You Know You Are A Gun Enthusiast If......

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When you look in freezer and you see five pieces of ice stuck together and you think ice stripper clip.
Bonus points if someone describes a problem with a gun they own and you can explain and draw a picture on how to fix it on a napkin in less than 5 minutes. History lesson and 'Gee-whiz' facts and figures included.

Funny thing is the day after this thread started I was approached by 3 people, at work, at the SAME TIME about gun related stuff.

One guy wanted my opinion on a Bushnell sight he bought (and brought it in to show me).

Another wanted to thank me for advice on his latest purchase and was grinning ear to ear about it.

The third wanted to sell me an AR-15 upper for a good price and gave the vital spec off the top of his head. Even wanted to give me a "Because it's you" price since I'm "that guy" lol.

I love this hobby!:D
When your 6- and 10-year old granddaughters ask you, "Papa, can we make a bullet?" each time they visit because they love pulling the lever on the Dillon reloader.
You guys are unbelievable.
A lady tries on a wedding dress and wonders about a holster? What a gal!

Maybe the late "Grizzly Man" and his girl would still be alive if he had kept your guns as a last resort. His lack of common sense made that an impossible paradox.

When a VOR radial such as 30.(0)3, 311 on a SID immediately reminds you of a caliber, it helps.
When you read in the paper or hear on the tv about a guy that is in trouble and that they found a rifle, shotgun and a couple of pistols in his house and several hundred roundsof ammo (arsenal by tv standards) and you laugh because you know that you have at least that much in your truck-EVERYDAY.
When your lottery number picks are calibers or model numbers.

(we play for fun each night, I've never actually purchased a ticket)
Whenever I look at a clock and it's 2:23, 5:56, 3:27, 3:57, 8:57, 9:17, 9:18, 9:19, etc... You think calibers instead of times.

I even do it with my alarm clock I instead of 6am it goes off at 5:56

Also every time you get a bill in the mail you think , gosh I could by a 10/22 with this electric bill.
Also every time you get a bill in the mail you think , gosh I could by a 10/22 with this electric bill.
It's only bad if you seriously consider cutting the power off to make it happen. :uhoh:
... your ammo budget and your new gun budget are both maxed out for the month and your gunsmith calls with a lead on another gun and your wife tosses the checkbook to an account you didn't even know about to you and mentions that the car is low on fuel before you hang up.
If someone asks you how many guns you have and it takes you more than 30 seconds to think of the answer...

Or, you pull up a Bento database running on your iPhone that displays your entire collection with pertinent factoids about each entry and a color photo...
Wow! You all know me! Is that a good thing?

How about when you get home from deployment and before you even get in the door a friend has asked you to work on a weapon for them (ok it was a bow, but it still counts and took hours to get back working). Yeah good way to tick off the wifey.

Before that when you surprised your kids at school the second thing they ask is "Can we go shooting tonight?" In front of their whole class too!

You don't lock your doors cause everyone knows better even if they don't know your name.

Your kids tell you what bullet and load they want in their guns.

Your kid takes in a picture of their present and you get a call about their gun. Worse your response is, "Which one? She has a few."

Your wife buys a weapon and when they offer to set her up she tells them you know more about it than they do, there's no need.

It is unanimous among friends and co-workers that you should go back to school to be a gunsmith.

A new gate guard picks you for a random vehicle inspection and his boss tells him it would take too long just take the next guy. (Yep, PMO knew me by name and car)

I could go on for hours!
Also every time you get a bill in the mail you think , gosh I could by a 10/22 with this electric bill.
When I first got into shooting I was shooting a lot of trap. I would always put prices in number of shotgun shells (it wasn't hard, they were selling 5 for a dollar at that time). I'd buy lunch and say to myself, "Dang, that's a whole round of trap".
When it's your wife's birthday and instead of flowers and dinner you're planning on having her weapon customized (I really should have planned in advance :banghead: )
when you set you alarm to 5:56 instead of 0600
when the unit armor and direct support armor come to you with questions
when some asks you what you know about a model and you say not much then give the a 30 min on the history and various models
when look at a walnut tree and wonder how many stocks you could get out of it
is some one fives you some ammo for a gun you dont have and it seems like the perfict reason to buy a gun in that cal
In my case it’s having to spend four days taking photos of my guns so they can be put on my phone. Just so that I can check to see if I’ve already got the one I’m looking at buying.
when you check online buying sites/trading sites/forums about guns atleast 2x a day?
i feel uncomfortable when i dont have my cc on me, does that make me a gun enthusiast or just paranoid?
You seriously ponder buying food or ammo.

When you buy something, you think of the price in terms of bricks of .22LR.

When you don't post on a forum for awhile, people start asking where you went.

You try and make your significant other understand why "Because I don't have one of those yet." is a perfectly valid reason for buying a new gun.

You've actually used the excuse "It followed me home." when explaining a new gun purchase.
Had a funny one happen today. Wife was talking to her sister, coincidentally it was right after the Ferd Ex guy dropped off my CDNN order.

Sister: Whats your hubby up to today?

Wife: He's putting a sling on his AK-47

Sister: WHAT?!?!?! I guess I just wasn't expecting to hear that. I know he has guns and everything, but.....

Wife: laughs hysterically, thinking her sister is weird for finding it odd....then sends her a pic of me in my jammies, the AK and new sling, and AR just for good measure!


Today was a good day....slings and mags from Aim and CDNN...just like xmas all over again!!!
When your wife says we need to go to "insert a town" to check out their inventory on outside plants and you're already on the internet checking locations for the nearest gun/pawn shop before she finishes her sentence.
Whenever I look at a clock and it's 2:23, 5:56, 3:27, 3:57, 8:57, 9:17, 9:18, 9:19, etc... You think calibers instead of times.

I can't believe that everyone has missed 10:22. Also 6:55, 7:55 and 7:57

I've also thought how 8:02 is kinda like 7:62...
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