Boy suspended due to glock logo on pen!

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Wunder what would happen if someone named their kid Remington or Simonov?

Hay what about Kimber.

Throughout highschool I had a Viagra Pen and nobody said a word.

But one day I got sent to the Principle because I was wearing a shirt that said USMC.
They made me turn it inside out because "USMC is gang related"

Now I'm going to tell you that if the United States Marines are a gang then we are in SERIOUS TROUBLE. They would show all the other gangs what a real drive by looks like.:eek:
Wunder what would happen if someone named their kid Remington of Simonov?

Hay what about Kimber.

Most firearm names are in fact someone's last name.
That includes Gaston Glock, the subject of this thread.
I just got a cheap NRA logo watch today for getting them a new member.
Was going to give it to my 11 year old grandson to wear.
After reading this Glock pen logo insanity ,I decided against it.Might be another insane Admin at his school.
I actually have a kid in my class named Remington, as well as several Hunters and a few other gun related names. It is a shame that the Assistant Principal had no sense, but I am glad to see the Superintendent did.
What other companies have made/brand named guns?

Off the top of my head:
Westeren Auto and Sears sold guns under their name.

I'm sure there are more.

Public schools are dummied down so children that belong in special ed can still pass and eventually get a job in the public school system.
IMO what's changed in our society since I was a kid is the sense that people are PERSONALLY responsible for their actions and that sometimes crappy things just happen to folks. These days too many want to point fingers and blame and sue over things that would have been laughed out of court 50 years ago.

If a kid shoots up a school then there was something seriously wrong with his head. Don't blame the gun for shooting the bullets and or sue the school for failing to protect the victims or blame the music the kid listened to. Only someone seriously deranged becomes a mass murderer, and looking to blame others is foolshness.

Looking to always blame others leads people to take steps to cover their asses in advance. If a kid shows too much interest in guns he MIGHT be the next maniac and if the school sees evidence of that and fails to act then they leave themselves wide open to lawsuts. That's at the core of all these stupid new rules and paranoia, not anti-gun fanatics.
Litigation is such a driving force behind so much that has changed and shaped society thus far, and continues to be.

Insurance companies make the rules, and everyone has to abide.
If something happens, litigation results...litigation results period, just the outcome depends if the "i's were dotted and "t's" crossed.

Little Bitty Jesus is whom I peg a lot of blame on for the beginnings of erosion of folks being personally responsible and Gov't control, Insurance Regs and Litigation being such a driving force.

My take, when the world has gone kaput, the Cockroaches will still inhabit the earth.
Cockroaches will beat out and survive all Gov't Control, Ins Regs and Litigations.

I've always thought the Cockroach should be a symbol of survival ...
Get the kid a pen with a Cockroach logo...

That should be neat for a kid and drive adults bonkers at the same time...
I've been wondering what these schools do about history books. Are they sterilized like this? Did Washington's army cross the Delaware holding flags and big tall flowers?

Over the Christmas break I had an opportunity to leaf through my neices American History text. Washington's crossing of the Delaware was given one paragraph, with no mention of the arms carried by the army. The 2nd Amendment as explicitly defined as the right of the States to maintian their National Guard. :banghead:
The liberals and socialists have had control of the education system for several decades. When youth are taught that guns are bad a fairly large nymber will swallow it.

That is the way liberals have torn this country down. Just continue to lie and many will believe it in time. Then the next generation will have fewer to convince.

ALL! Attend your PTA meetings and be VOCAL! You may not be popular, but you may get a few people to think. As Stokely Carmichael and Eldrige Cleaver said, although I don't agree with much of their philosophy, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.".
This could quite possibly be the most rediculous thing I have ever heard...Even more so than the grade school kid who got suspended for drawing was somewhat resembled a gun on a piece of paper...With a big smile on his face mind you.

So i guess using the word GLOCK(gasp!) is worse than dropping an "F" bomb now? Because all an "F" bomb would have gotten in high school were a couple of demerits.

I guess GLOCK and the "N" bomb would be in the same boat, because I'm guessing you'd get suspended for that too.
Ahh...the Glock Pen. A pen of ingenious design and construction that it can be mixed with sea water, battery acid and alligators, passed through the digestive system of a whale, stomped on by all the sumos in Japan, used to deflect bullets and photon torpedoes and still write 1 bajillion words a minute with spell check.

No wonder the VP suspended the kid. I would be worried too! :eek:
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Well it was a semi Auto pen. Alright not so much. Dang, my highschool had and unofficial Airsoft team that was promoted in school and talked about freely. And yea I graduated in 2004. But I went to a tiny school.
Bud Tugly wrote.....
There's a huge fear among some school boards and state officials of getting blamed or sued if a shooting or other school violence were to happen.

School boards and state officials toss aside common sense and critical thinking skills.......because of the fear that others in positions of authority and control..........will toss aside common sense and critical thinking skills.......and cost them their jobs.

We used to teach critical thinking and free expression in this country. What a sad state.

Now, the mere presence of a single word can bring scorn and retribution. Now we have the "G" word. Heaven forbid!

Bud Tugly, the reason you didn't shy away from firearms in your classroom is because you are a retired teacher from an earlier era.

Today, with the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution under increasing attack, our national concienceness is being replaced by national nonsense, big government and Ray Nagins.

One last thought. I wonder how many school officials at Virginia Tech lost their jobs because they failed to provide adequate security to 32+ students?
I'm a retired high school science teacher and get tired of the bashing of teachers and the public schools from some folks. There were some idiots among the administration and my co-workers but no more so than any other segment of the population.

I used to discuss bullet ballistics as an example when talking about gravity and gun recoil when talking about action/reaction (Newton's Third Law). Another teacher even used to bring his deer rifle into class and disassemble it in class when discussing machines and material strengths.

Things changed when the school shootings started. The state legislature reacted by passing a raft of ill-advised laws so they wouldn't be accused of doing nothing to "protect the children".

For example, one law stated that any student bringing a knife to school would be automatically expelled. An elementary student in a neighboring school brought a PLASTIC knife to spread peanut butter on her lunchtime sandwich and the school was required to expel her or risk losing their state funding. Luckily she was reinstated by appealing to the state and the DA that there was no intention to use it as a weapon.

There's a huge fear among some school boards and state officials of getting blamed or sued if a shooting or other school violence were to happen. That's led to a huge and poorly thought-out over-reaction in some places.

There's no big conspiracy among public schools to warp or indoctrinate kids. While there are some bad apples, the vast majority of people in public education work hard at their jobs for poor pay and I'm tired of hearing them get bad-mouthed.

"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from conspiracy."

This is security theater, plain and simple.
Just becasue this business started after the school shootings, doesn't make it right. The whole thing about the Glock logo is absolutely mindless. Any depiction of a firearm being a significant issue is another ridiculous rule. But, is it really mindless? If you believe in the theory of teaching the kids young about what liberals believe are evil, you will eventually capture most of those kids in the logic and they will vote to make "guns bad" in both state and federal laws. This is important.

How many times have you heard a child say that drugs are bad or evil? How many times have you heard the same thing about tobacco products? I have heard this from a 5 year old in kindergarton. It is a freedom issue. You hear people say things like, if tobacco products or alchololic beverages are so bad, then make them illegal. It is all about programming the young. I'm not trying to say that some things are not good for you from a health standpoint, I'm trying to point out the programming and it works.
I'm glad the Principal or Superintendant overruled the VP in this one. There was another one recently where the VP was not overruled.

Nothing more I have to say on this is very THR.

edit to ask: how to they teach world or U.S. history without discussing war and without showing pictures of soldiers and war ships and military aircraft? How can they even discuss current events without violating their own zero tolerance guidelines. It might be time to feed them their own soup.
Public education is pretty much a joke nowadays. I will back this statement up with examples here in a moment. First a little background on the public education system. The modern public education system as we know it came to us from Massachusettes, Mass. adopted the form in the early to mid 1800's. They had in turn adopted it from the Prussians. The prussians had discovered that the "average" soldier "thought" too much and this led to problems on the battlefield. In order to counteract this they instituted the public education system. Just a very brief summary. Don't believe it look it up. Do some research.

Now to my examples of how the public education system is a joke. Have 1st cousin who literally cannot hardly read. Guess what he is doing right now on the state dollar. He is working on his Masters in education via a special program to teach special education in the "state" schools. Makes a lot of since doesn't it. Since he can't hardly read a "reader" is provided for him to take his tests, or the professor's or their assistant's administer the test to him orally. And gues what. He gets all the time he needs to take the test when others only get the amount of time that class is in session.

Next example. My sister in law is in high school. She came home asking if we had heard about the new tunnel. "No, what new tunnel are you talking about?" We say. "The tunnel that connects NY to England?" Says here science teacher told them that in class. Next week she comes in this was right around the time that there was supposed to be a big meteor shower within a few days. Says that she doesn't know why the media is talking about the expected meteor shower, because her teacher had taught them that 85% of meteor are actually frozen human waste jetisioned from airplanes. Needless to say after these two incidents her parents went to the principal.

As for the liberal slant on textbooks. 100% correct. I started out majoring in history. Have always been a big history buff especially military history. Go to college and start taking history classes and the majority of any history class anymore is talking about guess what "class struggle". I thought you only had to take a class in Marxism or Communism to get this. Very little is taught about how America won its independance, or even how we kept it. By the way I only ended up with a minor in history and a major in philosophy. Figured I had better learn how to argue with em and attempt to beat them with sound logic and facts. Learned the hard way that liberals just don't listen. Their mind is already made up. Best we can hope for is to swing those still sitting on the fence.

Picked up a high school "social studies" book the other day. About a page, about 1/4 of which was a picture talking about Thomas Jefferson and his contribution to America. A few pages over 3 full pages discussing how great Alexander Hamilton was and all his accomplishments. HMMMMM Wonder what the connection was with Hamilton who wanted a massive, powerful, federal government, and a liberal textbook that expounds how great he was.

Rant off.:banghead:
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