New Euro gun laws with plenty of US bashing...

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What short memories....

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we're violent?

i grew up in the bronx, in one of the rougher neighborhoods. i though that that was as rough as it could get, until i visited the U.K. a few years back. man, london is a scary-ass town. those guys don't need guns, they stab and beat each other to death. i personally saw about 7 beatings happen on the street, at various times of the day, during the 3 weeks i was there. i've lived in scranton, PA, for 10 years, and i've seen exactly 7 fights, one of which i was involved in.

we're violent?
I need to get out of here. I'll be sad to leave my family and friends, but since they are all habitual socialist voters, because of some silly notion of "being working class",I can't help but thinking that they deserve a wakeup call, no matter how much I love them. The stuff that's happened in France last week will come up here as well. Heck, it already has, sort of. Kids in Malmö are chucking stones at firefighters and paramedics...
There's always the perception that countries that have very restrictive gun laws are somehow safer, that's pretty far from the truth and it doesn't reflect reality.

Violent crime tops 1 million mark and that was in 2005

Crime in the US vs. the UK

Misbegotten government plans in regards to gun control in the British Commonwealth

Violent crime stats in the UK regarding knife usage in violent crime.

Now they're trying to ban knives in an attempt to fight "knife crime"

The only thing that the British government is make it safer for criminals to operate.

Home invasions in the UK vs. the US

Home Invasions: US vs. UK

In which country is it more dangerous to be in your home, the US or Great Britain? If you said Great Britain, you're right... if you're talking about home-invasion robberies.

Violent home invasions have become a serious problem in the UK, fueled in part by laws against gun ownership and violence in self-defense. British law holds that a person who kills an intruder in their home can be charged with murder; a self-defense argument does exist, but the threshold is very high.

In the US, by contrast, burglars who commit home invasion statistically have just as great a chance of getting shot as they do going to jail -- a significant deterrent even when homeowners don't own guns. If you're a burglar intent on committing a home invasion, you don't know if the homeowner has a gun and an itchy trigger finger... and you probably don't want to find out the hard way.
Those in Britain say that gun control works; gun crime has been very low since they instituted the Section 5 ban, because the restriction is so tight that only hunting rifles are sold/imported, so even the BGs can't get many handguns.

Gun crime was very low before the ban.

Handgun violence has more than doubled since the ban.

Gun control does not work.

Violent home invasions have become a serious problem in the UK, fueled in part by laws against gun ownership and violence in self-defense. British law holds that a person who kills an intruder in their home can be charged with murder; a self-defense argument does exist, but the threshold is very high.

Now this is pretty much rubbish. British self-defence law is not different than most US states - the only major difference is laws against the tools needed to perform it. You can be charged if you shoot an intrude, like Tony Martin who shot two burglars. He was charged because he shot them when they were running away - not self defence. In contrast another British man shot a burglar as he was climbing through a window and he was never charged. Another man shot two burglars as they drove across his land - he was not charged. In another case a man pushed a burglar out of a window as he was breaking in, causing him to fall to his death. He was not charged. In all three cases they were not charged because they had reasonable reason to fear for life or limb. In the first case he was charged because he did not have reason to fear for life or limb. I don't believe most US states are any different.
macFarlaine wrote:

You naughty violent Americans,always late to arrive but by george you can fight.

Hey, give us a break... we had to travel further. :)

kurtmax wrote:

How many world wars were started by Americans ?

Two... actually. Neither of the 'World Wars' were World Wars until the rest of the world joined in (the US...)

False. Depending on the definition of a "World War," it could be argued that both WWI and WWII were "World Wars prior to US involvment. After all, in WWII, Germany was on its path of conquest in Europe and Japan, allied with Germany, was following similar plans in Asia. Prior to US involvement in either World War, several nations had aligned themselves along sides and were actively involved in the conflicts.

Even if your definition is one that requires US involvement for it to be a "World War," the US didn't START either of them. We may have "transformed" them into a World conflict by our very prescence, but still we didn't START them. The difference is subtle, but very, very important.

Beagle-zebub wrote:

This thread is getting pretty low-road.

Yes and No. Making comments about individual Europeans is Low Road. After all, we have fine examples of Europeans who do not agree with the content of this thread here.

However, I do not consider it Low Road for a US citizen to have a response to the comments made in the OP about our home. I have a strict personal policy that I refrain from taking stabs at the laws of other countries. As I see it, they make their choices and live with them. I do, however, suspend this policy if those countries' representatives make a point to take stabs or contrast themselves to the US in the process of passing their little laws. It is our right to respond to such tripe. I frankly consider it an obligation to respond. Several of my ancestors bled to break free from Europe and to exert our Rights of Man over that of State or Throne.

Civil liberties can be sacrificed if we can prevent people from being killed.

I hope everyone keeps their outrage over this statement. Many here would say the exact same thing.

And I have to editoralize. If we learned anything from history, by sacrificing those civil liberties, it often makes it easier for the government to kill you.

God bless Europe. And protect it. I suspect that Divine Intervention is about the only thing that can now.

-- John
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The implication seems to be that if someone comes at you with a knife, you can only respond with a knife. Anything more is "radical."

Like the use of firearms would be "radical." I just resent the underlying presumption that this evil clanky noisy greasy thingy on my belt is "radical."

It tells me something about the attitude of the writer thereof.

Anyhow, back to thread mainline.
"Civil liberties can be sacrificed if we can prevent people from being killed."

The thing she ignores in her hubris is that you can't prevent good people from being killed by bad people without hurting the bad people. Firearms are the most efficient means invented to hurt or kill those bad people. :barf:

Oh, wait, silly me. The bad people in government don't want you hurting or killing them...
I just resent the underlying presumption that this evil clanky noisy greasy thingy on my belt is "radical."

Likewise, I resent the notion that we OWE an attacker a "fair" fight. Personal Responsibility, anyone?

-- John
I need to get out of here. I'll be sad to leave my family and friends, but since they are all habitual socialist voters, because of some silly notion of "being working class",I can't help but thinking that they deserve a wakeup call, no matter how much I love them. The stuff that's happened in France last week will come up here as well. Heck, it already has, sort of. Kids in Malmö are chucking stones at firefighters and paramedics...

Move to Northern Minnesota or Northern Wisconsin- you probably wouldn't even be recognized as a foreigner there.:D
The governments of Europe have been disarming their citizens every time they get ready to kill them. Sounds as though the slaughter is about to happen again.

Yeah,,,,we here in America are soooooo violent.
The facts bear out that most gun crime in this country is the result of involvement in the drug trade and by family members killing each other over domestic incidents.

The fact that mass killings are so rare in this nation that the actual number of victims does very little to the overall numbers of actual homicide victims who, again, are generally invoved in some criminal enterprise themselves does not prove that we, as a society, are sooooo violent.

The fact that the last real mass killing perpetrated in this country involved the use of aircraft as the weapon of choice and the fact that the criminals who perpetrated this act were not even citizens of this nation again proves that we, as a society, are NOT sooooo violent.

The fact that explosives are so rarely used in any form of violence in this country that those figures rarely show up in any criminal statistics report also proves that we as a society are NOT sooooo violent.
Think on this one Germany and England.

Americans do not attend sporting events for the sole purpose of inflicting grave injury upon other members of society yet we, as a society, are accused of being sooooo violent over here.
As a general rule members of American gangs do not roam freely attacking citizens at will for the sole purpose of injuring them unless the police do something stupid that is recorded on video tape and sold to the new media for profit, yet we are the ones as a society, who are accused of being sooooo violent.

Get a clue Europe.
Wow sooooo intense.Don't believe all you read,football violence this year 0.Marauding gangs where ? Inner city problems where ? I wonder where you get all this rubbish from,I don't see it.
Civil liberties can be sacrificed if we can prevent people from being killed.

Seems I remember the same talk after 9/11 out of Washington.

"All European cows are registered Europe-wide, so why not guns, if it can save lives? Civil liberties can be sacrificed if we can prevent people from being killed."

That way if mad cow disease ever strikes, they can trace the cow back to its herd after it shoots up a school.
To The Viking:

I need to get out of here. I'll be sad to leave my family and friends, but since they are all habitual socialist voters, because of some silly notion of "being working class..."

Most of the folks on this board had reasonably recent forebears who gave up friends, family, hometowns, and sometimes even fortunes to come to this country.

They had the sheer guts to do it, and I sometimes think that this "gutsy" gene pattern has been passed down to our present populace. (Although perhaps the "Guts" gene pattern is basically recessive.)

Sometimes I think a theory like that might explain a lot of the differences between us and the rest of the world.

When you get here, Welcome!
A most interesting development. Unfortunately not all that surprising I suppose. Let's just hope the socialists in our government don't get any bright ideas. I can't say I know a whole lot about crime stats for specific countries (although knife crime in the UK does seem to keep coming up), but I was thinking that it was an European nation (namely France) that had a large portion of a city taken over by violent rioters to a degree that even the police didn't want to patrol it. As compared to the worst riots I can think of in recent US history (LA) in which several gun owners protected there property by using their right to defend themselves. And the PRK has very tough gun laws itself. There is a reason though why the LA riots didn't happen in Atlanta...
"All European cows are registered Europe-wide, so why not guns...?"

Unbelievable. A few years ago I would have laughed if someone said, "When cows are outlawed only outlaws will have cows" but damn, those Europeans are so Socialist they will do it. The militant vegitarians will do it. :eek:
This is the kind of stuff that people have to resort to when guns are outlawed.



The Home Gunsmith Site In The UK

Frankenstein AK variant put together with nuts, bolts and scrap steel in Poland

Homemade Ammo in Poland out of brass tubing, blanks and homemade bullets.


It's either that or deal with a black market dealer who's smuggled former military weapons into the country.

Man I'm glad that I live in the US, but this kind of thing will creep it's way over here eventually too.
"Nothing long term to worry about. When your governments start murdering you by the millions again, our "gun culture" will probably bail you out."

Love it!
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