Worst handgun you've ever shot :(

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Kel Tec P3AT
Worst trigger ever felt, like the mechanism was filled with sand. Aside from that just too small.

Same here. Two shots, and I'm having to "re-grip" it. Not a fun one, definitely has the utilitarian in mind.

Admittedly, for it's size, it's a fine piece.
I have two candidates: Jennings .22 and an early small frame Ruger Blackhawk .44mag.
The Jennings was a waste of good zinc. I think I did get it to fire once or twice. The Ruger Blackhawk was originally build on the same frame as the
.357 and was woefully too small for the .44. Short of tieing a rope on the barrel and standing on the loose end there was no way in hell you could keep the gun from twisting upward in your hand. Trying to put your pinky under the butt to help was asking for a broken finger. Cutting the web of your thumb was a given with every shot. I bought the thing for bear protection in Alaska but decided if I was ever in need of protection from that gun I'd had the thing to the bear and let him take the punishment. The later Super Blackhawk was a decent revolver but the small frame one should have been made as a single shot because no one in their right mind would want to make a second shot with it. Other than that it was a fine handgun.
I must be the only one on the planet thats fired several of the old Raven MP25s that worked great. Either that or alot of people who have never fired them are repeating the same old BS thats been circulating the web for years. Most likely the problem is morons who never clean their gun expecting it to work like a Glock/XDM/H&K.

Worst gun I ever owned was an RG10. Some of the later model RG pistols were alright but the earlier ones really sucked. Couldn't hit crap with it and at some point the front sight actually fell off of the gun and got lost.
+2 for the Raven. Mine has been a flawless machine for years. I guess it's because I clean it after each range visit.
Has anyone ever held a Grendel P-10? I thought it was a great pistol that my dad got in a trade for a knife a while back, until it wouldnt shoot at all. Got 3 out of 50 .380 to go off. The hammer spring looks like a spiral clock spring. It was a real step forward at the time it was made and looks like a predecessor to some Kel-Tecs. Too bad it would need repair and the company has been closed for a while and I highly doubt parts are available anywhere.
Llama .380. Looked like a mini-1911. Was occasionally a single shot. Normally a zero shot. Didn't feed, didn't eject, actually didn't do much of anything but it was a nice looking paperweight.
It was a homemade 69 caliber flintlock pistol. I shot a lead ball out of it at near-maximum load. I remember the thing kicked so hard, it tore the skin off the finger that got hit by the trigger guard, that was even holding on tight with two hands! It was a one-time shot and I would never shoot it again, in fact I believe I either threw it in the trash or gave it to someone. It was apparenly built from a kit and it was really "rough around the edges!"
I cannot decide - Cz (vz.)52, Heckler&Koch P7
Just goes to show ya. P7's about my favorite pistol, period.

Worst was an Iver Johnson break-top concealed hammer .32 S&W. DAO trigger was north of 20lb. Accuracy? You could hit the broad side of a barn...if you were inside the barn.
Everything has its right price. I think Hi Point is a lesser gun than Ruger SR9, but I would more likely to spend $100 for a Hi Point than $400 for a SR9 again.

From all the guns I have own/shot, S&W Sigma and SR9 is the worst for its price.
Para Warthog. I don't recommend them to anybody except my enemies that I don't want to be able to shoot at me
I'll second the vote on the Jennings .380; luckily I didn't lose too much on it. It was about 18 yrs ago, but the experience has not faded. "Jam-amatic" is a very polite way of referring to how crappy this pistol was.
i had an astro firecat......i think it may have been a beretta clone or something....it was a nifty little gun and I loved to shoot it, but the trigger was ridiculous and .25 is a pointless round. I'd rather own a .22
i think rugers bread and butter pistols arent the sr9, but the p95. i own a p89 which is a little different even from the p95. i hate striker fired pistols.
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