Will MTV Give this story a fair deal?

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I was in the running

I talked with one of the Producers of True Life a few months ago. I think I was just too plain. I was never raped, I never shot anyone, and am probably not interesting enough to have them follow me around for three days. They did get kind of excited when I told them I take my little sisters shooting sometimes, but I never did hear back from them.
You can all BELIEVE me when I say my daughter will be raised in the "Gun Culture".

My wife was a non-shooter when we met, and now is an enthusiastic shooter who carries daily.

I am sure that my daughter (9mos old) will be an active participant in family shooting when the trime comes.

Ok, ok...I already got her a Chipmunk .22lr, and a Ruger Bearcat .22lr. They are in my gun safe waiting for her. (THEY WERE ON SALE!)

When she progresses, I will get her a shotgun, a hunting rifle, and a self defense handgun. I am a good daddy!
Strange. This episode seems to have disappeared. I wonder why? Did it make gun ownership look too reasonable?
In the previews for the current season, they mentioned one about gun ownership. Among them were a girl who had guns for self defense/recreation and of course a host of gang members and militia types :rolleyes:
Strange. This episode seems to have disappeared. I wonder why? Did it make gun ownership look too reasonable?

Don't be so insensitive! You have to be careful of releasing the truth in a popular medium to our youth culture. It might end up ruining the fragile minds of those who have come to depend on an unrealistic fantasy world like a drug-induced utopia. :D
I've tried finding this episode online but no luck. The girl they filmed was a good friend of me and my roomates. In the time I knew her at JMU she was a very strong-willed intelligent person. Too bad I lost touch with her since i graduated :(

The MTV camera guy actually came and filmed one of our parties and bough as chinese food the next morning :D
Too bad, I would've wanted to see it. But I wouldn't expect too much... in everything else I've seen on there, they always actually bleep out the word "gun" as a bad word.
I used to watch MTV... but that was when they actually played music videos.

Of course MTV isn't going to paint firearms in a realistic light. They cater to a very young demographic that either:

1. Is too young to own a gun
2. Grew up in a fatherless home where there were no guns present
3. Lives in the inner-city where only cops and gangstas have guns
4. Learned everything they know about guns from movies and video games

Not to mention all the "activist" types that have nothing more interesting in their lives going on, so they pick a topic (usually a new one every week or two) and preach their misinformed drivel as gospel. These are your typical liberals that have no idea what hardship or violence really is, and they are reproducing exponentially in our colleges and universities. (the worst is Honor's College kids)

When their flavor du jour of the week gets to firearms, they'll harp endlessly about the evil of guns... until something more interesting pops up, like opening the borders for opressed Mexican drug smugglers, etc...

Sorry for the rant. When I was at the University of South Carolina a couple years ago, that's what I saw, on a daily basis. I can only imagine how bad it must be in the blue states.
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