Gun store loser

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May 12, 2003
I don’t normally judge people that is better left to a higher authority. Today I went into a particularly open-minded gun store today and was looking over a Kimber I have been lusting for. The sound of a movie catches my ear as a young adult with his pants half on his ??? comes walking over with a portable DVD playing some rapper video. The question he posed to me was "is dat a 9?" I said in my most unnanoyed voice ( I don’t like scaring off a future enthusiast) that in fact it was a 45 and a mighty fine on at that. He then asked how many bullets it would hold. I turned to the counter person and said these are questions for you bro. At this point he says I guess you don’t wanna talk to me den. I said no I don’t work her I am just a customer like you, we are on the same side of the counter. All this time the music or video is still playing and is kinda annoying. I handed the Kimber back and walked over to the rifle racks for a look see. As I was walking away the guy says "too good to talk to me huh". At this point the store owner says what’s your problem, leave my customers alone and take that noise your listening to out of my store. I turned to the young man and said I really had nothing to say to him but if he liked we could go outside and settle his issue any way he liked. Being that I am 6-300 and in decent (not great) shape he passed. This kid walked out of the store like he owned it. I don’t know where these people come from but a better job of parenting should have been done somewhere along the line.
This kid walked out of the store like he owned it. I don’t know where these people come from but a better job of parenting should have been done somewhere along the line.

As Don Corleone explained to Michael one day, there are people who go through life proclaiming, "Kill me!." It looks as if you met one.

Hanging out at my favorite shop one Saturday, BS'ing with the usual crowd when in walks a person much like you described.
He was pretty cocky until he realized that the "usual crowd" consisted of a couple of city cops, a sheriffs deputy or two, a fish & game officer and one state trooper. He recognized most of them and I think they all knew who he was.
He forgot what it was he came in for. :D
In fighting these kids, first thing to do is to step on their pants and then push them back. :D
The sound of a movie catches my ear as a young adult with his pants half on his ???

Drives me up the wall, I thought that "lifestyle" had passed. Just think in a few years this young American will be qualified to vote.:barf: Jefferson was dead wrong!:fire:
Next time this happens, take a little time to reflect on the people you actually choose to associate with and count as your friends. It makes me truly apprieciate them even more. You ran up on one of the "ducks" of this world...sometimes they just can't be avoided.
The bigger picture is that there's an inner-city mostly black "culture" that has turned...well, sick. And that same culture now contains whites (Eminem?) too.

It may not be politically correct to say so, but it's the truth. It's why FBI stats show that when the race of an American murderer is known, 55% of the time it's a black despite their being only 15% of the US population.

Now, you either believe that something genetic is at fault (which I do NOT buy) or it's cultural. NOT all blacks are members of that inner-city "hip hop" culture, in fact probably fewer than 50%.

If you think a culture can't turn sick, there used to be six million Jews around who'd disagree. Or the inhabitants of Nanking...or the Lakota, Cherokee, Seminole and the rest for that matter (yes, my OWN culture went sick for a while).

That inner-city culture was warped by past racism, including inequitably applied gun control. That doesn't change what we've got now: a sick culture on our hands.

They're going to have to fix it themselves.
Let's see:
He was dressed in a way you didn't approve of, listening to music you didn't like, and didn't know as much about guns as you did, so you blew him off rudely. When he was less than polite in return, you threw your bulk around and challenged him to a fight in the parking lot (guess you don't CCW, huh? No pistol toter I know would ever ask someone to "step outside"...)

Good job creating a future anti-gun voter, man, my hat's off to you. :uhoh:
Tam's ...... not sure quite how serious you were being .... or even 'tongue in cheek'' .... but the picture I got was not even of someone who was likely to become an ''anti'' ...... more likely .... a young punk who perhaps was heading for some sorta trouble - somewhere.

Maybe I am wrong .. and believe me I am long in the fuze ... prefering to help as long as my patience will last .... which is usually pretty long.

But .. and maybe this colors my judgement .. I have actually met this guy (well, his clone!) .... his sole reason for askin questions seemed to be .... ''I am bored ...... ''. Spend a few minutes in gun shop and have some fun.

Don't get me wrong .... Despite having a gross aversion (it's an age thing!) .. to pants that hold themselves up below butt level by some magical anti-grav device ....... and the playing of music that impinges on other's space ....... I would certainly try hard ......... but my exposure, and effort, to ''clone'' was wasted, totally. He flipped me the bird, as he sauntered out the shop .... and the proprietor apologized profusely.

Aspirations probably would include nothing remotely approaching ... ''pro'' ..... or ''anti''

Let's see:
He was dressed in a way you didn't approve of, listening to music you didn't like, and didn't know as much about guns as you did, so you blew him off rudely. When he was less than polite in return, you threw your bulk around and challenged him to a fight in the parking lot (guess you don't CCW, huh? No pistol toter I know would ever ask someone to "step outside"...)

Good job creating a future anti-gun voter, man, my hat's off to you.
Well said.

If we always judge people by their acoutrements there are many people we will never get to know. There is much to be learned from this old saying:
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool.
Shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not is simple.
Teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep.
Waken him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows is wise.
Follow him.
I have come to believe from my observations that just as there are feral cats and dogs there are feral human beings; and for many of the same reasons- sad.
Tam: As I see it, Ivanimal was looking at a gun, when a person comes up and starts asking questions about it. Ivanimal doesn't know the answers, and so brings in the owner of the store to answer them. The gangsta-rappa-clone takes offense, and Ivanimal tries to assure the person that there is no reason for offense. GRC is still offended and mouthes off. Store owner says not to mouth off to customers, and not to scare them off with noise.

Now, Ivanimal shouldn't have suggested a fight, but before that, I don't think he did anything wrong.
Tam: As I see it, Ivanimal was looking at a gun, when a person comes up and starts asking questions about it. Ivanimal doesn't know the answers, and so brings in the owner of the store to answer them. The gangsta-rappa-clone takes offense, and Ivanimal tries to assure the person that there is no reason for offense. GRC is still offended and mouthes off. Store owner says not to mouth off to customers, and not to scare them off with noise. Now, Ivanimal shouldn't have suggested a fight, but before that, I don't think he did anything wrong.

i would concure. by telling the kid to talk to someone that works at the store about the questions he had doesn't seem rude to me.
Key to the post was this: "(I) was looking over a Kimber I have been lusting for."

Now when I have been lusting for an inanimate object, I usually tend to glean as much knowledge as I can about said object.

When asked about the caliber the ready reply was there; but on capacity the answer was to defer to the counter help.

Being someone, myself, who has never held the object of his affection -- nor having any knowledge about same -- I would venture as a safe guess that the answer to the young man's query would be "Ten" or "Ten plus one".

Even if I were wrong; how was he to know otherwise? It may have satisfied his curiosity enough for him to move on, thus avoiding the vitriol.
OOPS, I have a totally different perception here. I think he did absolutely PERFECT, by referring him to the clerk. If I am in a store, of any kind and someone asks me about one of their products, I think it is my responsibility as a good customer to withdraw, and let the clerk make his sales pitch. He might have been there to buy, or he might have been there to waste time. But if a clerk is good at his job he will determine that, and make a sale if possible, or create good will if appropriate. Most good sales people do not appreciate input from a third party.

To me freedom means I do not have to carry on a conversation just to be polite. I am free to with draw politely and if their feelings are hurt because I do not care for their company it is their problem.

I do not think I would have offered to adjust his attitude in the parking lot, but I was not there to see his attitude, or the chip on his shoulder.
Sounds to me like the young man was in serious need of a male role model. Not every one has had the benefit of a kind and benevolent father.
If my father had ever heard me mouth off to an older person, he would have stuck his size 12 boot up my backside and kept it there until I saw the error of my ways. I remember what I thought was drop-dead cool at 17 seemed silly and childish at 21.
Personally i dont feel the need to be kind, understanding, and sympathetic to every moron scumbag i meet. Im glad to see that im not the only one. And yes, i can readily identify people i dont want to associate with a short glance and a few words out of their mouth. Maybe some people feel the need to hang out with a person and meet their folks and buddies before they decide they arent worth their time. Im not one of those people and im glad.
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