Message from J&G Sales

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Nov 19, 2003
proud to be in AZ
In my e-mail today,

As most of you have heard, the state of New York passed a sweeping legal infringement of gun rights. On January 15th the NYSAFE Act ("Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act") went into effect. This new law limits magazine capacity to 7 rounds, limits ammunition deliveries to individuals, and strengthens the ban on so-called "assault weapons". Initially the law appeared to go into effect immediately, however further clarification indicates that various parts of the Act go into effect at different times.
The magazine restrictions go into effect April 15, 2013, so we will stop shipping mags over 7rds on April 1st to avoid deliveries taking place after the deadline. The ban on shipments of ammunition to individuals goes into effect January 15th, 2014, so we will stop shipping ammo (except to FFL dealers) on January 1st, 2014, to avoid deliveries taking place after the deadline.
Some orders to New York were cancelled after the law went into effect and before we had these clarifications, and we apologize for the inconvenience this caused some of you. We thank you for your patience as we determined the best way to continue accommodating our New York customers as best we can without putting them in any legal jeopardy. If your order was cancelled, please email us the order number and we will try to re-instate it if we can.

Read more about the Act here
FWIW, CDNN is not selling any mags whatsoever into New York.

I'm willing to bet that IF we can keep our current justices until the next Republican President, much of NY's new legislation will be struck down as unconstitutional.

Hopefully the challenges make it to SCOTUS quickly as I'm not sure how much longer some of those guns plan on remaining on the bench.

Heck it might even have a positive effect. By going this far (7 round limit) they've basically ensured that there will be a challenge in the courts. If they make it to SCOTUS magazine capacity laws (and even assault weapons laws) might be declared unconstitutional as a whole. Oh how I'd love for NY's little temper tantrum to get every AWB in every state across the nation thrown out :).
CDNN won't send any pistols to NY, either.

At least Midway and J&G are willing to be reasonable about it. I know who's getting my money in the future.
At least CDNN puts some principles over profit. Or maybe they just don't want to get in a legal tangle like J&G.

Maybe if supplies get tight, the inhabitants of NY will reconsider their voting habits.
I really don't blame these companies. The last thing a business owner needs is the thought of Bloomberg or someone else suing them for "violating a law" and driving them into bankruptcy with excessive legal bills. The bullies in state and local government have no problem using the people's money to go after entrepreneurs who they don't agree with.
Maybe if supplies get tight, the inhabitants of NY will reconsider their voting habits.

The ones who voted in the politicians who did this are probably darned near dancing in the streets over this thing passing. There are a lot of people - voters - who are out there and who are VERY anti-gun. Its not a politician only thing. If the gun people in New York are outnumbered by them at the polls what do you expect them to do? It's not like they can vote "harder" than they did last time.
FWIW, CDNN is not selling any mags whatsoever into New York.

GOOD more companies need to follow suit, while they are at it they need to let it be known that NOTHING firearm related will be shipped to new york. Up to and including contracts for the police and government.

They want a gun free society lets make it happen. This includes the Police.
CDNN won't send any pistols to NY, either.

At least Midway and J&G are willing to be reasonable about it. I know who's getting my money in the future.
Intersting. I would be more apt to spend money with CDNN over this. And would suggest midway and JG do the same. Cancel all contracts with government agencies in NY for anything firearm related.
That's my thinking, as well. Take a page from Ron Barrett's playbook. Refuse sale and service to L.E. agencies in the state. Remember the .50 that Barrett firearms refused to return to to an agency in California?
I could see the value of companies like CDNN refusing to sell to government agencies. However, when they refuse to sell to citizens, they are playing right into the antis hands.

They anti-gunners would love to scare off every vendor with confusing laws and complicated regulation. This magnifies the result of their efforts and allows them to accomplish things that they could never pass into law directly.

It's easy to be smug and to blame the pro gun people in NY for not voting hard enough. Two thirds of NY's population is clustered around New York City. How free would Pennsylvania be if Philly had that much of the vote? How many guns would the people Oregon have of Portland controlled two thirds of the government?

I prefer vendors who won't cut me off because I live in a state that made it inconvenient for them to do business. I don't demand that they do business with me, but I certainly prefer it.
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Private companies have a right to conduct business, or not, anyway they choose within the law. That being said, it is sad that the people of NYS are being controlled by a small, geographic, yet populace southeastern, NYC metro area. J&G, and probably others are doing a CYA to avoid potential law suits.
I prefer vendors who won't cut me off because I live in a state that made it inconvenient for them to do business. I don't demand that they do business with me, but I certainly prefer it.

This is a good point. And your point about population centers controlling state politics is right on. I don't have a solution for that.
As others have stated; This is the time for every manufacturer, distributor and vendor to stand together and tell New York to go screw.
J&G is nice because they have an "In Stock Guns" button. Makes shopping super easy compared to other sites. That message is on their main page...I agree its a reasonable response vs the "nothing to NY" attitude of other sites.
J&G is nice because they have an "In Stock Guns" button. Makes shopping super easy compared to other sites. That message is on their main page...I agree its a reasonable response vs the "nothing to NY" attitude of other sites.
Which other sites are saying NOTHING to New York?

I would like to know so I can look there first when shopping for something.
All i know is if the ammo situation cools off in the next 6 months, me & 2 buddies are going to get 1 or 2 last big mail orders in.Those ups drivers better have a hand truck !
I believe Marbury vs. Madison might have something to say about all this. It has something to do with any EO or law that is repugnant to the US Constitution shall be void and have no power. :cool:
At least CDNN puts some principles over profit. Or maybe they just don't want to get in a legal tangle like J&G.

Maybe if supplies get tight, the inhabitants of NY will reconsider their voting habits.
And what principles would they be? It's perfectly legal to ship handguns or long guns to NYS, in fact, 10-rounders are legal until April 15th. But instead of supporting the gun owners in NYS, CDNN chooses not to sell to them, and this "no guns to New York" policy is been their modus operandi for some time now. Seems to me a principled company would make sales to New York a priority whilst we have some modicum of freedom in the "Empire" State.
I see there are others in this thread who feel that supporting a boycott of New York would be of some value. Your logic eludes me, but I hope you're right; after all, it's coming your way, just wait and see.
At least CDNN puts some principles over profit. Or maybe they just don't want to get in a legal tangle like J&G.

If they're putting principles over profits, then they'll do as Ronnie Barrett has done and refuse to sell to anything to police or other government agencies that cannot be sold to ordinary citizens. Let the cops find their sources of guns and ammo drying up.
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