Why do guys sell their gun when they get divorced?

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Jan 18, 2003
Should it be the other way around? If a guy gets divorced shouldn't he buy more guns? Where is the logic?
Well, I'm still married to my first wife:D but I think it has to do with splitting everything down the middle and then giving her the much bigger half:D After the big D then, if your not saddled with high alimony and child support, you can spend as much as your electronic banker will allow:D YMMV
Amish, It's obvious that you have never been thru a divorce. By the time the wifes bottom feeder is done with you, you have no home, no cash and the old car. I managed to hold onto my guns, but after paying alamony and child support did not have the money to buy any new guns for a while.
Do you know why divorce is so damn expensive? Because sometimes it's worth it. :D
I sold 15 ( fairly rare) BHP's to help finance my divorce. Ended up costing me 2 houses as well.

On the other hand, my life did seem to get a lot better as soon as the ink was dry.

All in all, my court-mandated liposuction turned out better than I'd expected. In just one day I lost 300 pounds of mean, ugly fat.

Life is good.

I work in an environment where the divorce rate is higher than the general population. Everytime a guy says he getting a divorce, there is always someone there to ask what kinds of guns, tools, etc. he is willing to sell for cash up front.
My friend is going through a divorce right now and it is costing him a fortune. He won't sell any guns to pay for it though.

I have seen a recent study about the relative happiness of different classes of married/single people and the happiest of all people are men following a divorce. Unmarried women are the least happy. I thought that was interesting.
Hal: Must be one of those 'Liberal Ords' like in the movie "For richer or Poorer" ....BTW When I was divorced I had to sell almost all my guns and More ! But I got better ones now...took me 10 years though.
Mine happened kind of bass-ackwards, but the end result was the same. When my first wife and I split almost 10 years ago I left the house but the guns stayed behind (major tactical error on my part). Of course we both agreed to respect each other's property and work through things together, and of course within a few months the... ummm... lying female canine had sold them all. My collection was small but did have a few pieces that were special to me (LNIB Series 70 Gold Cup, beautiful blue 6" Python to name two).

So the upshot was that my collection got sold not to finance my expenses related to the divorce, but to finance her extravagant lifestyle while the process was underway. I got some measure of revenge, however, when the court ruled that any joint property she had disposed of counted against her share of our "stuff" when we ultimately divided it up. She got "my" guns, but in return I got "her" solid cherry dining room set... which I promptly sold to finance restarting my collection. It all works out.
I got REAL lucky I guess when I got rid of 'the female canine formerly known as the spouse'. I got to keep my gun collection ( as small as it was), and both cars. One was a beat up lemon Camaro she didn't want and she couldn't afford to pay for the other one. The only downside was she took our son back to Maine, which is 1250 miles away, so I don't see him often. But, I got to keep my guns!!!!! And I got rid of her!!!! And the child support is low enough, I can afford to buy more guns.

He needed the money ! :D
Of course we both agreed to respect each other's property and work through things together, and of course within a few months the... ummm... lying female canine had sold them all.
Mdshooter, this is the reasoning behind those 2000lb. safes you see at the guns expo. :D

Seriously, sorry to hear of your misfortune, I'm going to rebar my safe to the garage floor tonight !!!!!!!!! just in case.............the :cuss: errr WIFE gets any ideas.
I'm the other side of that story

The wife packed up and left me with the house and 3 kids to go "find herself" about 9 years ago.

After paying off the firm of Shyster, Flywheel and Shyster, I finally bought a Garand from CMP and the flood gates opened. Now I have an almost complete WW II collection of battle rifles.

If she was still around I wouldn't have any of them, since I didn't trust her with firearms in the house and kept my only gun, a .22 Buckmark, locked in a wall safe.

Best money I ever spent, on both the lawyer and the Garand.

Don P.
Yep thats a real quick way to get your man out of the house for good. Tell the judge you are afraid of him and his guns.

Note to all married men:

Hide your guns at the first sign of trouble, hire a lawyer, and get a second and third job. Many times it is the wife's lawyer doing all the bidding, so regardless if you wife is sweet and "would not do that", she will.


Women, you can't live with them.
How many lawyers, hers, immediately cry 'domestic violence' he hit her and he needs to get rid of the guns to prevend the possibility of his killing her? And of course the judge says 'make it so' and away they go. Just one possible scenerio. Rightly or wrongly I think more lawyers for the female dog are doing this as a tatic to get more and put the husband in bad light and getting away with it.

Do not get any additional jobs. It will end up costing you more in alimony and Child support. Then you will have to keep the extra jobs for the rest of your life. Get the extra jobs after the ink is dry.

When I was separated my wife called the cops (I lived in PRNJ) and said I had guns in the car.
Well one (very anti 2nd am.) came up to me when I dropped the kids off and asked if that was the case. I said no, I did not have any in the car.
Since I was legal and had all my paperwork the cop said to her it was perfectly legal even if I did.....this was after giving me a hard time, so I had to correct him and said no it is not legal to ride around the PRNJ with guns in your car only from point A to point B. He was P.O. at that point and I told him I was not opening the car unless he had a warrant. His Sargent arrived and he was very 2nd am. so after talking to him for a few minutes I let him look in and there was nothing in there. Boy were the other cop and my wife pissed! It was great and the Sargent went on to the wife and cop telling telling them they need to be more responsible!

Sorry about being long winded.
If the relationship is failing, both parties know it. As is said many times, the best defense is a good offense. He who files first, usually comes out on top. Never trust a lawyer, especially your own.

Having gone through the "Big D", I learned a lot on our judicial system. Thaank God my ex was as stupid as I thought she was.

1) she was too stupid to pay attention to how many guns I had.
2) She was too stupid to learn the gun safe combination.
3) she was too stupid to even consider I would file first.
4) she was so stupid she threatened me with a gun she borrowed from her boyfriend!
5) she was so stupid she misjudged our son (he chose to stay with me, so I got the house!)
6) she was so stupid she QUIT her very high paying chushy job, so she would not have to pay child support and pay me alimony payments!

I remained civil and calm through the whole thing and MADE my lawyer do what I WANTED, not what he wanted. Perseverance and logic won out.
The fatal mistake most people make in a divorce is that the lawyer will take care of things, lawyers are like water crossing a field, they take the path of least resistance, not the best for you.

Sorry for the rant, but my ex said the same stupid excuse to me as a reason for wanting a divorce (before I found out she had a boyfriend) "I just want to find myself" to which I replied, "If you don't know after 43 years, you ain't going to find out now!" :D
My old boss "sold" me his guns while he went through his "D". I bought them for a doller for each gun. When its was over i "sold" them back to him for a glock 17. He had 22 guns, 15 handguns and 7 long/ shotguns. It was a fare thing me.;)
Having been through one divorce and a great military handgun collection, now anytime I meet a woman I think about marrying, I just buy her a house, a car, and a boat then leave quietly.:banghead:
DC, sounds like the sage advice of Lewis Grizzard :D

Divorce, BTDT. I thought it was a pre req for TFL/THR, going back to school and other life stuff.:p

Guns: heck ,anything of value [money or sentiment] get it out of the house, sell to a trusted friend, with a reciept. Get rid of anything that might be used against you .

Forget the first date, sentiment, memories, all that mushy crap... get your own good lawyer [she will]. Divorce is a "Fight, ****, or go for your gun type deal". Name of the game is survival.
After using two different bottom feeders in my divorce and getting wipped every time we went to court, I started representing myself. I did far better than either of the "highly recomended" lawyers I heired. The problem is two fold. First the lawyer knows your assets and will not settle your case until he or she has sucked them all up. Second lawyers will not go against anothers lawyers shady tactics in court. I was able to show the judge how her lawyer was twisting things and going out of his way to have a vendetta against me. The look on her sheister's face and the fact that he almost grabbed his chest when I made him look bad in front of his partners in crime was priceless. It takes some research and time to do it yourself and I didn't start representing myself until after the divorce. I went in about child custody and child support issues. The idea of the two bottom feeders telling each of us how he was going to wipe each of us out and then going out for beers after court to socialize really burned my butt. And don't think that they don't do so-they do.
One thing that I did was as soon as my wife said she wanted a divorce was to take our assets and pay off every bill we had and cancel the credit cards. I also put a large retainer on both of our lawyers. If I had not done so we would have had to split our assets and I still would have been stuck with all the bills. I also got a u haul and movrd all of stuff out of the house and put it in storage until I found another place to live. Food for thought.

Best to all, John K

Whoa, y'all are freaking me out!

As a young guy with a couple of guns who's never been near marriage, hearing these war stories makes me wonder: is getting married even worth the risks? I can see all kinds of costs and risks, but what are the benefits? Catering to tradition? Children?

If you war-torn, medal-adorned divorce veterans "knew then what you know now" about how the overall system works, would you still have considered marriage in the first place? Do you have any advice for us rookies?
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