Why Do You Need More Than 10 Rounds?

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Dec 28, 2002
Minnesota - nine months of ice and snow...three mo
OK -- The AWB is over. But we'd best get ready to fight the new ban that's coming.

It's likely that the antis will go after the 10-round limit. It's understandable to the masses, there's a "LE/Military" infrastructure in place and compromises make for good politics.:barf:

So...what are your answers when a fence-sitter asks you "Why do you need more than 10 rounds anyway?"

1. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you misunderstand?
2. Can you guarantee that I will NEVER need more than 10 rounds to defend my family?
3. Why is 10 rounds less dangerous than 11 rounds? Or 20 rounds? Or 50 rounds?
4. If a 10 round limit supposedly keeps bad guys from committing mass murder, what's to keep a bad guy from reloading or carrying multiple guns?
5. Why do you need a car that goes faster than 55 mph? Or a house with more than one bathroom?
6. Freedom and liberty are important to me, and our right to keep and bear arms is spelled out in our founding documents for a reason -- because politicians will continually try to erode the rights of ordinary people.

What are your answers when someone talks about infringing on this basic right?
As I pointed out to a coworker yesterday, the United States is a Free Market economy where I shouldn't have to justify "need" to do as I please, so long as I'm not infringing on anyone else's civil rights.
For hunting, my state has a 5-round limit for semi-auto rifles, no change with AWB expiration.

For target shooting, the matches I've shot require a reload, so no need for more than 10.

For self-defense, I hope I don't need more than 10. In fact, I hope I don't need any at all. But I'm glad I can buy new, hi-cap mags again. Instead of paying more for old, pre-ban, hi-cap mags. (See how much difference the law made?) Magazine capacity should be a choice, like how many golf balls you carry in the bag.

You have one bad argument: Why do you need more than one bathroom in the house? That tells me you have no daughters :)

Why can your car go over the speedlimit? Why can't we ban cars that go over 75MPH, or ban bathtubs, or swimming pools, household cleaners, or Big Macs, considering all these contribute to far more deaths than any use or misuse of firearms, according to the National Insitute of Vital Statistics 2002 data? When they work to ban these items, I will listen to thier howling about my over 10 round magazines......not seriously, but listen and laugh....
Why do you need to express your opinion about the government?
Why do you need the freedom to peaceably assemble?
Why do you need the freedom to worship, or not, as you see fit?
The answers you give for the above is the same answers as to why I need more than a 10 round magazine.
Because I want more than ten rounds. No more justification is necessary.

But for the sake debate, one good tactic I've heard is to turn the question backwards. Don't try to justify to them why we should have normal magazines. Instead, make them justify why, in a free society, they should have the authority to arbitrarily dictate what types of personal property others can own and use. Tell 'em to mind their own damn business.

Remind them the government has only that authority which has been explicitly delegated to it by the Constitution. Ask them to quote the portion of the Constitution that specifically grants the government the authority to determine what kinds of products I can buy, own, or use.
Well, there was that one time where at least a dozen pumpkins went rabid in the cornfield and I had to put them down when they threatened to take the house. Not a situation where you want to be overrun because you ran out of ammo.

Why not let the manufactuers make what they think will sell and modify their products based on customer demand? Isn't that basically what every other industry does? Why is the number arbitrarily ten?
Why do you need a car that goes faster than 55 mph? Or a house with more than one bathroom?

Simple. The speed limit here is 70 :neener:

My answer: Why do I want to waste time at the range reloading? Or if I want to go shooting out back, but dont want to carry a box of ammo to reload?
I need more than 10 rounds for the same reason that the military does:

"To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." (An oath that I first took almost 25 years ago. Even though it is no longer a condition of my "employment", I still find that it is binding upon my person.)

I need more than 10 rounds for the same reason that law enforcement does:

To protect myself, my family, and my community from criminals.

Any other questions?
The first step is to attack rather than defend. Why does there need to be a law restricting high capacity mags?

The current ones haven't been effective in reducing crime. There have still been mass shootings by criminals who simply used more mags, or multiple guns.

The restriction doesn't provide possitive benefits.

Next step is to ask why a police officer needs high capacity magizines, but a private cirizen doesn't? If a private citizen is forced to use their gun to defend their life they are just about as likely to need high capacity mags as an officer.

In many cases the private citizen can flee, while the officer cannot, but when defending family members comes into play, fleeing isn't always an option.

Gun grabbers tried for years to ban guns, with little success. Laws that made big incursions into people's second ammendments rights were getting shot down, so they decided to nibble away at our rights instead.

They push for laws that take little nibbles out of our rights and attack guns they can demonize easily, or things they can say no-one really needs.

They're trying to take away our rights a little at a time, and making small steps that don't raise constitutional red flags in the courts.

I'm not willing to give up my rights for nothing in return. These gun gontrol laws haven't reduced crime. They haven't increased the safety of the public. All they have done is made it harder for law abiding people to defend themselves.
Why even have magazines? Why not give everyone single shot guns? I know it's sarcastic, but why is TEN the magical number of rounds to have in a magazine?

Let the person argue FOR it instead of the other way around.

My best argument is to use the statistics for police shootings. The average hits per shots fired is 1:6. In a ten round magazine, in a real self-defense situation, if you're as skilled with a weapon as a police officer, you're only going to get ONE HIT on the bad guy. Considering that most people don't stop attacking after they've been shot once, it would seems that TWELVE rounds would be a minumum. Unfortunately, criminals frequently hunt in pairs which would bring the round count to 24.

Then it's their turn to do the math... How many rounds should the woman in Oklahoma had in her gun to defend herself against the 3 men that broke into her house?

Of course, when I'm shooting, it gets pretty annoying to have to reload all of the time. When I go the range and blow off 300 rounds, I've got 30 reloads to look forward to. What a pain!
You have all these reasons for having more ammo, why do you need any more?

In case the first 10 don't do the job.

In the Declaration of Independence, one of the tyrannies commited against us by the king are:

"He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power."

Could you imagine that?
my answer:

i may not need more than ten tounds,but i WANT more than ten rounds, and that's all that matters. i don't have to show a need to you or anyone else, including Unlce Sam.

the end.

I go after this aspect of the law:

In almost any '10 round' mag as manufactuared persuant to this ban, I am able to stullf in 11 rounds...

<holds up EMPTY mag> Do you think I should be a FELON with a mandatory jail sentence just for walking around with this piece of plastic?

What about 80,000,000 gun owners in this country? Should we all go to jail?
Need is irrelivent. But since you asked.

Bad guys not wearing body armor and not under the influance of anything have taken ten .45ACP rounds to the chest and continued to attack the victim before finally loosing blood pressure and stopping.

Police where getting out gunned with revolvers. They work in teams and have backup, most non LEOs do not.

SWAT teams carry hundreds of rounds when going after one bad guy.
If I'm ever unlucky enough to get shot at, and I have to shoot back 11 times, I will need more than ten rounds.

If 10 rounds are all anyone ever needs, why not ban carry of more than one magazine? And why not ban both hi-caps and more than one magazine for police as well?
You don't need your [item]. Your [item] kills many people a year. Your [item] should be illegal.

Insert cars, guns, knives, forks, cigarettes, poodles, electrons, processed food, guitars, alchohol...

The fight isn't over guns, it's over rights.

If the Constitution and its background were understood, the question wouldn't be asked. Good luck on providing a fully educating response. It's easier to dismiss the question. Liberals have tried pretty successfully to make it appear debatable, but it's really not. Honoring the BoR can be a bitter pill for some on occasion. Americans are free to see themselves as soldiers of freedom and are entitled to own a competitive weapon, including fully automatic capable, the same as any infantryman or police officer, a potential adversary.

A ban is infringement on that entitlement, making primary citizens into second class citizens. Worrying about the consequences of fully honoring the 2nd Amendment is just tough beans. The same controversy could have occurred over muskets versus repeater rifles, well over a century ago. Once given a grander right to own such a weapon, one is free to own or shoot it just for the fun of it, no excuses or specific justification required.
You may recall the story of Rory Vertigan who responded when a Phoenix LEO was shot in the head by a gang of Mexican "Coyotes" (people smugglers). Rory had a single full-capacity magazine in his .357 Sig Glock.

He ran his gun dry as the crooks scattered into the slums of south Phoenix.

Rory's gun was confiscated as evidience, but the local police union (PLEA) got him another one.

I want a 30-rd magazine for my Glock 21. 15 rounds in a pre-ban mag with a 2+ extender isn't enough! :neener:
"It's not a question of need."

If you really want to get your blood pressure up, visit this thread at Fark.com (not safe for all workplaces or home environments, FYI):


I'm sure most of the public forums like Yahoo! and news sites all look about the same. Note how a lot of the antis keep saying "yeah, but cars and bikes aren't DESIGNED TO KILL," as if that's germane to the discussion. My favorite is where they talk about how AWs should be banned because they're designed to kill, but hunting rifles and shotguns are OK. Because they're, like, designed for something else? :confused:
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