Sexually insecure Dirty Harrys...

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Oct 3, 2005
Sunnyvale, California
I searched, but didn’t find this posted. I think it offers valuable insight into what the political left thinks about gun owners.

Philip Slater

Flip-Flopping, Obama, and Gun Control

Right-wingers are screeching 'FLIP-FLOP!' while leftists are clutching their heads and preparing to vote for Ralph the Nadir. All because Obama is moving to the center. Makes you wonder when this country will grow up.

Sure, I'll miss the old Obama, too. But he's not running against Hillary now. (Will the left subject him to the same sneering viciousness with which they attacked Hillary for doing the same thing? I doubt it somehow). He wants to get elected, not just get his ego stroked. Is his strategy correct? Probably.

As to the flip-flop charge, it feels kind of empty after eight years of 'staying the course' and running the nation into the ground. Personally, I have no respect for anyone who doesn't 'flip-flop' occasionally. I want a president capable of changing his mind, correcting his course when it's headed for an iceberg, learning from mistakes, profiting from feedback. I've had enough of decisive stupidity, of rigidly refusing to respond to reality. I want somebody with flexibility, no matter how much it freaks out the authoritarian personalities in the media.

I'm certainly not crazy about the shifts Obama has made -- I only hope they're tactical and not sincere. But let's face it, we have a two-party system, which forces all candidates toward the center. If we had a multi-party system we could all get exactly the candidates and positions we wanted, but they'd still be forced to compromise with their opponents in order to put together a cabinet. It all comes down to the same thing: it's democracy, which means the voice of everyone, not just the folks you agree with. For us it means including the voices of all those folks still living in the 17th century.

The antipathy to gun control is particularly bothersome. The Supreme Court now says every American has the right to kill people, subject only to certain situational constraints. While Bush and Cheney never cease fear-mongering about terrorist attacks, we already have the equivalent of regular terrorist attacks from deranged gun owners flipping out on their co-workers, bosses, teachers, fellow students, exes, relatives, neighbors, and random strangers.

The NRA keeps saying guns don't kill people, although not even the nuttiest of their fanatics could deny that the presence of guns multiplies deaths. The more guns you have in your house, the more you, some member of your family, or your kid's schoolmates are likely to bite the dust. Sure, people kill people. They do it with knives, pokers, rope, wire, etc. What distinguishes the gun from all these other murder weapons is that while these other implements have other uses, a gun has only a single function: to kill. And it's the most efficient way of doing it. That is, after all, why it was invented.

Rifles are used to kill animals more often than people, and hunting with a rifle is considered a sport. While there isn't all that much skill involved in killing an animal with a high-powered rifle, a case could be made that ridding the nation of its deer and rabbit surplus is serving a useful function.

But all handguns (not to mention grenades, automatic weapons, and other items often possessed by NRA nutcakes) are designed for only one purpose. To kill people. If you own a handgun it's because you want to be able to kill people at will.

Especially yourself. Over half of all gun deaths are suicides. And guns do kill people it turns out, for suicide attempts with guns are 90% successful, compared with 34% for jumping off high places, and 2% for pills. A household with a suicide is 3 to 5 times more likely to have a gun in it.

Gun control doesn't prevent anyone who feels realistically endangered from acquiring the means to kill. All you have to do is make a case and get a license. Unfortunately our nation has a large population of sexually insecure males who like to walk around pretending they're Dirty Harry, and a still larger population of acquisitive status-seekers, terrified someone will steal their future landfill.

The reality is, you're more likely to get killed if you own a gun than if you don't, but maybe that's part of Nature's design.
Funny. I just watched the new DVDs of Dirty Harry and Magnum Force. One of the documentaries on Magnum Force talked about the politics of Dirty Harry.

Basically Dirty Harry scares the left ****less.

I highly recommend those DVDs and the special features!
If you own a handgun it's because you want to be able to kill people at will.

I've scheduled Philip Slater for his lobotomy on Monday.
This is the next best thing to taking him completely out of the gene pool.
Nurse Ratched will be in charge of the proceedings.

i'd rather sit in a broken-down truck on the side of the road with a 'NRA nutcake' than have to be in a running car with this guy (and people like him)
another thing....

liberals throwing around the 'guns are only for killing' are annoying. no they're not.

i have many guns. many rifles, and many handguns. i've never killed for fun or sport. i punch paper and plink. the firearm is there as a tool if i need it in a defensive situation.

much like my golf clubs. i bought them to have good clean safe fun, but they can be used to kill.

i hate the "that's it! bottom line, no argument here." line they use! a great way to avoid any responsible conversation is to throw the other guy in the corner like that and yell "if you think otherwise on this *well known fact* than you are stupid and not worth talking to!"

the ignorance makes my blood boil!
They should take a poll of the number of guns people own that have killed people, and how many cars people own are responsible for killing people. We entrust 16-year-olds who can't even hold up their own pants with a belt the reins to a 4,000 pound missile. I wonder how they respond to the fact that one of their politicians who is dear and close to their heart (Kennedy) has killed more people with his car than I have with my firearms. :rolleyes:

Strange how something "designed to kill people" kills less people annually than items of mass transit.
Same old crap spewed by the same old type of person who thinks their view of the world is all that's important.

Give them an audience and they are pleased with how brilliant they are with words, with no recogonition just how ignorant they are about life outside their little fantasy world.
On another website I frequent, I got in an argument with some people over gun control. One of the most rabid anti-gunners, who tried to make himself seem grounded by saying he "likes guns, just not the 'gun culture' that plagues America" (which he proceeded to compare to a boil on one's buttocks, though in much more crude terms). Immediately after I made a counterpoint to him, he instantly accused me of being a scared person with a small penis, with narcisistic delusions of grandeur (I had made the argument that a person with a CCW could save someone's life other than their own in certain circumstances), all because I merely refuted his argument that only hunting weapons should be allowed. Some of these anti-gunners are truly fueled by hatred and ignorance.

It's amazing how arrogant and stuck up some of the most "tolerant" people can be. Also, I hate websites like Huffingtonpost whose writers can't think for themselves and merely tow what they believe to be the tenets of their political side, with absolutely no dissent what-so-ever. Neither the left nor the right is 100% correct, so it pains me to read any publication where the writer purports to have all the "truths" and writes as if everyone should already understand and know what he or she is talking about.

But anyway, one of the oldest arguments that antis use against guns are bizarre sexual inadequacy insults - in psychiatric terms, we call that projection... ;)
Get a load from this excerpt from 11/29/07 taken from the International Herald Tribune:

"We in Europe have a different culture than in the United States and we do not consider the freedom to buys weapons a human right," said Gisela Kallenbach, a German member of the European Parliament from the Green group, who helped draft the proposed law. "All European cows are registered Europe-wide, so why not guns, if it can save lives? Civil liberties can be sacrificed if we can prevent people from being killed."

And that my friends is how fascist dictators get to power.
He's just mouthing the same tired old bravo sierra the antis have been shoveling out for decades. The citation to bogus statistics, the strange allegations of sexual insecurity or repression, all capped off by the argument that they only want to ban ____ not those tolerable weapons used to hunt or whatever. You'd think after Heller these guys would learn to fiddle a new tune.

The Europeans, quoted by gallo, are more blunt as usual. They don't have to dress up their true plans, because there's almost nobody there to challenge them apart from a few Swiss and Finnish hicks. They will flat-out admit they don't care about civil liberties. For them it is about the greater good, as they have determined it in Brussels, London and Paris. Those who do not like it may lump it.
Wow, guns are the most efficient way to kill people?

I guess word hasn't gotten around to the Department of Defense yet. Guess all those bombs and missiles are second-string now.
The NRA keeps saying guns don't kill people, although not even the nuttiest of their fanatics could deny that the presence of guns multiplies deaths. The more guns you have in your house, the more you, some member of your family, or your kid's schoolmates are likely to bite the dust.

Something tells me this guy has been hitting the crack pipe. Since the presence of guns multiplies deaths, should we ban cars, booze, knives, fists, chairs, and everything else that can be used to kill someone? Shoe control anyone? I guess the presence of people multiplies deaths, so we should exterminate every human, right?
Wow, guns are the most efficient way to kill people?

I guess word hasn't gotten around to the Department of Defense yet. Guess all those bombs and missiles are second-string now.

Actually, they are. Bombs and missiles are a very inefficient way to kill people. A bomb or missile requires an expensive delivery system like a ship or aircraft, in addition to being expensive itself. Even a basic bombing run can cost over a million dollars and involve a dozen personnel.

Bombs and missiles cause much more collateral damage than guns do.
I use my AR-15 and Sporterized AK-47 to put holes in pieces of paper with a big sand bank behind them. Same for my handguns. I didn't know my NRA membership entitled me to hand grenades...

But this guy does actually have something to fear from "us" ... in the event that he and his actually assume control of the country the second Amendment exists as a " reset " button for the US Government. Sort of like the French and Russian Revolution without all the loose heads bouncing around.

Probably won't ever get that far. Cooler heads will prevail , right ?
Gun control doesn't prevent anyone who feels realistically endangered from acquiring the means to kill. All you have to do is make a case and get a license.
REALLY? How's that work in Chicago?

The guy's a pathological liar.
Since "Handguns are just for killing", why don't we make the Police turn in their pistols and carry rifles (being fact that pistols are useless for self-defense). After all, we don't need to have all these Freudian "Dirty Harrys" on the government payroll just to run around and kill people.

How many of you that are NRA members actually DO have live grenades? I would like to get a case and swallow them as "enlargement" pills.
“A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity”

- Sigmund Freud

'Nuff said
Please remove london from the list most of our laws can be ignored by the eu.

It sucks but I am biding my time to join the USA. I like pistols and I am perectly suexually secure I like who I like and how I like it. :evil:
Totally ignorant and braindead. Dishonest if the guy has an IQ over 85.
Never heard of this guy. Kinda wish that was still the case. What a TOOL.

large population of sexually insecure males who like to walk around pretending they're Dirty Harry
So, Which would you like better. An 8 3 /8" barrel model 29 or a sexual romp with Ariana Huffington. Which is more dangerous?
Hint: A 29-2 won't give you hpv or herpes simplex.
Same old garbage.

Journalism has long decended into the depths of the sewer and been replaced with personal opinions of writers who can't make the world go their way.

Like the umpteenth car wreck people go by, they still have to slow down and look.
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