Hell, part Narodnik, too. Anything but the status quo. Appreciate the liberal thoughts of Thomas Jefferson.Would make a lousy delegate to a national political convention.
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I lean heavily towards Rational Anarchist, however, I do vote, on the basis that while it may be useless, it's still nessecarry to follow the steps. the cartridge box may be the 4th box of freedom, but that doesn't mean we should be eager to use it

Unlike most here, I am what they call an old-school liberal libertarian.

Pro-choice, pro-1st amendment (particularly in regards to speech and religion), pro-environment (and anti-development), very pro 4th amendment, I love the diversity of the inner city, and I think anyone should be able to have and carry any gun they see fit.

You would be surprised at how many liberals are for gun ownership, its just that the anti-gun types have framed the argument in their way for too long. But that is coming around I think as the data piles up.
Myself, I dunno. My father is a lifelong liberal Democrat, but even he's becoming disenfranchised with that party. I looked on both of their websites, and their actual platforms are exactly the same. "Don't vote for (other Party) because they are bad". I think part of the problem being that they too often don't have personal beliefs because they have to fall along party lines. Politically, I"m probably a libertarian with some liberal leanings. It's funny, but it's not liberal ideas that have chased me away from the democratic party; it's the Democrats.
Although a registered republican, & one who works within their ranks to hopefully turn their tide, I am a rational anarchist.

Why, oh why! would anyone need a roadsign to tell them to:

"Resume Safe Speed"?

That, alone, spells out the looming disaster enough for me.

If one cannot grasp that basic law of survival, one doesn't really deserve to live.

Sorry. I didn't make Thesel Rules ...

political affiliations notwithstanding.
I pretty much think Libertarian, but I have a tendancy to be really hawkish, especially when it comes to non-democratic governments possessing weapons of mass destruction.

That viewpoint of mine may change as well as it seems that it is ever increasingly impossible to prevent dictatorships from owning WOMD.

And I'm a HUGE fan of Thomas Jefferson.

A brilliant man, but he was able to change and challenge his very own deepest beliefs on a whim.

That's one of the reasons why he was so brilliant.
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