Y'ever have a (non)shooter shoot your gun better?

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Jan 4, 2003
Tommy Gun's question (http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?threadid=46609) brought this to mind.

On my best day at 25yd, with my old WWII Army issue 1911, I got groups around 4-5". A friend wanted to bring a Japanese visitor to the range. The visitor had never seen a gun in real life. At the time, the 1911 was the only gun I had, but we met up at the range anyway, "big gun" and all. After translating instructions about safe gun-handling, stance, aiming, squeezing, etc, we asked our guest if he was sure he understood. He said yes; he was ready. He was very tentative in the manner with which he held the gun; almost 'gentle' or squeamish, like a girl holding a mouse by the tail. At the time, I wasn't reloading yet. We only had 230 ball. 3 out of his first 7 shots were touching; his group was no bigger than 3". We were just slack-jawed. When the slide locked open on 'empty', we didn't say anything, just so we could watch his control. We didn't know he'd pulled the trigger when he turned to us and (it was translated) that "something was wrong". :what: He had true one flier; big grin on his face while he is shooting. The translation of his first comment was, "very powerful". That day, he shot most of a box of 50, and I think his largest group was almost 4". I found out later he was nanadan (7th degree black belt); something to be said for discipline. Whenever I get on the 25yd line, I think of him and his technique.
Yeah, the thing to do would be to snatch the gun back and tell him he's "doing everything all wrong" before leaving in a huff.

I've seen several novice shooters, mostly female, do extremely well with handguns in particular. I think the key is they're not trying to fight the firearm. They just let it roll back, and consequently they have less felt recoil and a much more stable sight picture. A lot of guys, myself included, will take the recoil as a challenge and try to muscle it down--big mistake.
Yep, including a couple female friends who had the whole bay go quiet watching 'em (uhh, perhaps not entirely for their amazing "beginner's luck" accuracy :p). Another friend's wife put her first five shots ever into the same (not ragged) hole at 7 yds. Her husband went :what: and said "Note to self: Do not make this lady mad!"

Since my best shot of the day is usually the first, my cover with new shooters now is to load a single round to "test the gun," nail the target, put the gun down and smugly say "Fight's over" -- then let them shoot until they're somewhat tuckered out before 'taking my turn...' :evil:
A buddy of mine's girlfriend is scary badass with my handguns. I, however, am the master of all long guns when out with newbies:cool: !!
When me and my wife had just started dating, I took her out shooting for the first time in her life. Had a little Taurus 38 special revolver that she was using to nailing soda cans at 15 yards :what:
I have to chime in that my wife has outstanding trigger control.

She had never shot a gun until we married. Now, after 15 years, if I want to see how accurate a handgun of mine really is (don't have a Ramson Rest), I had it to her.

Her favorite gun of mine is a 4" S&W 610. She goes thru full load 10mm like nothing. I guess that's why I've kept her this long.:D
All the time in the academy. That`s why Instructors never shoot in front of recruits.:eek:

Non shooter who just made a fist sized hole center mass. "But isn`t that what we`re supposed to do?:D

Then there`s the other end of the spectrum.:banghead:
Im proud to admit that my first time shooting female fround outshot the heck out of me when i took her out. I think its because they arent over-thinking what is really a pretty simple process. And they havent learned how to flinch yet either. Ive always found that my best shots are when im "suprised" (i.e. not anticipating the shot). Also i think women just have finer motor skills/hand-eye coordination than men in general.

My mom. She might go shooting once every 3-4 years. When she does, she can drill the target better than I can using a couple of my revolvers. I highly recommend not breaking into her house. :)
My 20 year old daughter was point shooting MY Ruger Mk I on her first go and DRILLING drink cans &pine cones at 20-30ft. It was an eye-opener. Of Course, she owes it all to her Old Man . If any of ya'll buy that , CALL ME , I have a once in a lifetime Real Estate Deal ! You can get in on the GROUND FLOOR!!! (LOL) The part about her shooting is true,however the inherited hand-eye coordination she got from the best thing in my life, her Mom.
I first started shooting consistently, for recreation, about 4 years ago. I always outshot all my friends with rifles and shotguns. I grew up shooting a BB gun daily, so that is what we attributed it to.
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