Your stupidest moment with a firearm?

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Dumbest thing ever with a gun would be shooting a hole in my living room floor with a marlin .22. Still have the slug, with bits of carpeting stuck in it. To this day I don't know how a round got chambered in it, but it happened. Fortunately nobody got hurt. My only ND to date.
Dumbest thing with a gun and no hearing protection:
I took a long crack at a woodchuck with my Dan Wesson 709... sitting in the drivers seat of my pickup, shooting out the passenger side window... I got the chuck, and couldn't hear crap for about three days... except the Emergency Broadcast System test that wouldn't go away. :banghead:
I shot a 6 foot long propane cylinder in a junk yard with steel core 7.62x39.

It was not empty.

Luckily all it did is let out a hellacious stench.
I shot a 9mm 115-gr Winchester JHP through my bedroom door, through my brother's internal frame backpack, a box of aluminum arrows, and into a stud in the back of the closet.

When you're done dry-firing, it's imperative that you tell yourself "I am done dry-firing," and remember it.

Pick one:

-Wrong gauge shotgun ammo for shotgun.
-Had the right gauge of shotgun ammo - wrong shotgun.
[NO I didn't shoot the guns with wrong ammo , this happened ( more than once I hate to admit) while attending a tourney, or hunting, I'm either consistant or persistant, ain't I ?]
-BHP mags will NOT fit a 1911 , I'm sure of this.
-An 870 Marine Magnum will NOT float - Nor will it assist the fella holding it any buoyancy.
-Perhaps slugs are not the best thing to shoot a greenhead with, then again the second greenhead felled with 00 buck didn't fair too well either.
-Magazines from a 1911 will NOT drop up. It does NO good to push harder on mag release to accomplish this either.
-There is a reason for stocks on a Model 10 , Fire one without them and the answer is obvious.
-FWIW a bolt handle from a 1100 or a 1911 magazine will NOT drop straight down in a body of water. They WILL manage to go the deepest part of a pond.
-DO NOT sit on the breech side of a Semi-Auto Shotgun Shooter in a Duck Blind .
-Do load gun as soon as legal to, exiting vehicle sight whilst hunting - Critters will appear.
-Do NOT unload gun until one has to be legal, upon arrival to vehicle - again Critters will appear.
-Only problem with shooting the lock off a gate in an emergency with a 12 ga slug...the lock won't work anymore...and bulls get real curious about what is over "there".

Like I said - pick one. :)
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I was about 20, and the local county or fish and game decided to ruin my favorite fishing spot by putting in a paved parking lot with handicap signs and everything. 12ga #8 shot at about 10 feet at one of the signs....all the shot came back with some pretty hefty force. Lots of little bruises on my face, hands, and neck...and a ruined pair of Oakley sunglasses that probably saved my eyes from damage.

My brother:
Jeff is known to smoke weed, drink, and do crazy reckless things. At about 18 years old he's partying with some friends, and they are taking pictures with this antique SxS 16ga shotgun that is over the mantle. Well, he's resting the muzzle on his foot and squeezes the trigger....and both barrels go off! The :cuss: ing thing was loaded! He lost most of his big toe....but at least the muzzle blast cauderized the wound so he didn't bleed too much....
Concerning hearing protection, shooting a .243 with a 16 inch barrel ten times without earplugs, talk about LOUD.

ND, deer hunting with .357. Take two shots at deer and then they run over hill, run after deer with cocked .357 and finger in trigger. Missed foot by six inches. :eek:

The dumbest thing I've seen though was the time my cousin was quail hunting and streched out his arms over his head holding onto the stock of the shotgun when it slipped from his hand and fell stright into the mud and stuck. LMAO. He had about ten to twelve inches of mud stuck in the barrel and all my uncle could say was "that's my boy" with this disgusted look on his face.
Couple of stunts I tried, after watching the "Saturday Afternoon Western Bock" on TeeVee....

The famous "Rifleman" 'twirl the lever-action rifle' to eject the last empty. Well, all I did was smack myself in the face with a Marlin 336. :eek:

The fake "hand over the revolver, butt first, then whip it around and snap off a shot"....Tried this with my .357 Blackhawk, forgot it was loaded with CCI 'rat shot' :eek:

Fixed the living room wall with a LARGE can of spackle, and a gallon of antique white semi-gloss. Trip to the glass shop to replace the mirror, too. :eek: :eek: :eek:
This discussion is very relevant to me at the moment. I bought a new .357 Tracker a couple weeks ago and had fired a box of .38’s in it, but yesterday decided to run a couple assorted boxes of max load .357’s through it. I don’t know if it’s the porting (6-1/2†barrel) or what, but this is the loudest .357 I ever shot. Even with earmuffs I couldn’t hear a thing out of my right ear and then last night the teeth on my right side were killing me. My wife seems to think it’s related to the gun. She was there and people were asking her what the hell is your husband shooting in that thing? Looks like I’m going to have to plug & muff from now on.
My .44 magnum mistake.

I bought my father a S & W .44 magnum #629 for bear protection while hunting moose in Alaska. I had it magnaported to reduce some of the recoil. The gun has a very crisp single action hair trigger. The first time I shot it, I was showing my older brother the gun. I was going to shoot an abandon wood duck box in our pond. (The shot was very much down hill, so no fear of a richochet.) I cocked the hammer, and was lowering the weapon to shoot, when BAM! Guess who had his finger in the trigger well? Guess who let a shot go over the horizon into the woods? Guess who still feels like an a**hole when he thinks about this today. I will never make that mistake again, and am extra careful with unfamiliar weapons.
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The moment that pops the soonest in my head was the moment I was with Beetle Baily and Bam-Bam 31 here on THR. We went to The Angeles Range to fire off some ammo with the rifles and pistols.

First one, after the RO called cease fire I took off one of my plugs so I could hear better with everyone around. Well, when the range was hot, Bam bam shot a round off from his Kel-tec SU-16. Wow... THAT thing is quite loud for a .223! I jumped quite a bit but dunno if they noticed. :D

Second one was, on the same day, wearing Oakleys while shooting. They were the A-wire Oakleys, so they dont cover all that much of the face. On my VERY LAST magazine for the day (shooting my 1911) I was trying out some Blazer ammo, and with the 3rd or 4th shot a piece of gunpowder somehow slipped passed my sunglasses and into my eye!

Everytime I blinked I felt some sort of pressure and pain. I could feel it floating around in my eye. Even when I slept I felt that little piece of gunpowder floating around. That was one of the most painful 2 days until I went to an eyedoctor for him to take it out with COLD METAL TWEEZERS! :what:

So Moral of the Story? ALWAYS USE PROPER eye AND ear protection.

While it was still a safe and fun day, I learned my lesson.

I've written my experience with incident 2 here on THR, if you search you can read up on my experience in full detail.
The dumbest thing I did was an ND when i was 11, playing around with my dad's Ruger single six 22 lr, no one was hurt, the dumbest thing i've seen is when working at Tuners another emp. was showing a Mossberg 590 to a customer and showed him how you could fit a 3 1/2 inch shell into a 3 inch chamber and should make sure of the ammo he buys for it, anyways the round got stuck and he couldn't get the action to cycle to eject it, so he decides to disasymble it to get the round out but he must have had his finger on the trigger and it went off, pointed at the floor thankfully, the shot bounced off the floor and hit another emp. in the leg, doctors removed 6 pellets from his leg no other injuries, another time a customer who bought a Makarov from us a few days before had come in because could not get it back together after disasymbleing it for cleaning, they come apart and go back together pretty much the same as the Walther PPK's do, the emp. who helped him also could not get it back together so he took it to me and i got it together, the customer wanted him to show him how it was done so took gun apart again and could not get it back, one more trip to me got it back and i said i'll be down there after i'am done with my customer to show him, he didn't wait and when trying to do it himself the slide slipped out of his hand, hit the glass gun case top spiderwebbing the glass, bounced off that and hit the front lens, the scope case door was open for a customer, of a Leupold MK 4 10 power, the one the army uses on there sniper rifle, retail of that scope at that time, 1995, was $999.99, after all the glass settled all he said was "oops".
Huh, thought I'd replied already, guess it was another thread :)

1. 8 years old, first shot I'd ever fired form a gun landed 2" from my foot as I'd put the rifle at rest... with my finger on the trigger. It slipped under it's own weight...

2. Got back from the range, standing in my entryway, open gun "rug" with my CZ in it on the dryer. Pick up bag without zipping it, CZ comes out, I stick my *bare* foot under it to break the fall. It worked... and I was darned lucky nothing else broke. Sure felt like it...

3. Dangling my Walther P22 from my pinky for a few seconds, by the ejection port.

4. Detail stripping the same Walther (stupid enough), over carpet, with no backstop for the 0.10" spring that flew out to land on. I found it behind the TV 3 hours later.
Stupidest thing? Well how is spending $2500 on guitars the last year before Cali banned all the good stuff...? To this day, I am still kicking myself for not buying anything when I had the chance.
Stupid moments -- brought my 686 to the range, opened the chamber and loaded it:

1. Couldn't shut it so I forced it shut.
2. Forced it open and repeated the above.
3. After shutting it again, loaded it
4. Attempted to shoot and forced it open to remove the bullets.

Can you say dumb a##? :rolleyes:
The dumbest thing I have ever done was to get to close to the steel plates at my gun club. I was shooting steel plates with my kimber and after the third shot I felt something hit my crotch very hard. I immediatly knew what had happened, a ricochet had caught me in a very tender spot! It hurt so bad that I was afraid to look down there, I bet I stood there for 30-45 seconds praying to the good lord that all my "parts" where still intact. Well I survived with nothing more than a large black and blue and a bruised ego to show for it.
I went hog hunting with my Redhawk .44 mag. With no earplugs! I normally don't use ear protection while hunting. It's usually for whitetails with a rifle. I'll tell ya, revolvers are god awful loud, even outdoors. I got a hog, and also a nice "eeeeeeeeeee" in my right ear for two days. :uhoh: Left ear was fine, don't know why. Lesson learned!

Fondling my new Walther P99 as soon as I got it home and having the slide slam shut and pinch my palm at the base of the thumb. :what:
Even worse was trying to get my palm free with the other hand while not tugging too hard. Needless to say, I haven't done that one again. :D
Showed up at the range with CVA .50 sidelock black powder rifle and 777 pellets (they don't work in sidelocks), .22 rifle and .22 pistol but no .22 ammo. Only got to shoot my .40 that weekend. Great gun, but I was only at the range for about 1/2 and hour because I didn't buy much .40 ammo because I planned on shooting all the others.

My Brother:
Had an old loaded .410 hanging on a gun rack in his bedroom. He got miffed at my mom for something or other and stormed off into his room and slammed his door. Gun rack obviously wasn't attached well enough and the .410 hit the floor, butt first, sending shot straight through the ceiling. Luckily it was a one story and the framing for the roof stopped the shot before it put a bunch of holes in the roof.
Bless me father, for I have sinned...

Several very long years ago, I was practicing speedloading my Smith revolver when the phone rang. Long distance GF. After talking with her for a while, I absentmindedly pick up revolver and colse the cylander without checking. Aim at the middle of my bed and pull the trigger. BANG!

Almost as dumb several years later, after returning from range trip. Pick up Glock from gun box, prepare to squeeze trigger for disassembly, when I realize I wasn't the last tro handle the gun. Rack the slide to see a single round eject and drop to the floor. Lucky for me I actually followed the rules that time...
One of the DUMBEST things: BUT LESSON NEVER FORGOTTEN: My buddy and myself 12 yrs old cleaning 22 w/ the old tube under barrel loader- he took the plunger out and proceeded to clean the rifle, bolt out , plunger out/ after all done put the bolt in, put the tube plunger in pulled the bolt back w/ out looking reset and pulled the trigger.......BOOM, luckily for both of us it was pointing to the floor. We looked at each other :what: , Not sure how long but finally got our whits about us and ran to my grandfathers to get some putty to put in the floor b4 his parents came home, after making sure no more rounds any where. "from that day forward- I check a weapon not 1x, not 2x, but 3x's and also any parts where a live round could be lodged. Especially when handed a firearm that I'm un-familiar with. * Recently went into a LARGE local gun shop-they changed their procedures of allowing customers handling weapons - "they may have 4-5 sales people but only 1 weapon allowed out at any one time-on entire counter-Reason- they found a live round in a handgun when taking it out of the case- actually trying to see if police can pull prints of the round/some idiot, LESSON LEARNED! always assume weapon is loaded.........
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