Worst movie shootout scene

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The first Die Hard with Bruce Willis. If memory serves me right, he fired his Beretta 92 9mm 47 times without reloading. When I owned a Beretta 92, I searched high and low for one of those 46 round magazines and could never find one :).

Just my .02,
Yojimbo was a japanese film made by a director influenced by spaghetti westerns... Fistful of Dollars was a remake of the same film as was Last Man Standing.

Worst of all time?

Gosh between Firewalker (Lou Gosset Jr and Chuck Norris) and King Soloman's Mines (Richard Chamerlain, Sharon Stone) and Megaforce (oooh gold lame' commandos) it's a real toss-up.
Dashiell Hammett's detective story Red Harvest was the progenitor of these films.

Akira Kurosawa wrote it as a Japanese samurai movie, "Yojimbo."

Sergio Leone rewrote it as western, "For a Fistful of Dollars."

Then they remade it as the Bruce Willis movie "Last Man Standing."
Okay, it wasn't a movie...

but the TV series "The A-Team" had the worst shootouts of all.

Every week those bozoes would fire between eight and twelve thousand rounds, fully automatice, and no one would be injured. Not even acoustic trauma. (Except for the dimbulb who would fight BA and get his face bashed in.)
I vote for "desperado" how can anyone get 20 round's out of a ruger p90. And i love the movie but in bad boys 2 if you watch the last shot fired by martin lawrence it is wrong. Threw the whole movie he carries a sig p228 or p226. Then all of a sudden he has the glock 17 that will smith is carrying.
Thanks for the info about Fistfull of Dollars, I was wondering.

For Desperado, I am more wondering how he gets those p90's (or 89's, but no they were single stack were'nt they) to fit up into his sleeves. Im sitting here with a jacket and I just can't figure it out, 20 round clips or not.

I love Open Range, but in the final scene Kevin Costner fires his trusty six-gun about 3-4 times, and then without reloading fans it about another 8-10 times into the same baddie. On the commentary he admits that it's hokie but says it was just too much fun to fan the gun that much. Lame.

Later a shot from a shotgun flings a guy about 8 feet through the air and slams him into a building. Anyone heard of Isaac Newton?

Rest of the movie was pretty cool though, and you can tell they ain't firing squib loads. That part I liked.

Worst overall movie? The recent Assault on Precinct 13 was disappointing, although I can't point to any specific scene. I may have to vote for Commando, as some others did. The scene where 5-7 baddies come running across a lawn the size of a football field and Arnold mows 'em down with machine gun fire is pretty sad. Can't help liking Arnold, though.

OK..I've got it. Mission Impossible II. That was about the only movie I've ever watched where the action got so ridiculous that I was unable to follow it even for the sake of staying with the story. Worst scene: Tom Cruise skids a motorbike at high speed, on the front wheel only, holding the bike with his left hand, while executing a 180 turn (still on just the front wheel), while with his right hand he empties his pistol about as fast as you can humanly fire it and takes out 2 or 3 tires on a moving, skidding car that's 20-30 yards away. That was the point where I gave up even trying to hang in there. The final fight scene might win the award for the Most Ridiculous and Implausible Fight Scene Ever, in my book. The whole movie was filmed by people who have never fired a real firearm at a real target, IMHO.
Gosh between Firewalker (Lou Gosset Jr and Chuck Norris) and King Soloman's Mines (Richard Chamerlain, Sharon Stone) and Megaforce (oooh gold lame' commandos) it's a real toss-up.

Megaforce wins for the worst and worst move of the three as well.
Saspic, Red Harvest was a great read and doubtless influenced many stories...

but Kurosawa based his film off of Westerns... which is why someone went and re-made Seven Samurai into thew Magnificent Seven. I've seen several interviews with Kurosawa on the subject and Red Harvest never came up... where did you hear that?

Oh and I'm glad someone else saw Megaforce.
Given time I could think of plenty...

But one that always stuck with me was the ending of Chinatown. Two shootings that were both ludicrously unlikely. The second shooter would have to be an Olympic champion to pull that off. 100 yard headshot with a snubbie? At NIGHT??!
I can't believe anyone besides myself has even SEEN Firewalker. That was a Z-grade movie to be sure... but fun, in a campy way.
I'm surprised that people havn't mentioned Rambo: First Blood Part II with accurate, one-handed hip-firing an M60 at range and *drum roll* the official Slinky o' Death(tm) ammunition belt! Add his arrow-mounted tactical nuclear warheads that blow up whole counties (Texas counties!) and you get a real stinker in the gunfight department. ;)

Commando did it a bit as well but Rambo takes the cake with the ammo belt that magically (and obviously) lengthens between scene breaks and the 100-yard one-armed hip firing from a little guy like Sly. It was bad enough when Arnie did it later in Commando (which has some of the worst one-liners of all time) but that Austrian is Hugh Jass so you can just smile and disbelieve it somewhat.

And I'll finish with my favorite Commando one-liner, "I eat Green Berets for breakfast...And right now I'm very hungry!" *sighs contentedly* :)
Mark(psycho)Phipps( HAHAHA! )
Also: Dawn of the Dead (1978)

"Dawn of the Dead" (1978) had really cheesy gunplay. Overall, it's a very good horror movie, but it was made before basic training for actors became a part of many movies with gunhandling ("Platoon" is the earliest I can remember). The SWAT team at the beginning is obviously just a bunch of actors who've been handed guns, but who barely know which end of the M-16 is the dangerous one.

Dirty Bob
I know it's not the worse, but it was recent -

Mr & Mrs Smith - like 100 tactical guys circle them in the middle of a store and they shoot/dance their way through it.


Saw Firewalker and King Solomon's Mines and MegaForce in the theater. Paid and all. But I was young.

Deeds Not Words!

(the ultra-commando motto they stole from..... the suffragettes :rolleyes: )

I thought the red, white and blue smokescreen was cool. And the hair, those glorious streaming manes of justice. :evil:
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+1 on the A Team. I was just a kid when that show came out and even I knew that those gunfights were improbable.
However my favorite best/worst gunfight is in the Naked Gun when the camera pans back and forth on Leslie Neilsen and the Badguy shooting at each other and finally pulls out and shows that they're 6 feet apart
romeo and juliet, the one with Leo

"Give me my longsword!"

Seriously, bad adaptations of shakspere and guns, it should have been known it would make for bad gun scenes lol
I'm going to have to agree with the folks who nominated Commando. I once tried to count the # of guys Arnie kills in his assault on the island, but I stopped after 100. I still love the movie though, it's so bad that it is good. You have to love any movie where the bad guy is a 40 yr old punk rocker wearing leather pants and a chainmail shirt.
"I love hearing your pissant soldiers try to talk tough. If Matrix was here we could kill them like that!" (snaps fingers) Bennett.

Megaforce was so bad that it was really really bad. I saw that movie when I was a little kid and even I knew it was crap at my tender age. Gold jumpsuits and firearms do not mix, unless you are Elvis Presley.
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