Yay for the good guys!!!

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Feb 21, 2003
Huntsville, tx
I never thought I would get to see a situation like this, restores my belief that bad guys get what is coming to them...

I was with my family at a friend's place today. The lot is across the street from a privately owned park and the rest of the area is fairly undeveloped. While we are sitting there a car pulls up with 4 guys in it. The guy in the front passenger seat spits on one of our cars that is parked on the side of the road. At this point I am a little pissed. They stop and just stare at us, then start revving their engine and finish up with a weak peal out. I am enfuriated, mainly because there was nothing I could do. We were all unarmed (I know I need to get my CHL, but it takes some time for us poor college students to save up the money), and I was watching them hoping they didn't decide to fire on us, lucily they drove off and didn't return. Well, 30 minutes later we decided to leave. As we were tleaving, about 2 miles own the road it looked like there was an accident. When we got closer we saw about 5 or 6 police cars and these 4 thugs handcuffed and leaning over the police cars. Needless to say I was thrilled. I wanted to stop and file a complaint on them but my mom refused. I realize the complaint wouldn't have been of much significance considering the situation they were in, but I figure every little bit helps, i.e. the straw that broke the camel's back. Anyways, just thought I'd share, y'all have a great saturday evening...
Heh, heh, heh!

I used to live behind an inconvenience store in Sunnyvale, the People's Republic of California. More than a few times, I saw guys get out of their cars, urinate in the parking lot, get back in their cars, and drive away. Most were impervious to embarrassment; indeed, I'd guess most didn't even speak English.

Late one Sunday afternoon, one of the cretins decided it was time to shovel the accumulated litter out of his car, and proceeded to dump everything in the parking lot. "Hey, people live here!" I yelled. He yelled back obscenities. I grabbed the telephone and pretended to dial 911—as if the local P.D. might care about littering! The cretin hopped back in his car, gunned the motor, and took off with a squeal of tires against asphalt—and missed a passing S.P.D. cruiser by about two inches. Flashing red lights. Siren. Amplified orders to pull over.

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh!
Standing Wolf said...

The cretin hopped back in his car, gunned the motor, and took off with a squeal of tires against asphalt—and missed a passing S.P.D. cruiser by about two inches. Flashing red lights. Siren. Amplified orders to pull over.
Ah, karma; it's a wonderful thing!
When I lived in Wisconsin I took a two lane road to work that had a railroad crossing without gates. One morning on the way to work some idiot was tailgating me and when we got to the crossing the lights were blinking. I make it a habit to NEVER cross the tracks under these circumstances since my sister was almost killed trying to do so. There didn't appear to be a train anywhere in sight but I still sat there for a minute just in case. Well, this moron behind me lays on the horn, rolls down his window and yells at me to get moving. And then when I didn't, jumps into the other lane of traffic and goes racing through the crossing. About 15 seconds later the lights stopped and I went on my merry way. Around the first curve my friend is pulled over and clearly getting a ticket. I slowed down waved and gave him a nice smile. It was the highlight of my week and still makes me smile when I think about it.

Synoptic, Standing Wolf & Ninj500 - you guys all have good kharma and the ne'er do wells, as you told us, have bad kharma. :D
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