Would this actually be an "effective" gun control measure?

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I don't mean give something undeserved... how about some of the stuff we already bought for them that they scrapped...? would guns that you'd like to own include 1911, Garand, or Carbine? .38s no longer used by PDs? Siezed weapons? or if so much sanity were to prevail, M14, M16 or M9? or how about the literal *TONS* of AKs we've rounded up in Iraq? Spoils of war and all... Where is the guilt for socialism greater: with US citizens getting a return on their investment once uncle sam is done with it or giving them to, hypothetically, Paraguay? How is Paraguay more deserving.... I mean the name sounds cool, especially spoken by a native speaker, but they didn't pay to have them built.

The more I think about it the more there seems to be something broken about the whole thing... we buy the guns and never see them... like some kind of wierd straw purchase. or for that matter citizens are purchasing post-86 autos.... the government is just using them
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