Joe Biden on home defense ...

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Biden is what makes Obama look smart! :banghead:
Exactly. It is like when a moderately attractive woman surrounds herself with absolute dogs. It makes her look like a goddess.

It can also be applied to men, so as not to sound like a sexist pig AKA a Colorado Democrat.
LOL. Did Biden just say that he told his wife to respond to a threat outside their home by opening the door and going outside? Does that man ever think before he opens his mouth?
I guess we now know what the administration really wants the mag limit to be, 2. What a clown.
I thought the same thing... "mag limit" =2. Maybe the double barrel shotgun was a carefully selected firearm brought into this debate by the VP.
This guy is a supreme moron.

Everything he said was DEAD WRONG.

And this is our "Gun Safety Czar"???

Can't we impeach people for stupidity? He's giving Americans REALLY unsound and REALLY dangerous advice.
LOL at PapaGrune.

Imagine the scene...1 am in Deleware, Jill standing on the balcony in her house coat, sans makeup and hair, smoke curling out of the muzzles...with the Secret Service in energy drink hyper drive scurrying around SUV's and laser dots flying EVERYWHERE...would not want to be the neighbor that opened my blinds to see what the racket at "Crazy Joe's" place down at the end of the cul-de-sac was about this time!
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Double barrel shotgun--double barrel death dealing machine--easier to use and more effective than even an AR15 with a 30 round magazine. The double barrel shotgun that makes an AR15 look like a fuzzy teddy bear by comparison. If AWs deserve to be banned, how about this more effective killer, the boomstick that scared Deadites back to Hades in Army of Darkness?
I am sorta expecting a follow up on this soon where he tells us bird shot makes a great defense against grizzly bears.
Not only is it wrong that a shotgun is easier to use than an AR-15 but suggesting shooting it into the air is illegal; it's a felony where I live. He thinks we only need two rounds and we should use them as warning shots hoping you scare the bad guys away that have superior guns. That is just insane!
The bad part is, Where I live, you set off a shotty in the air, you will get charged with Reckless discharge of a firearm in a residential zone reguardless of whether you was scared or not. Uncle Joe is a dip. Plus, ya'll know as well as me, what goes up.... so, just safety sake you are gonna rain the hell out of somebody or something... And trust me, my neighbors isn't gonna care if Hitler himself was stalking you if you rain their new car with a crapload of shot.
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Question1: once your 2 shots are used up, the BG who may be stuck leaving by the only exit which you're now blocking with an empty piece of wall decoration - will he be shooting in the air as well?

Question 2: if firing in the air was affective, why is there such a need for cops to unload into BGs rather than simply firing in the air until the BG submits?
He's been watching too many rebel victory videos from the middle east.

So. That explains why all the dead birds are falling out of the sky here in AR. Had everyone baffled. Just wish he used birdshot so there was more left to eat.
LOL. Did Biden just say that he told his wife to respond to a threat outside their home by opening the door and going outside? Does that man ever think before he opens his mouth?
Quite frankly, I don't believe said conversation with Jill really took place. It does not have the ring of truth. I believe Joe invented a parable of sorts, to relate to the common man in a folksy sort of way. Like Jesus, maybe.

He reminds me a lot of my Uncle Frank, about whom my folks cautioned me when we saw him at family picnics and such. "Humor him when he gets like that," they advised, "and let him talk." He was a jolly yet hapless old feller who simply couldn't get anything right.
Always make sure when you think there are bad guys outside, to step out on the porch, and make yourself an easier target.

Why can't our government get ANYTHING right?:cuss:
Thanks Jose'! But there are no double barrel shotguns on the shelves anymore...... Now what do I do?

The Dove
If I shot twice into the air off my back porch nobody would care.
It's nice to live in the boondocks...:D

I shot 10 rounds of 9mm off my back deck this morning checking a handload, the only creatures that noticed were my neighbors outdoor dogs.

I talked to my neighbors about 15 minutes later, they were indoors and didn't even hear the gunfire.
The government may be able to ignore the Bill of Rights, but it can't ignore the law of gravity. What goes up (shotgun pellets) must come down. Somewhere. And hit something. Or someone. What the Vice President is saying is, "If you feel threatened, go outside, shoot at your neighbors and hope you don't hit them."
While someone is trying to break in, Joe says;

Open door
Unload your weapon

Where was the defensive part? (aka "How to become a victim")

Isn't this an argument for why we need higher capacity guns? How will Jill defend herself now with an empty weapon? If she had an AR she would still be armed. AR has less recoil, less wall overpentration, easy to mount lights and of course more capacity.

Will Jill's squad of SS agents be reponding with SxS's or AR's?
Quite frankly, I don't believe said conversation with Jill really took place. It does not have the ring of truth. I believe Joe invented a parable of sorts, to relate to the common man in a folksy sort of way. Like Jesus, maybe.

He reminds me a lot of my Uncle Frank, about whom my folks cautioned me when we saw him at family picnics and such. "Humor him when he gets like that," they advised, "and let him talk." He was a jolly yet hapless old feller who simply couldn't get anything right.
Oh yes, he's just like the nutty uncle of the family. I'm sure he meant this as a folksy story. Having lived in Delaware for 7 years now, I'm used to hearing such silliness from the Biden family. The least he could do is attempt to make half an ounce of sense.
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