Would it be good if Obama makes Executive Orders and they are struck down by SCOTUS?

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Oct 21, 2005

It appears that Obama is poised to sign into law 23 Executive Orders that will trample the 2nd Amendment.

I'm wondering if this is actually a good thing.

Would it be good in the long run for Obama to sign 23 unconstitutional Executive Orders that are later struck down by SCOTUS?

It would set the example for future presidents that they cannot use Executive Orders to trample the 2nd Amendment.
Thankfully, none of the EO's were actually that bad (and I hate to admit it, but if they're not abused, some might actually be positive).

That being said, I told a buddy this morning before the press conference that as much as I didn't want any of the legislation to go through, if he had imposed an AWB or mag limits or curbed private sales through EO's, that I thought that it would be terrific if they were, in fact, shot down by SCOTUS.

I'm not saying any specific ones. I'm just saying that if some were.

If he bans "assault weapons", which is a class of weapons, that maybe unconstitutional because they are in common use.
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