Boy suspended due to glock logo on pen!

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My wife is a public school teacher. Fortunately she is very good and has a LOT of common sense. If some kid had a GLOCK pen, she probably would have asked where they got it and try to get one for me :)
Did anyone read Bud Tugly's post?

Yep. I sure did. I then immediately dismissed it. I don't care what the excuse is for things like this. It takes one person in the school system to stand up and say "This is stupid!" yet nobody does. They continiously let this happen over and over again.

Why should I let my children be taught by such people? So they can not learn common sense? So they can grow up to be spineless too? So they too can be turned into servants of the state and then help captive by that state's funding?

I don't care what excuse Bud Tugly types in, it's just as unacceptable as the next.
The Public School System Stinks Bud Tugly

Hammering the public school system will stop when folks within the system stand up and say, "Enough is enough."

Hammering parents will stop when they actively complain about nonsensical zero-tolerance policies.:cuss:
Thats why

choice and competition in schools and school vouchers is so important. We need to do away with the public indoctrination centers and allow the parents to vote with their dollars and their feet and take their kids wherever they like.
Not sure if this has been asked, but is this Glock pen the one made of ceramic that can't be detected by airport metal detectors?
No, it's square polymer pen with a pushbutton that's kinda spongey.
What if

What if the student drove a Dodge Caliber?
What if he drove a Dodge Magnum?
oh yeah i almost forgot i was suspended once during high school for, of all things having pictures of guns on my mom's computer. she called the school/police and basically told them she was convinced i was planning something awful. the woman has very little sense, her vast breathless leaps of logic caused me a lot of trouble when i was younger. in all fairness to the school officials and officers who were involved they were respectful.
School Dropped Dismissal

The VP was told by the Superintendent to drop it when the dad complained to the School Superintendent.

OP at said:
Well, the verdict is in...

I arrived at the superintendant's office at about 8:45am. He was already in his office and readily met with my Uncle Bill (my attorney), my son, and myself. He seemed to be rather nice and agreed that the suspension was uncalled for because the pen was not a physical or graphic representation of a weapon. He admitted that it was a bad judgment call on the VPs part which should have been thought over a little more; especialy since my son does not have a disiplinary record. He apologized for the problem and told us that my son could return to school and that the disiplinary would be removed.

The dad verified the write-up was removed from the son's folder by getting all the official copies and taking them home with him.

His son still uses the Glock pen at school.
Heh. My nephew used to wear an NRA hat to school. When the "authorities" challenged him and told him he couldn't wear a National Rifle Association hat to school, he told them to look at his full name. Then he asked them to show him where on his hat it said "National Rifle Association".

Yep, his initials are N.R.A.

He was allowed to wear the hat (this is in the Denver area).
At my HS I went to someone wore a "BUSH=TERRORIST" shirt and a few teachers tried to send the kid home, but later the schoolboard got threatened to sue for infringment of free speech.

If someone can wear a shirt like that, I see no reason I can't wear my "celebrate diversity" gun shirt (that I don't have, but want one)

Though it doesn't matter anymore, I'm out of the public school system and in "higher education" now.

But while I was getting towards the end of my senior year in HS I started just talking openly about guns with a few of my friends (who are also into guns) and never had a problem.

For one of my HS classes my senior year, we had to design a business card for ourselves, and the first thing we had to do was bring in as many cards we could to get ideas from, so I went to the chantilly gun show, and got a bunch of gun dealer business cards I've bought from in the past :D
Demonizing the schools over foolish illogic like this pen issue is no better than the anti-gun people demonizing all of us legal and law-abiding gun owners. IMO the High Road approach should be to find solutions rather than looking for someone to blame.

The public is terrifed over these school shootings and is desperately grasping for solutions. We need to STRONGLY get the message out that the problem is not with legal gun owners - it's guns in the hands of criminals and deranged people. We all know that more good people legally carrying guns might have stopped many of the school shootings in their tracks.

I'm not making excuses for anyone. I'm just saying that looking at root causes and coming up with solutions is a much better approach than playing the blame game.
I wrote yesterday that I was glad we weren't as bad as the insanity in Britain yet.

At least the superintendent stepped in so I don't have to retract my previous statement... but I can see we're almost there.
The school has a written policy against gun logos in school, the kid broke the rule
These rules are not secret they are outlined in the student handbook for all to see

What are any of you doing to change these rules

Here's a hint
The people that make them are elected
The school has a written policy against gun logos in school, the kid broke the rule
These rules are not secret they are outlined in the student handbook for all to see

What are any of you doing to change these rules

Actually, it has a policy of no IMAGES of guns, not names.

However, the rest of your post still holds true as this is utter folly as well.
Not sure if this has been asked, but is this Glock pen the one made of ceramic that can't be detected by airport metal detectors?

No silly, this is a different one. This one shoots you in the leg when you put it in your pocket.

The next generation ones kaboom when you hit the clicker on the top.
You know, I happen to live in a school district where the schools are excellent. The teachers do very well with the children, they don't "teach the test", yet the kids do very well on the tests. The principal has impressed me with his abililty and willingness to use common sense in discipline. And, why do I believe the schools do so well? THere is extremely string parental involvement in the school. There were a group of boys calling themselves a gang, wearing the same colors, and writing songs about making and selling meth. The principal called me and another parent (a cop) and had us come talk to the boys about gang life and meth. Showed them Showed them photos of people burned in meth labs. Showed them victims of gang violence. Last I talked to the principal, the kids were all doing very well with no further incidents. None were suspended at any point.

Let's not indict the entire public school system country wide because of some idiot rules. Maybe stand up and do something about the problems where you live.
This thread made me curious what my local school had for a policy. Here it is - and bear in mind that this is a small-town Midwest school:

"Any object which could be used to injure another person and which has no school-related purpose will be considered a weapon."

Totally insane. :barf:
Funny thing is, at a fundraiser auction at the school my children attend they actually auctioned off three, count them, three firearms. The horror, the horror.
Let's not indict the entire public school system country wide because of some idiot rules. Maybe stand up and do something about the problems where you live.

A voice of reason! The fact of the matter is that there is no monlotihic "Public School System" that acts the same across the entire country. The schools are run by (local) school boards, administrators and teachers and can vary widely.

In the story that prompted this thread, it sounds like an overzealous VP took the wrong action and it was corrected. Stupid? Yes. A valid condemnation about how the entire system is failing? Hardly.

When my oldest kid was in 1st grade (maybe even kindergarten), one student per week was chosen to bring photos from home. He brought one from a hunting trip in which he was holding a dead pheasant. No problem. No visit from Family Social Services. In fact, everyone including some teachers remarked about how cool it was.

There was an art project a year or two ago where some of the classes made model vehicles out of wood scraps. They were prominently displayed in the hallway, and nearly every vehicle made by a boy featured guns, bombs and various weapons-pods. One kid made a pretty decent facsimile of an M2 Bradley.

We gun-owners get upset (rightfully so) when we are lumped together with criminals by the Brady Bunch and their ilk. Making wholesale condemnations of the entire public school system based on stories like this is no different.
When they took the word of God and everything that even metion God out of our schools; is when it started going down hill. I have a 5 year old and a 5 month old. They will never know how to say the Pledge or even what it truely means. God bless our Troops
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