Why let them set the terms?

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I thought it was about a slogan/title. I like "pro-2A", with the reservations I indicated and why.

That isn't an intrinsically positive slogan or title though. In fact it's less descriptive than "pro-gun-rights."

Much in the way that any abortion-rights supporter would tell his opponent that he's also "pro life," someone in favor of restrictive gun laws probably believes that he's also "pro-2nd amendment."

Remember- most people, and the supreme court, consider the second amendment to allow a broad range of restrictions on gun ownership.
Pro abortion-rights people don't accept the term "pro-life" as anything but a sanctimonious self-serving lie, to put it bluntly. It doesn't put their opponents on the defensive because nobody takes it seriously.

That would be a valid point if we were thinking we could convert the hard core anti's. Were not, and we never will. Indeed we shouldn't even be bothering. In reality were going for the undecided and others in the middle. The term I'm looking for here would one to appeal to them. Most of them could care less about the 2A since they still think it's about duck hunting, and if not they don't care to contemplate having to use the 2A to defend themselves against governmental tyranny. But, put in terms of defending themselves against a mugger or a rapist and suddenly they're more interested and more open. Which is why more and more I'm convinced that Pro Self Defense is the way to go.

It's not just about self-defense or hunting. It's about the common man maintaining his autonomy and the ability to protect himself, his family, his neighbors and his country from all enemies. Foreign and domestic. Be it foreign invaders or a tyrannical government. It's about the common man's ability to protect and perpetuate the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. It is a critical part of our checks & balances. It's the last line of defense and the 2nd Amendment stands guard over the other 9.
Language has a lot of twists and turns. Here's a link to a section of a site that talks about using language effectively with the anti crowd. It's from Pink Pistols site, which for those who aren't aware of it-I wasn't 'til recently-is a site for members of the gay community who want to arm themselves. Give it a read, there's some very thoughtful stuff there that every pro gun/constitution/2nd ammendment/armed citizen person can use.

The best way to make converts is to take a kid shooting. The safety and confidence they learn there will go far toward shielding them from the propaganda of the anti's
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