A true SEAL vet or a wannabe mall ninja?

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Mar 29, 2006
So I was working my job a couple of nights ago (providing security presence for a local hospital ER) when a man whose wife was in the hospital came over to talk to me. My first impression of him was that he was the kind of guy who likes to sit around and tell all his problems to the first person who comes his way; this may or may not have been the case.

So I talked with him, and he began talking about fighting in the '91 Gulf War. I asked what unit and he told me he was with the Navy SEALS. Then he went on to explain about SEAL training and one rescue mission he did down there. But here's the best part...

He told me he carried a .50 cal DESERT EAGLE :what:

Huh? I asked him about it just to make sure I had him right, and he said yes, he was given the choice of either a .45 cal pistol (I'm guessing SOCOM) or a FIFTY-CAL DESERT EAGLE and that he chose the eagle. You Navy Seals/other branches of military guys out there, is this a load of BS delivered to me by a middle-aged armchair commando or the real stuff?
sounds fishy to me. as a person experienced with Ficticious Vet's my first inclination is to say that the SEALS do not issue .50 Desert Eagles. You could sure carry one but on your own dime, and this also is not in keeping with the military idea the everybody is the same.( Do not start a Seals V Recon V Grunts, Remf argument. Uniformity is a treasured thing to any unit.)What do you mean my issue weapon is not GOOD enough for you Soldier? You too Good a Soldier for Uncle Sams Issue Weapon? God I can hear an NCOIC now. The rant this guy would get would be endless. Again I don't have Spec Op's experience, I do have experience with Vet's who glamorize their sevice and Vet's who were never Vet's just BS Wannabes
I have met one guy that was the real deal. One of the first things they learn is to keep their mouth shut.

Gotta remember there are only something like 300 SEAL's at any one time. This guy was probably confused. What really happened was that he went to the circus and saw a seal balancing a ball on it's nose. He was so impressed he did a mind/body transfer with the animal.
Maybe he was a seal in the ISRAELI millitary.

Maybe he said he was a "novice eel", and you just misunderstood him.

I don't know anything about what SEALs are or are not issued. It used to be that if someone wanted to lie about being in the special forces, they said they were a green Beret. Now they say they're a navy SEAL.
So, the scene this Seal says is as such:
NCO: "Oh Geronimo, demigod of tacticality and genius, master of ninjitsu, shiek of shuriken - we have two handguns you may choose from. Either the 1911 .45 or the .50 Desert Eagle."
Geronimo (demigod, etc.): "Don't make me laugh. I want the 22mm - the .86 autoloader."

The .50's a very accurate, very large, and very loud gun. The .45 is plenty accurate for pistol distances, it's quieter, and there are suppressors for it. The accuracy and power you get from a Deagle is done with less racket, greater range, and more oomph (scientific term there) with a suppressed M4.

He must've graduated from the same SEAL group that I did - the Armchair Airborne. :p
You have been privileged to have an encounter with a man presenting himself to be other than he really was. Use it as instruction for future encounters with poseurs and wannabes.

He wasn't a SEAL, didn't get to choose between a .45 and .50 DE, and (most likely) didn't rescue anybody. He may have actually been in the military which would have sufficient cause to shake his hand and thank him for the service...if he had simply stopped right there. But the story embellishment eliminates whatever true respect is due him for honorable military service (if even that is true).

Given that his wife was in the hospital then he's to be pitied, and avoided. However, should he ever try to get publicity or public accolades for his fake accomplishments, he should be slammed down hard.
In my experience, albeit exremely limited, veterans don't brag about their service. And the .50 DE is a cool gun, but it's so utterly impractical that nobody in the US military would carry one. a .45 does the same job, with less heft, less recoil, and less cost. Probably a mall ninja.
That guy is a liar. Good rule of thumb is if they offer the information about being a Seal, Green Beret or whatever the latest movie was about, they are lying.
I know one SEAL and as redneck2 said they keep quiet about their status. All he ever told me was that he was a SEAL no more and I never asked..


For the record more and more specialized units in the military are now getting a chance to carry non-standard weapons .40 ext.... Not the standard issue Berreta no more.. So you never know...Id tell you more but id have to kill you all :) just kidding, hey whether he was a potato peeler or a paper pusher give the guy a brake nowadays life in the military is not easy no matter where u end up. So buy the guy a beer ;) 19 years of active duty and cant wait for retirement.....:D

Yeah, well, SEALs are pansies.

When I was in the Air Farce, we had a special unit that did stealth parachute drops into friendly countries to smoke out spies. Our parachutes were disguised as kites, and they dropped us over open fields on spring days -- usually around March -- so we'd blend in.

They didn't even give our unit a name, it was that secret.

If you ask the DoD if we existed, they'll deny it, that's how secret we were.

Not even the SEAL guys are that secret; heck, everybody knows about SEALs.

But nobody knows about the Unnamed Commandos of the Air Farce.

Just don't tell anybody. You might get killed by one of their security assassins. That's how they keep the unit a secret.

Ain't NOBODY more secret than we were.

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Oh Arfin, why did you have to expose us? As we speak the President is signing an EO to ensure you don't talk about it anymore. And THR will be wiped out. Along with all the readers of this thread. I will be over at your house shortly to 'speak' to you. :p

(Seriously, that was funny as heck what you wrote.)
Baby Seal

He was a baby seal. You should have clubbed him and made a seat cover out of his skin.
Arfin - sorry. My boys knew - we codenamed you the 'Flying Pigs'. With the colorful kites/parachutes/uniforms, some called you the Flying... well, not a nice nickname, we'll say.
Gotta remember there are only something like 300 SEAL's at any one time

Uhh I think you got that wrong, there are six seal teams and about 300 in each. There are 3 teams on the east coast and 3 teams on the west. The even numbered teams are on the west coast and the odd in the east or it may be vice-versa I forget.

Yep definantly a wanna be, actually met one a couple years back. Very proffesional no bs. No seal is gonna sit down and tell a complete stranger stuff like that.

He was a baby seal. You should have clubbed him and made a seat cover out of his skin.

Hahahaha good one, I agree, or maybe he could try to use that .50 as a club to defend himself
Well... there is at least one real SEAL that posts here on THR. Maybe he will chime in.
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