Worse than DU

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Are you serious Gordon? Those are playground insults. Freeper, repukelican, shrub, Hitlery...

This manifesto dwarfs playground antics yet contains commonality with childish behavior. I didn't see any of this citizenship renouncement, secession, mass exodus or bunker mentality going on when prez Bush senior lost to prez Clinton. Did you? Could
it be because Dems got their way on that one, hmm? This stuff is over the top and it's everywhere following this election. I am beginning to think that it's not only a political standpoint if one is a Dem or Repub, it's choosing sides in some undercurrent war that's taking place with disregard to feelings, family/offspring or well-being of your opponent. And, if we lose and don’t get our way… BURN THE WITCH! What? Whoa, hang on here guys and put down the torches.

Why the disparity in manners/actions between the two parties? The Dems come off as churlish crybabies. Where are the days when one could be a conservative Democrat or a liberal Republican and frothing at the mouth over politics or inferring that the death of a child as positive (merely to negate that potential opposing vote :eek: ) by either party would get you sent in for a rabies test? Am I seeing this all wrong Gordon?

At least the hate spewed in the cited article is somewhat more eloquent.
A discerning hate palate is so rare to encounter in this day and age. I am humbled.
From the article:

"The Sierra Club has reported that Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama,
and Tennessee squander over half of their federal transportation money
on building new roads rather than public transit."

I live in Lawton Oklahoma. Where are those new roads The Sierra Club is talking about? Not around here!

A few years ago the city started public transit with 80% of the money coming from the feds. Now we have 30 passenger buses running 12 hours a day 6 days a week .... carrying one or two people - and frequently, NO ONE. Wonder what the Sierra Club would say about the extra pollution those buses are putting into the air carrying a handful of people? Oh yeah, good job Lawton!

Of course a city official said the program would pay for itself. Months later, when it was obvious that was a lie, the same city official said they never expected it to pay for itself. Looney lefties. They're everywhere.
New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia... Seattle, St. Louis, Minneapolis, San Francisco all have higher levels of poverty, oppression, crime, and corruption .

Reads perfectly.
Intune said:
Are you serious Gordon? Those are playground insults. Freeper, repukelican, shrub, Hitlery...

This manifesto dwarfs playground antics yet contains commonality with childish behavior. I didn't see any of this citizenship renouncement, secession, mass exodus or bunker mentality going on when prez Bush senior lost to prez Clinton. Did you? .

i did i used to watch the rush limbaugh television show
every day he would add another number to his america held hostage banner
this was put up because clinton did not receive a 51% majority in the election
remember it was a 3 way race between perot bush and clinton
and the same vile the Democrats felt for nader was teh same vile republicans have for perot

Limbaugh daily counts down the days of the Clinton presidency, the days of ``America being held hostage,'' as Rush puts it.

im glad im not affiliated with any party and i get to make choices based on candidates stands on issues this was fun for a while but i dont see how some of you put a good face to be gun owners

disclaimer i voted kerry i won guns with a republican congress was i worried about gun control... nope
i am worried about what bush is going to do
I think that some of the people here are giving a BIT too much credit to a newspaper that is distributed free-of-charge on streetcorners in seattle. The "personals section" can provide endless entertainment to a person awaiting the arrival of a friend at a coffeehouse but, beyond that even your more hardcore liberals pay the rag little mind.
“The Sierra Club has reported that Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Tennessee squander over half of their federal transportation money on building new roads rather than public transit.†[Emphasis added.]

Whether or not the roads were actually built, the choice of vocabulary speaks volumes. However, I also think Mr. Yeager’s assessment is correct.

~G. Fink
“The Sierra Club has reported that Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Tennessee squander over half of their federal transportation money on building new roads rather than public transit.â€

I have to travel to Alabama often for work and I can say of the money "squander" KEEP IT UP!! I would rather drive on paved roads than dirt/gravel roads.
Also, my sister recently moved to New Orleans, Louisiana and I must say to them, REPAVE YOUR ROADS!!!!!! The roads downtown, riverfront, and the french quarter are worse than the dirt/gravel roads in Alabama. New Orleans is the only city I have been to where the stop signs are more often used to warn pedestrian traffic than they are to actually stop cars on the road.

New Orleans does have street cars or trolly's for public transportation, (the kind that rides on tracks with the electric cable over head) however I do have one question about them, why do they need a "How's my driving" bumper stickers when they are on rails? :confused:
The Stranger is typical of the leftists that infest Seattle.

The former Seattle City Attorney said it best: Seattle is 45 square miles of beautiful scenery surrounded by reality!
This guy and the misguided souls on DU are just too whacko- I read this stuff and I keep thinking I'm in some kind of weird surrealistic dream- what possesses these people?- hmmmmm, possession- a question for those of the Catholic Faith, does exorcisism really work, and if so, hadn't somebody better notify the Vatican?- I'm not kidding, these demons need to be cast out pronto-
Heck, if the folks who said they would move to another country if the Pres won would just keep their not-worth-spit word we wouldn't have to cast anyone out. And, as a bonus, it would leave more food for Linda help-me-I'm-choking-on-a-whole-chicken Ronstadt who just came out with another Bush=Hitler reference. Also heard that Mikey Moore was a nominee for the Man of the Year award. Perhaps I need to perfect the art of the lie to get ahead? Nah, not worth it. Bad juju bwanna.
Why Alaska is sucking in our tax money

Does this guy realize that 95% of Alaska is federally owned and run? If they'd free up some of that land...
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