Military posers and wannabes

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Offwhite said: 2.I don’t kiss strippers in the mouth

Our platoon had pictures from a weekend of liberty in Pusan of our drunk Corpsman tongue kissing a "working girl" in one of the . . . ahem . . . "houses". This had to have been about 8 hours after he distributed condoms to us all, and we HAD to have them, to go on liberty.

Being both a guy who hadn't gone thru school under Clinton's Health Secretary's term, and a virgin, I didn't even know how to use it. And I was pretty adamant that, when I was going to loose my virginity, it wasn't going to be in some dark, sleazy cathouse to someone I paid $40.

Still . . . we made fun of him for months.

Liars . . . lie. To everyone. Including being dishonest with themselves. I don't even engage them in conversation. I just say . . . "You're right, you are a real bad-ass" . . . and move on.

Anyone I've known that actually killed a man, or was engaged in mortal combat with another human being, and is a well-adjusted person, simply doesn't like to talk about it. And when they do discuss it, its not a non-chalant, look how bad-ass I am, conversation. Its usually discussed among those that have been similarly scarred.

Taking the life of another, and seeing the lives of close buddies being snuffed out, scars the soul. Its like flippantly taking about a miscarriage or an abortion. Well adjusted people just don't like to dwell on it.
Just a Namesake


Take a breath, buddy. The guitarist JM is not me, we share the name and a love for music, and obviously a quality of not being human... :)

Now permit me to deviate from the thread momentarily.

Now there's a funny story there. I love playing pianio and years ago in Los Angeles, my mom goes into a music store to find some sheet music for me. When she goes to pay, the beach dude behind the counter says, "wow lady, so is your son John McLaughlin?" My mom is unaware of the guitarist, but is aware that I had a short concert in the neighborhood the week before and honestly answers, "Why yes is he is, that's so nice of you to remember him."

She walks out with the music free of charge.

Now back to the thread, these liars have been around since the days of the Romans. Half the Roman world must have fought with Julius Caesar if you believe what was written..

Ya had me for a second there, John. I thought ' A guitar slinger and a gunslinger too?'
There are a few of us, but if JM can shoot as accurately as he plays, Good Lord...:uhoh:

Did any one read about the Navy Captain (med corps) who was caught wearing a huge number of unearned awards?

Last i heard they were gonna send him to leavenworth.

I suppose im the opposite, im not even sure what awards i rate other than a NDSM, not that it matters too much, there isnt much of a reason to wear gongs in the shipyard. (though the COB got the Meritorious Service Medal at quarters today, and wore it the whole day on working khaki's ):neener:
Oo oo can I play? I used to be a 7414 and a 7412. I then went on to become a 9201, 9124, and even (puff out chest) 9138. Didn't need no MOS. 98's come close though.

Name that rating (two really). Don't look at my handle. That's cheatin'.

Slightly drunk working on spreadsheets and needing a break. Oh well.
Team Walrus

I never served in the Military. I graduated in '73, had a draft card said I was good to go...Fall of Saigon, troops coming home I was not given a SEA paid vacation.

I lost friends/ knew of many that did not come back, or not whole if they did- that did go over there, I had mentors and elders that had served in other conflicts...and since. Honest, I get a bit angry, and upset with wannabe's, no matter "what they pretend to be".

I invented Team Walrus to use in some stories I wrote to poke fun at wannabes.

No secret I am into learning correct basic fundamentals, and one cannot buy skill and targets. Team Walrus just uses whatever is handy , the team can shoot - period. Training and Practice the key.

I do not have the link(s), I have been told on some Internet Forum somewhere, discussing firearms, Team Walrus was referenced.

Seems "these folks must be bad dudes, using only the stuff in a locale... Medium frame revolvers and double barrel shotguns...."

Note to self : copyright Team Walrus, I want my cut for the action figures and video games. :D

If you build it - they will buy itAnon.

Now you know who invented Team Walrus :D

copyright 2006 - sm on THR
Heard a guy at a gun show claiming to have been in Panama (I think)... I guess the years aren't kind to some people...

Found a term the other day while doing research for an email... "Space shuttle door gunner"...

I am reminded of a question:

"What's the color of the boathouse at Hereford?"
My favorite wannabe is a barber in Hayden, ID who claims to have been a Marine fighter pilot who flew the F-15 and F-16. He instructed in the two aircraft while at Davis Monthan AFB.

Fascinated, I asked how he came to be a Marine.

He enlisted in the Navy. He didn't have to go through flight training because he already knew how to fly. When the Marines saw what a fantastic pilot he was, they offered him a direct commission in the Marines.

After I insisted he had to have gone through Navy/Marine flight training, he finally admitted he entered flight training at Gulfport, MS and finished at Miramar.

I asked him what he flew at Gulfport. He responded that he didn't have to fly at Gulfport because he already knew how to fly.

I asked him what he flew at Miramar. He said he didn't remember.

He finally asked me why I kept asking him all these questions. I told him I was a real naval aviator and I can remember exactly what I flew and where. He shut up and stopped bragging about being a Marine aviator.

Now when I go in his barbershop he has one of the other barbers cut my hair.
Kind of sad. Reading all these stories about "wannabes".
Are they so pathetic they need to prop themselves up by making up their crap?
I use to be open about my military service but quickly realized that civilians have no freaking idea where the hec I was coming from.
Now I don't discuss it with civilians at all. I just say "Yeah, did the Army thing. Was okay."
If I come across another military or ex-military I am delighted. If they were Army 11 series MOS, I feel like I've met a friend I haven't seen in a long time.
Funny how that is.
My favorite wannabe is a barber in Hayden, ID who claims to have been a Marine fighter pilot who flew the F-15 and F-16. He instructed in the two aircraft while at Davis Monthan AFB.

Oh yeah, since the USMC has tons of 15s and 16s (sarcasm). He must have been "flying" all those planes sitting in the boneyard at DM. Beretta 92F

I recently busted a local "combat vet" who a major newspaper IDed as a former US Navy SEAL. The "SEAL" was at a event honoring combat veterans. I emailed and asked to check the US Navy SEAL(BUD/S) training records for this joker. The site emailed me back a few minutes later. NO RECORD FOUND! I sent this information to the corrections dept and the newspaper printed a formal correction. This pantload is a total *** for acting like that in public. More real spec ops and combat veterans should bust these ****bags when they see them. Also contact the media or public affairs if you see this fraud/waste/abuse.

If you go to the great websites: and/or you can read more detailed incidents of fakes and wanna-be Rambo jerk-offs. :cuss:

On a lighter note; I recall a lower enlisted MP I served with in the US Army. "Rob" loved to share tall tales of high adventure. One claim he made that fell apart was that "back home in Ohio", he had a Beretta 10mm pistol. This was in 1992 before the model 96(.40S&W) was made available for sale to the general public. I asked this guy if he meant the 9mm or .40 Smith and Wesson and he swore it was a full power 10mm(just like Sonny Crockett's LOL :D ).

Leatherneck, has been infiltrated and has decomposed to a level of military dependants, some vets, and a bunch of civvies. Most of the real vets moved here: It's a free message board, much like The High Road.

Sgt Stevo, there was a pier off the coast of Kuwait for filling oil tankers. I watched it every day from the deck of the USS Tripoli, wondering just how far from shore we were. I have been to Kuwait Intl Airport. Wasn't much there then.

CTI, I was an AT1- USN(ret) and I had a 8377, 8379, 9585, 8303, 8304, and a 9595 NEC
In OSUT at Fort Benning, we had a guy named Espada, who loudly proclaimed, at every opportunity, his goal of becoming, and I quote, "Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces, Green Beret." Every time we were briefed by a sergeant major or some-such, he always asked them what he should do to become "Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces, Green Beret."

Later, he hurt his leg and went AWOL. But I sleep more peacefully at night knowing that he is out there, somewhere, probably crawling up behind Bin Laden with a KaBar in his teeth.

I kissed a stripper in more places than her mouth Ft. Bliss 1985 over boader at Panama Jacks......Oops wrong thread and not a war story one brags about

A lady friend of mine HAD a boy friend who was an X seal and Ranger.
Now being X-CAV I have no love for the Navy. For the past 5 years that weekend in December has been very bad. But I have Seal pals that I have the utmost respect for.

Anyway it just so happens this fat slob who was managing a White Hen pantry at the time (after all that training, motivation etc. 2nd shift? anyway)
This guy we will call him Brad decided to show up at the shop I worked part time at. His timing was perfect because I brought him rite over to my pals who were holding up the gun counter and introed him to them.
Well it turn out he was in the navy all right as a cook! After he basically ran out He still told my lady friend that he was still a seal BUT to stop talking about it to everyone because it was "top secret"
He was a drunk, had left his first wife and three kids in MI with no support.

All could do is be depressed by him. An ass kicking something more akin to how I would handle someone like him just was not in me after looking at his life or lack there of
Yes, Just south of the tower. Did you get to go to the shark mall, Or just the airport?

I used to go the airport and escort the buses to camp Doha. If someone has not been there, they think all kuwait is desert.

Did you ever go to diggers in Baharain? I low crawled out of there a few times.
Glad your back bro.......

I have an idea! Lets all post the most absurd, or weird pics from our deployments. Nothing to porno though, the mods will shut us down. I will get help put some up tommorrow. we can guess were they are and stuff.
Sgt Stevo, I was there in 91. There were some trailers around with some little items for sale, not much else. Tons of empty buildings. All the shore liberty we got was during Desert Shield in Abu Dhabi. We we stationed at the end of a pier in Abu Dhabi, which was ultimately called "NAS Abu Dhabi" :confused: Once the Storm started, we only hit Kuwait for a couple of missions and when we left to come back home. Never got liberty in Bahrain, unless you count on-base liberty :(
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