Would you/do you ever carry a Glock in your pocket?

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I've never handled one (the sub-compacts, I have a 17), but if they are small enough, sure why not? In my opinion, it's safe enough.
Sure. I don't see why not. It might require a little more care and attention, but it's not going to fire itself. It's not some evil enity just waiting to go off and shoot you or someone else.

I might not want to do it often, but if I had to, I would.
Glock 26, front pocket, condition 3, in an UM #1 holster. Never had a problem. Large Glocks...depends on how big your pockets are. :)
I guess someone has to play the dummy, so here goes.

What would be the danger of carrying a Glock in your pocket?

Doesn't it have a safety?
carry a glock in my pocket ?? Heck i wont by choice even own a glock . They may be fine pistols for some , but to me they are just trout line sinkers.
Possibly, as long as it was in a pocket holster. However my pockets are usually reserved for snubs and spare magazines, along with the routine day to day items that I must tote around. I don't really have a free pocket to stick a Glock, so it goes on my belt instead.
Is that a Glock in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? :neener:

I have a 27 and it is still to heavy to go unsupported, IMHO. The P32 gets a free pocket ride though.
I don't carry any type of gun in a pocket but that's just me. As for Glocks, I don't own one but have shot quite a few including one I kept for my son a few years while he was in the Army. Although not my favorites, they are good pistols.
I've carried a G19 in a pair of shorts with big (!!!) pockets, but I don't think it works well. For a full sized Glock (meaning anything bigger then a G26 or equivalent), then only way I'd carry sans holster would be down the waist band at SOB. For me, that would apply to any brand, if carried without a holster.
Nope, don't pocket carry a Glock. In my opinion, even the 26/27 is too large and heavy. Sometimes carry a P-3AT in a pocket holster tho.
I love my G26 and carry it all the time -- in a secure holster which covers the trigger and entire trigger guard area.

You could not pay me enough to carry a Glock loose in a pocket.

Here's why: http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204507, especially posts #1 and #15. Note that nearly every person who responded to that thread pointed out the the carrier in the OP's story was unacceptably and inexcusably negligent.

I trust all of the safeties of Glock pistols and my Kel-Tec P11 to work as long as I don't yank on the trigger, but I just feel a little too paranoid to pocket carry one with a round chambered. I use a good pocket holster that covers the trigger guard as Pax mentions, but it is primarily to make sure the weapon doesn't shift around and slow down my draw. I wish I could remember the quote from the High Roader about Glocks pointed at family jewels as it was a perfect summary of the situation.
Using one of those sticky material, DeSantis Nemesis, in the pocket holsters, for my Glock 26, and it fits in my front and rear jeans pockets. I can't say the same for my Glock 17 or 34.


I also carry my G26 in a belt holster, a Don Hume JIT ($21). It looks like a cell phone case or pager mounted on your belt, but holds the G26 very securely, and the holster is very small.
Don't own one, don't like "safe action". Only way I'd EVER consider a Glock in a pocket is condition 3, no ifs ands or butts. Not me, you can risk your cojones, not me. DAO or revolvers for me in a pocket. I feel safe with true DAO or revolver in a pocket. And, yes, I use a pocket holster.
Any gun, just dropped into a pocket, is no good. A small Glock would be to uncomfortable for pocket carry (IMO) Like W.E.G. said, even a P32 feels like an anchor in your pocket:D
I used to carry a glock 27 in condition 3. Then I replaced it with a dessert eagle. Seriously though I did carry like that for a year until I got my first 1911 and never looked back.
I wouldn't even carry a Glock in my range bag/box, but that's a personal prejudice. (No real reason I can give, but I just don't like them.):neener:
Carry NO Glock in a pants pocket!! I own a G21 and think it is fine gun, but the thoughts of a fold of cloth getting inside the triggerguard and activating it scares the heck out of me. I wouldn't carry a Kel-Tec P3AT either, not without a pocket holster. To me a Kel-Tec is a POS. If you confident in carrying a Glock inside your pants, go for it, but not me.
I feel all Glocks are too heavy for pocket carry. I would't carry one unless it was in a pocket holster with the trigger guard covered. Without holster, I wouldn't carry it with a round chambered.
Only with a Saf-T-Blok, and even then I would have grave reservations carrying my 27 like that with one in the pipe. A IWB holster has done the job for me quite adequately.

My suggestion: don't push your luck. Glocks are quite nice, but are also quite unsuitable for Condition 3 carry without a holster that covers the trigger area. The possibility of a negligent discharge is small, but still greater than most, and shooting yourself is not something that you can ever take back and do over.
I've carried a G26 in my pocket many times. The pockets in the pants I foaor (slacks with cuffs and huge pockets) will fit a full sized autopistol easily. For those of you who worry about the trigger, mine has a NYSP 8 pound trigger. It's no less safe than carrying a revolver the same way.

I also carry only the pistol in that pocket - nothing else.

Typically, my pocket gun is a Colt Mustang, and it rides in a pocket holster. That's the preferred way to pocket carry and handgun, IMO.
My suggestion: don't push your luck. Glocks are quite nice, but are also quite unsuitable for Condition 3 carry without a holster that covers the trigger area.

Do you mean condition one?

J. Cooper defined the levels of carry (for the 1911) thusly:

Condition 0 - A round is in the chamber, hammer is cocked, and the safety is off.

Condition 1 - Also known as "cocked and locked," means a round is in the chamber, the hammer is cocked, and the manual thumb safety on the side of the frame is applied.

Condition 2 - A round is in the chamber and the hammer is down.

Condition 3 - The chamber is empty and hammer is down with a charged magazine in the gun.

Condition 4 - The chamber is empty, hammer is down and no magazine is in the gun.
For those of you who worry about the trigger, mine has a NYSP 8 pound trigger. It's no less safe than carrying a revolver the same way.

That's a good point, but the 5.5 pound standard trigger is a touch too light and the 3.5 pound match trigger is unthinkable.
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