Why you carry a .357 on the deer hunt

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Yrs ago I saw a friend getting ready to field dress a small "dead" small doe that suddenly came to life and dragged him about 35 or 40 ft, hanging on to her neck into a creek before she expired for good. The guy who weighed about 185 pounds said later he was afraid to let go. He was a muddy and bloody mess and probably needed a change of underwear:D
This kind of thing doesn't happen often but a wounded deer can be dangerous as hell regardless of the 'Bambi" image many folks have.
"We keep hearing from the antis how "no one needs a handgun while deer hunting."

The whole problem with this statement (not referring to the original poster of this thread!) is that one does not have to show a "need" to own anything! It is not a matter of need that dictates our wants. In the USA (the free part, at least) you may buy any marketed product that you want.
The logic is badly flawed. It's as dumb as saying "No one needs chewing gum to go deer hunting".

Good post. I infer from it that you do indeed need a handgun to go deer hunting.
"A hunter bagged a big buck on the second day of firearms season"

We have hunting seasons in WA; it's ALWAYS "firearms season".

we have hunting seasons here in oregon too. most are firearm seasons, shotgun, centerfire, blackpowder. some are bow. too bad you washingtonians can't use a bow.
he shot it twice with a 270 and it didn't go down? sure sounds like he needs to spend a little more time on the range.
he shot it twice with a 270 and it didn't go down?

The Deers are wearing body armor!
They must be preparing for revenge!

Anti-gun activists: Quick! We must convert to vegetarian, pay tributes of land and treasure, and worship the deer gods to pay for our crimes against them!

THR Folks: What? Its cool, I have my EBR/.50BMG/High Explosive Traps/Other ready, and I'm in the mood for venison.
yup, i shot and killed a deerwith a 357 mag. no problems either. lets face it, the anti's just dont want us to have guns, PERIOD. it does not matter what type, shape, style, or form. to them a gun is a gun, and they all are bad. someday, when there is a bg, standing over them in their bed, and he wont leave when thay ask, then, and only then, might they change their minds.
Haha, I love it
"Two well placed shots"

hmm Shouldn't that read "one well placed shot" ?!?!
With a .270.... funny I got my buck with a .270 weatherby this year... one shot 120yrds.
I was 14, it was opening day of Michigan firearm deer season, 1988... 8 am... My father had continued on down the trail a piece and left me on a stump. Along comes 2 doe and a 7 pt... 20 yards, I put 2 rounds from my 270 right through the boiler room... Remington core-lokts... don't remember how heavy they were... Heart was non existent when I field dressed and the lungs looked like swiss cheese... Deer lays down 25 feet from me. Being the excited youngun I was I had to run right over and check it out... Seeing that he was still alive I figured I needed to expend more ammunition by putting one in the neck for good measure and then all holy heck broke loose (before I could squeeze off #3). That buck hopped to his feet bounced off of me, tossing me and the 760 gamemaster in the snow on our arses and took off for Wisconsin... After regaining my composure I managed to follow the I-75 sized blood trail 75 or so yards until I found the fellow dead as a door nail... Have never made that mistake again...

It isn't the bullets fault.. adrenaline can and will make these critters quite tough and almost superman like at times... I now just leave em be for a good half hour.. whether I know they are most likely deceased or not... I just take a pause to have a cup of coffee from the thermos, gather my things and give praise to the good Lord for the opportunity to sit there and take in all he has given.
FYI MO now allows any centerfire pistol or rifle for firearms season.

I'm getting older, my 14 year old worn me out hiking the woods opening day. So, I'm looking for a Jennings .25 . . .

You needed handguns in Indiana for years. I think last year the law changed to allow handgun cartridges in rifles. You couldn't find a Marlin lever action in 44 mag. They were flying of the shelves.

An Indiana res. can give more details. I can't remember how the laws were exactly. I am pretty positive 270's etc. are not allowed.
Ever have a deer come from your right side and behind. A .357 beats having to turn around before the deer runs. Another sitiuation is for tracking and to kill a down deer that's not dead with out making a big mess. Sometimes my back is sore and cover is thick so I carry the .357. And lastly because sometime I want to.
Needing a gun for hunting is not the reason we have a right to own guns. We own guns because we the poeple have the right to deter tyranny of our own government or any other by force of arms. The is also why we should be allowed parity of arms with the government. That includes military and police. Because of terroism and criminals I can accept some restrictions.
But hunting has no major bearing on gun ownership. To agree with that is to surrender on the major intent of the whole bill of rights, which is the ability of we the people to defend our rights. And surrender all power to the government. That is basically what the antis want, tyranny to enforce thier liberal views.
I carry my .357 as backup to my Muzzleloader and to dispatch the animal when its down. Could I just let it bleed out, cut its throat, etc. yeah, but why? A .357 behind the ear and its done.
I've taken deer with my .270 with only one shot each time. (One of them at about 125 yds.) It sounds like this guy's shots weren't so "well placed". Still, I nudge the deer with my barrel (with a round chambered) when I first walk up to it.
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