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Why are you at THR

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I'm here because of the lack of BS (and if there is BS people get FLAMMED). Also this forum is dedicated to a particular gun or brand or style of shooting, and that makes me happy because neither am I.
Found it a lot in google searches, wanted to ask a few questions, and joined. Then i realized that this is a nicer site to be at than any others i have tried, and it is now the only site i frequent. I like the civility here.

Awesome short stories, weren't they?! Re: your question, I taught Spanish and English for 5 years, then was a MS/HS principal for 5 years. Now I suffer the liberals around me as a graduate professor. Life's rough. I have converted a few professors there, and several of my students are LEOs.

Why am I here?............Simply to discuss firearms in general. This board is moderated pretty good, no flaming, no idiotic threads, nice general family board.

I am not here to discuss politics or to second guess why someone did what they did in a shootout or home invasion or what they might do if attacked.

I am a handloader so that is a major interest of mine. There is a wealth of information in that sub forum.

I appreciate how most threads are kept on track rather than drifting to the moon.
After PDO went down, I needed a new home. THR came highly recommended and I feel just as home here as I did there.

I feel we all are making a difference.

As I don't get out much, I'm still waiting on the opportunity to personally meet some of the folks on here.

If it ever does hit the fan, I'd rather be with the folks here than with those who have their head buried deep in the sand. Here you can find common sense, the love of freedom, and respect for the Constitution.

I am happy to be aboard.

Good information, respectful discourse, differing opinions, factual responses to reasonable questions. I'm very happy with the MODs performance and level of intervention.

So far, I don't see folks posting just to pad their post totals :)

pros: (in no particular order)
1. lack of flaming and good moderators make a more informal conversational atmosphere where experts and n00bs can learn or just express themselves
2. relatively fast server and no banner ads
3. the domain name and lack of tasteless pictures and expletives make this more work-safe than other forums
4. there ARE some knowledgeable people here, although their voices are often lost in a sea of posers, trolls and half-value knuckleheads
yahoo search on a firearm question that i dont even remember brought me here. i havent left.
Like a few of the others that came here when it originally opened, I too came here when TFL closed down. I liked the people posting back then.

While I seldom if ever post, I am always here.
i was actually refered here by a "taurus armed" poster. then after reading a few days of the posts here, i realized what a valuble resource this is. the wealth of knowledge here is outstanding. the people are freindly, open and honest, and will help you to the best of their ability and experience.
I like having conversatoins about guns without being run over by "tacticool" crap.
It's nice to see people that believe in guns that were available in colors other than black.
pros: (in no particular order)
1. lack of flaming and good moderators make a more informal conversational atmosphere where experts and n00bs can learn or just express themselves
2. relatively fast server and no banner ads
3. the domain name and lack of tasteless pictures and expletives make this more work-safe than other forums
4. there ARE some knowledgeable people here, although their voices are often lost in a sea of posers, trolls and half-value knuckleheads

What taliv said, but I didn't know we had a lack of good moderators.
Was 'flaming' used as an adjective or a verb?
I have no need for a flaming moderator.
One word. Information. I learn something new here almost every day.

And of course the company isn't half bad either.
Somebody knows something. All of my questions have been answered and polite folks on the site.
Came here via a google search, and then seemed to keep ending up here for other searches.

I grew up in a house where swearing was not allowed, and this is about the only place I have found since then where there is relatively little rough language. Things just seem more intelligent when the language is thoughtful. It's also rare to be confident that you can put yourself out on a limb, ask your dumbest question and you won't be flamed.

It's also great that few Napolean complexes surface in answers to people's inquiries, that people admit their limited expertise and suggest the poster undergo further research.

My final two reasons would be that senior members generally jump on asinine posts, and that I can actually READ what most everyone writes here. I'm no writer, but I miss the archaic idea of sentence structure.

Almost forgot, the Muay Thai a Boar thread really sealed it.
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came here originally to get on the trading post...

tried a few other forums/sites and found the majority of people on those were arrogant pricks wanting me to prove my worth - so I stayed here and like the diversity of opinion, topics and personalities.
I found this place thru google also.
I like it here, the information and debate on topics that on other sites would turn into a name calling mud slinging contest where you would have your sexual preference and your mothers relationship to your father called into question.
Debate is great, heated debater shows passion... name calling and personal insults shows something alltogether different.
There are a lot of good people here.

Why am I here?

I cruised some gun forums looking for info one week, and was amazed at some of the childish bickering, nasty comments, and just plain BS on some of them. I chose THR because it is mainly devoid of such things, as well as having a lot of experienced, knowledgeable posters. I also thought I could share my experience, such as it is, mainly in the reloading forum. I have learned a great deal here as well. I am a much more rounded and knowledgable gun owner thanks to participating here at THR. I enjoy logging in to see what folks are talking about and to share my insight when applicable, or to just comment as it were. I enjoy my time spent on THR. I log on to other forums looking for info sometimes, and participate some, but my quality time is spent here. AC
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