Working in Bear Country Part II

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M Jager

Jan 5, 2003
Hello All,
You may recall my thread about working in bear country this spring. Now that I am on the outside and have access to the internet I thought I would give you all an update.

I ended up working in the Bob Marshall wilderness (northwest Montana) which is absolutely awesome country. The hiking was very intense. Over the summer I hiked around 750 miles which averaged out to about 15 miles a day with some 25 milers thrown in to keep it interesting. Pack weights reached 80 pounds on the days we were freighted down for periods away from resupply points. Of course the days when the packs were heaviest were also the days when we had the longests hikes. 25 miles through the mountains is quite a chore. Ok, enough about the work load on to bear stories...........

The study covered over 8 million acres and employed 160 field technicians. No one was attacked and sketchy encounters were very few so that was good. I, myself, saw about a dozen bears most of which were jumped at close range in the brush. They all ran except a black bear which stood her ground when we treed one on her cubs. We backed off and took lunch and they had left before we returned. We also bumped into a Griz with cubs at close range. One climbed a tree but luckely she followed the one that ran up the hill and we made tracks before she returned. All in all I never ended up having to unholster my Counter Assault much less defend myself against an attack. The only times I really felt uncomfortable were the nights we we woke up to bears crashing around close to camp in the dark.

Overall in was it was an amazing summer that ened way too quickly. Spending 2.5 months in a wildness area is an experience I will not soon forget and my only regret is that I didn't get to hunt elk while I was there. I will try to post some pics in the next few weeks but for now I thought I would let you know that I am still alive and didn't get eaten.
I was up there once as a teenager and never forgot what a fantastic place it was. Please post some pictures so I can recall some of that beauty.
Any trip like that where you dont end up becoming a Scooby snack is a good one.

Glad everyone came back safely, thanks for sharing.
I will try to get some pics up in the next few weeks. Things are going to be hectic with college for the next couple weeks but I will see what I can do.
Piney- If you can remember some the places you went in the Bob let me know and if I was there and took pics I will send them to you.
Anyway got to go to class- civilization sucks.............

Pick any huckleberries? I live up that way and run into bears a lot, most mimic what Matt saw and take off. Berry picking, the regional August event, can be tricky as the bears don't like to give up their food source.
No I really didn't. I ate some totally awesome lake. The best were some rainbow cut throat cross breeds that came out of Lena Lake. Its almost bad they are going to poison that lake to protect the native cuts in the south fork from being crossed rainbows from lena because those were some awesome trout. Also ate alot of Moral mushrooms which we picked up until the end of July. On top of that I lived on a 5000+ plus diet compliments of Joe Tax payer, although they did take about 1/5 of my pay check so that probably covered my food bill.
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