Why can't anyone make a quality mini14 mag

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Dec 6, 2007
South of the Mason Dixon line
A magazine is a very simple piece of machinery (body,spring,follower and floorplate) so why can't anyone duplicate the ruger factory mags. Is it maybe a patent issue and they have to have slight differences or maybe just the quality control of the companies that do make the mags? I have 2 masen 20 rounders that work good and have 2 factory 20 rounders and 1 PMI 30 rounder on order. When the factory mags get here I want to compare them to see what the differences really are.
I have one ruger 20 round mag and 7 pro-mags. If the ruger mag didn't say "ruger" on it I'm not sure I could tell them apart.

I have never had a single malfunction out of the pro-mags. I would rather buy those for $20 dollars than the factory mags for $30+ dollars.
same here i own both factory mags and stainless promags and have never had a single problem with either, so i stick to buying promags for half the price
If you can find Precision mag industry magazines they are quality.I have a few and they never have given problems from slow fire to rapid firing.I bought a couple recently off Gunbroker and they were sealed in PMI bags but Im suspect if they really are PMI mags because they don't have the name on the bottom,every other one I have does.I haven't tried them yet but I stopped to think that *maybe* they could be USA brand packaged in PMI bags.....but maybe not.I just don't know if PMI ever made mags without their logo on them to be sure.
A magazine is a very simple piece of machinery (body,spring,follower and floorplate) so why can't anyone duplicate the ruger factory mags.

I think your premise is mistaken. Magazines are not simple. Getting them right is hard. It took Garand years to get the feed right on the M1. It's hard to make mags in quantity that work. Lots of bottom feeders can't/won't ever get 100%.

Many years ago, I acquired some 30 round Thermold magazines (polymer bodies, followers and floorplates) for a Mini-14 that worked great. Later I sold them on shortly before possession of such became prohibited by Canadian federal law. I haven't see them offered by US (or any other sources) for years. Thermold also made similar AR15 pattern magazines.

So, it *is* possible to make good magazines for the Mini-14...
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i've never had a pro mag work correctly in anything.:scrutiny:

my mistake. i did have ONE out of the five i bought for a high point carbine actually work.
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