Frito Lay features anti-gunner on bags.

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Armed Bear,
Thanks for proving my point.
The person to go after is not Pepsi, but Vox Populi.
DoSomething? Hmmm... How about promoting being legaly and responsibly armed and banning GFZ's?
Give 'em hell, boys! Despite their canned response of "we don't endorse the views" blah blah BS, they will take the silliness off of their packages if enough people complain.

Here's their address:

P.O. Box 660634
Dallas, TX 75266-0634

And their phone #:


Here's the letter I just sent:

To: Frito-Lay

From: ***** ******

Date: 5/5/08

Re: Your promotion of anti-freedom, anti-civil rights activists

As you know, some of your products (Doritos) actively promote the awards given to young people who “do something” through the

And as you know one of those people is the anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-civil-rights activist Theo Milonopolous.

Despite your attempt to weasel by claiming “we don’t endorse the ideas, just the award given”, your choice to highlight this utter nonsense, which is actually PRO-violence, is a choice you made, and is having the effect of spreading the idea that this is actually a good thing, not a bad thing. It’s wrong and misguided. Theo is actually pro-violence and anti-civil-rights, though he may not realize it. And you implicitly endorse the ideas that the award recipients endorse, by highlighting their awards and “achievements”.

Theo is actively campaigning against the Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Would you highlight the activities of someone who actively promoted squelching of the 1st Amendment right to speech? Or someone who actively endorsed the abridging of civil rights to black people? This is no different – it’s about infringing the civil rights of a demonized minority in this country, that being gun owners. It is very wrong and immoral of Frito-Lay to feature someone whose goal in life is to abridge the civil rights of a minority class, just as it would be wrong to feature David Duke or some other rascist on your product bags. They “did something” too – but it wasn’t for good; it’s was to the detriment of society. Hitler sure “did something” – maybe we should promote him, since he was the all time king of civil rights violaters. That would make sense if taking the idea to it’s logical extreme, that the violation of fundamental civil rights is to be lauded. The fact is that the social science unequivocally, indisputably, repeatedly proves that more guns equals less crime, and so Theo, in his disarmament efforts, is actually promoting crime and violence, which is wrong in and of itself, even if it didn’t violate our fundamental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution.

I’m afraid that your terrible mis-judgment on this issue, showing F.L.’s extreme disdain for basic fundamental civil rights of a minority class leaves me with little choice but to avoid your products until a full and public apology is forthcoming. Your competitors make great chips, too. I will now be actively avoid any F.L. products. No need for a lip service reply. Either retract and apologize, or keep it to yourself please.

Sincerely and Respectfully,

***** ******
I found a book in the library once with this kid and his brother in it.

They weren't normal antis. They flat out said that they didn't think anyone should have a gun. They didn't bother to rationalize- that was how they "felt".

I'm sure they exclude the police and military, though. Those people are higher beings, and would never commit crimes or misuse a firearm!
I don't think he's a bad person, just misguided. Nobody here wants gun violence either.

I think he just needs to be enlightened to the error of his logic. Maybe if he concerned himself with working smarter instead of harder we would even have this thread. If he realized that criminals are criminal by nature and another law or ban will not stop them he would only have to fight criminals instead of law-abiding citizens and criminals.
It's an easy switch. Buy this chip instead of that chip. Buy this bread instead of that bread. I buy a loaf of bread every week....not SARA LEE.
$2 X 52 Wks =$104
$104 X 4 million pro-gunners= A-lot of freakin' bread bought elsewhere.
Oh well, I'll go back to Goldfish I guess.

Take about 1/2 teaspoon (heaping) of good Cayenne, and about a teaspoon of popcorn salt. In a large bowl, dump a "milk carton" size thing of cheddar goldfish, the pepper and the salt. Stir. Then add about 3 tablespoons of finely grated parmesean. Stir more. You want the cheese dust.

Then sit back at eat it while you watch Survivor or something. No sense in bothering anyone about any anti-gun stuff. That takes ******* effort. Gimme a beer, and where's the remote?
He never said he wouldnt make a call or send a letter. He just said He was going to another product. Get off your high horse.
Darn it!! I just started working for pepsi too..:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Actually, I am sure that if enough people complain and voice their displeasure their marketing department will carefully screen each new person they put on the back of a potato chip bag.

This was my bread and butter for years. As a consultant, I worked with many Fortune 500 companies on marketing and PR issues such as this and found that when a select group complained over an ad or marketing issue, they responded, sometimes very quickly.

One has to remember that two things resonate more then anything else in their corporate board rooms - profits and market share. Market share to Pepsico and Coke are King.

I suggest writing, calling or e-mailing a message to them and make them aware of your displeasure. Just be sure your message is to the point, contains no offensive language and is well written.

I suspect that if enough people do write, it will be a cold day in hell before they stick an anti gun supporter on the bags or boxes of their product. Especially when they have so many other people they can throw on them.

I will do my part and write as well.

Is this posted over at ARfcom? We need to spread the word to any other pro-gun boards about this one.

Big consumer corporations are very sensitive to offended/displeased customers. If we can all call and write, we'll stop this kind of behavior.

Even if I wasn't a gunny, I'm shocked that they'd put a activist for a controversial political cause on their bags.

You wonder if they have any other pro-or-anti "hot button" divisive issue activists on their bags:

Death Penalty
Illegal Immigration
Iraqi War

Just imagine the uproar if an activist from those causes were placed on the bag. We need to remind them of the power of our unity and the strength of our beliefs.

Which is safer--millions of lawfully owned guns or thousands of products loaded with salt, fat and artificial laboratory foodstuffs?

I say Frito Lay is killing more people than guns.

And speaking of that Frito Bandito dude. I haven't seen him in years. Yep, lots has changed.
Then sit back at eat it while you watch Survivor or something. No sense in bothering anyone about any anti-gun stuff. That takes ******* effort. Gimme a beer, and where's the remote?

What's your problem? Me deciding to give my business to someone else is a bad thing? Who said I wasn't going to write them a letter? You don't know what I do for the RKBA. Maybe you should devote some of your time to doing something instead of being so condescending.
I just called them and spoke with a friendly customer service rep. Hopefully they'll get the message.
Regarding Bogie

Look at the views on this subject versus the respondants.

I have to wonder how many apathetic asses are reading about this with a bag of Cheetos in one hand and Doritos in the other, and shrug their shoulders and mutter, "Oh, well" as they cram in another mouthful?

After all, look at the dismal percentage of gun owners who give a damn enough to belong to NRA, GOA, SAF, etc--versus those who let the rest of us do their heavy lifting.

They need a kick in the nuts.

I say, Run, Bogie! Run!

If the shoe fits, either change your size or get comfortable with it.

Wow, I didn't realize switching to another snack said so much about me. Like that the fact that I don't belong to the NRA (I do) or the fact that I don't contact companies or my legislators. (I do)

Bogie and TexasSkyhawk, good job on your motivational pep talks, they really make people want to run and and join an organization that you tell them too after you attack them. Both of you need to stop being so damn condescending. You want people to join the NRA; then explain to them why it is necessary, and what will happen if they don't, like lose their rights, etc. instead of criticizing them and cursing at them.
If there's any further sniping at other members, I will lock this thread.

Either participate in this thread by highlighting what measure of activism you're undertaking to get Frito Lay to distance themselves from this anti-rights organization, or don't bother posting.
Here's the contact info that was posted earlier:

Have a question for us? Try our Good Questions section.

If you are unable to find the information you need and require further assistance from Frito-Lay, please contact us!

U.S. Residents

Call Us:1-800-352-4477
Monday - Friday
9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Central Standard Time

Write To Us:Frito-Lay
P.O. Box 660634
Dallas, TX 75266-0634

Headquarters Main Number:972-334-7000

Canadian Residents

Call Us:1-800-376-2257
Monday - Friday
9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Central Standard Time

Write To Us:Frito Lay Canada
P.O. Box 40
Cambridge, ON N1R 5S9

Para información en español sobre los productos de Frito-Lay, llame al 1-800-352-4477.

Pour des informations en Français sur les produits Frito-Lay, veuillez appeler le 1-800-376-2257.
call Frito Lay

I spoke to them a few minutes ago.

Gave them my opinion of their products which I will no longer buy.

Cathy Dial is the person you want to leave a comment for and, yes, she is already aware of the posts on this board..
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