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I Love This Girl (Pt 2)

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Nov 12, 2007
Ok, this is a spin off of the original thread. In here, pictures of your girlfriends/wives or ex's with guns.

This way we can all appreciate having significant others who are into something so amazing. My apologies to the women who post here, but feel free to post pictures of yourselves.

I'll go first, my girlfriend shooting the 12ga :)


And again with our mauser


Yeah... she's rad :) Plays video games, shoots guns, works+school full time. Can't ask for much more

I'm not screwing this one up. But you guys post too! This isn't about her :) It's about girls in general
I taught my ex-wife how to shoot. The night I came home at 2am and tried to sneak up to bed, I heard that VERY loud click of the Model 27 cocking. I yelled "It's me honey" and she replied..."I Know". NEVER teach your woman how to shoot!
That is either one little lady or a giant AR. :) Not that I would say that to her face, mind you - she looks like she might just know her way around that thing......

I'm biased cause when I held my regular M-16a2 in the army, people thought I had a shorty M4. I was also accused of having a thyroid problem.
I also love those A-1 handguards. They were what I learned to shoot with in the Army in the early '70's. Now go out and teach that girl how to shoot!
I'll play. If I had know what a gun-nut my daughter would be, I would have named her Mor"gun" instead of Morgan. Here she is with her new Rem 870 youth model 20 Ga and her chocolate lab "Cocoa".

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I have been raised with guns from the early 60's, My whole family are pro gun & pro hunter. I really like this site , seeing so many young people carrying on the tradition. I hope it never ends.
As a reminder to our experienced members and a note to our new ones, let's stick to the high road on this thread.

Everyone has upheld the standards of the site so far, but we've had trouble in the past with things sinking towards the gutter when we get into this area.

Remember we have plenty of families with children that use our site, we'd hope you keep that in mind. We also have plenty of adults that aren't interested in seeing your cheesecake pictures of your significant others, we're not the low class dive that you find on much of the internet.

If you want to post pictures of your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/sister/brother/son/daughter keep it reasonably tasteful.

After all, we are trying to show the world that we're not the creepy knuckle-draggers that the antis make us out to be, aren't we?

Oh, and try not to succumb to the temptation to bust on someone's picture. There's no point in picking on technique/posture in a thread like this.

Let me be a little more clear than hso.

If you place a vulgar photo on a thread that my little girl is obviously checking each day just so she can see more little girls and women like herself, I will not only ban you permanently, but I will do it swiftly, surely, without warning, and without one consideration to your prior contributions to this forum.

If I ever find out who you are and encounter you in public, we will have words, and the exchange will not be pleasant. I do not take kindly to those who contribute to the degeneration of our young people.

Consider this fair warning. If the photo you post is questionable, post it at your own risk.

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alucard0822...Thanks. :)

Here is Morgan when I said, "Give me your "No" means No!! pose (Colt was completely empty...checked by Dad & Morgan)

I like this for an Oleg poster:

Mix 1 part girl
with 1 part RKBA
and you get the ability to say "No"
and to enforce it!"

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