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You just can't fix stupid

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Feb 13, 2007
The following took place 20 minutes ago in Walmart:

I was at the sporting goods counter getting 3 Remington UMC boxes of .40 S&W (the big 250 round boxes). A guy standing there was looking at the display and said to the salesman, "You don't have any 9mm Smith and Wesson?" The salesperson not knowing much himself, looked at the display while I just stood there for a moment wondering what the heck the guy was talking about and whether he knew something I didn't. The salesperson turned around and said, "Sorry, we don't have that." The guy turns to me and says, "I can't believe they don't have any 9mm."

I looked at the display and pointed and said, "There's 9mm right there in 100 round value packs."

(now I'll change into dialog mode)

The guy: No, that's not 9mm Smith and Wesson. I need 9mm Smith and Wesson.

Me: What gun is this for? I've never heard of 9mm Smith and Wesson, is this an old gun? (I was still thinking perhaps he knew something I didn't and was giving him the benefit of the doubt)

The guy: It's a Smith and Wesson Glock.

Me: Wait. Is it a Smith and Wesson, or is it a Glock?

The guy: No, it's a Smith and Wesson Glock

Me: Ok. I think there is some confusion here. You either have a Smith and Wesson, or you have a Glock. There is no such thing as a Smith and Wesson Glock.

The guy: Well, obviously you just don't know about it.

Me: I don't discount that there are plenty of things I don't know, but in this case, I'm fairly sure there is no such thing as a Smith and Wesson Glock. You see, Smith and Wesson is a trademarked brand name. Glock is also a trademarked brand name. What you're saying you own is basically like calling a car a Toyota brand Honda, or a shirt a Ralph Lauren brand Calvin Klein. They're both brand names.

The guy: Well, I know it's a Glock that takes 9mm Smith and Wesson.

Me: Ok. This can be made easier. What model Glock is it.

The guy: It's a Glock 16.

Me: Alright. Now I know there is some confusion. Gaston Glock's first model was the Model 17. There has never been a Model 16.

The guy: (now getting rude) Well, I guess I have the only one.

Me: The Glock 17 was named either because it was Gaston Glock's 17th design or 17th patent, I can't remember which right now, but look - if you really have a Glock 16, then it's some kind of really old prototype that was never released and is probably worth a small fortune. I'd say that it's more likely you have a Glock 17 or a Glock 19 if you're saying you have a 9mm. Glock only supports 9mm, .40 Smith and Wesson, .45 ACP, .357 SIG, .45 GAP, and 10mm Auto. They technically also support .380 ACP, but here in the U.S.A it's not sold to my knowledge. That might be also marked 9mm x 17. Is that what you have somehow?

The guy: No, I have a Smith and Wesson Glock in 9mm Smith and Wesson. I'd show you my license if I had it on me, it says the gun I have. I have a special state issued license.

Me: What kind of license is this? (at this point I've more than realized the guy has no idea what he's talking about, but I'm still trying to help out of the kindness of my heart)

The guy: It's a special license only certain people can get that allows me to carry a gun.

Me: Well sir, I'm always glad to see when somebody takes their safety seriously. I too have a concealed weapons permit, but it does not say on it what gun you can carry if it's a Florida license. I'm trying to help you here.

The guy: I appreciate your trying, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Me: Ok. Well, all I can say is that I tried. I suggest that you go home and check to see what gun you have before you go anywhere else to buy ammunition because most places will not take returns on ammunition. I think what you have is either a Glock in 9mm Luger, or in .40 Smith and Wesson, OR you have a Smith and Wesson M&P in 9mm that looks a little like a Glock I suppose hence the confusion. Have a nice day.

Around this point I've purchased my ammo and start walking away. I can hear the guy asking the salesperson if they can special order 9mm Smith and Wesson ammo.

All I can say is wow..... just wow..... :barf:

ETA: honestly folks... I couldn't make this crap up if I tried. That's what makes it so sad.
I love how argumentative he got, questioning your knowledge to cover his BS... Yeesh...

It was probably a Glock 26, .40S&W. Didn't remember the 26, and called it a 16, and didn't recall what exact caliber, just that it had "Smith & Wesson" in the name. Then he thought, "must be 9mm," and went from there.

This case isn't stupidity, it's stubbornness.

edit; Glock 26 is a 9mm, so even this can't be right. This guy is all over the map.
It was probably a Glock 26, .40S&W.

Entirely possible. I forgot to mention that he also said something at some point like, "It takes something-teen rounds." which is why I ruled it out. I don't recall where that came up though so I didn't include it. Although what does the 26 take - 11/12 rounds in the mag which would make 12/13 with one chambered? Maybe you're right then if it's 13 rounds total. It could have been a 26.

ETA: Nope. I just checked Glock.com. 10 rounds +1. I did realize just now though that I forgot about the 34.
Sounds like the same kind of idiot that puts E-85 in a non-FFV. People like this spend a great deal of time and money paying for their ignorance. Sometimes the cost is even higher.
Sounds like he doesn't even knows what he is carrying, sounds he doesn't knows calibers and firearms neither.
Sounds like I would have been laughing enough to make him pretty angry.
About the time he got rude I think I would have gone low road, but then, I really hate stupid people who are also rude, and stubborn.
Stupid is as stupid does....

Man, this world is in trouble.....

I hope he doesn't reproduce......
I have a s&w glock.

BTW, if your refrigerator is running, you better try to catch it.

cheese, I think you were just the victim of a practical joke. was this a young kid?
What, you don't know about the Glock 16? *sarcasm*

What a fool. It's funny how stubborn he was. I bet he'll figure it out and end up feeling like an idiot.
I am laughing so hard right now. All I can say is to give this guy a wide space. It is a wonder he has not hurt himself or others?

You were very patient with him and trying to help but there is no help for that guy. :banghead:
Just imagine how guy felt when he got home, looked at his pistol, and (hopefully) realized what an idiot he was.

I've had some amusing conversations about Glock 22s (in .40 S&W of course) and Smith and Wesson model 357s (in .41 Magnum). Reminiscent of "Who's on First?"
Trust me.... being a customer next to one of these people isn't nearly the same as dealing with them as an employee, one after another, all day. I try to enlighten when I can. Some people just can't be helped.
Cheese, I'm proud of you. You made it through the whole encounter without calling him a moron or an idiot as you walked off.
HEY, I KNOW THAT GUYS BROTHER !!!!! some peoples kids! just think, if, i mean IF, that guy REALLY had to try to make up his mind in a real emergency whether or not to use his gun! oh man....
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