Sexually insecure Dirty Harrys...

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Sexually insecure???Can you say "projection"???
BTW,someone tell the nice understanding lady from th eescort service that she can leave the swim fins and the Sarah Brady mask in my closet;save her the effort next trip

You wrote:

liberals are like anyone else who wears a skirt.....when something goes bump in the night they like the fact that you have a gun and can use it if need be, but when you break up with them they try to hurt your ego by attacking your'd expect that from a woman, but i guess on the liberal side its hard to tell the different between the two without seeing how they pee first.

a strong, self reliant, free thinking, realistic woman is a rare thing. you must be prised highly for lack of a better saying.

As a liberal female gun owner, I take issue with your characterizations of both women and liberals, and I really take issue with the idea that comparing someone to a woman is insulting.

I have never, that I recall, engaged in attacks on other people's sexual security or adequacy, certainly not with respect to their their political orientation or their gun ownership, and not even when breaking up with men, including divorcing my first husband. I personally have seen much more of that sort of behavior from men than from women, actually, but it seems from my admittedly limited experience that it spans the political spectrum.

I also do not advocate gun control. Lots of liberals don't.

I try to make posts that are in keeping with the spirit of THR, and that do not denigrate or alienate individuals or groups, not only because the rules of this forum mandate it, but because if I do not, I risk losing the gun-rights community valuable allies.

Have you ever stopped to consider that when you make blanket statements like this, that you at the very least annoy, and at worst, alienate, the numerous liberals and women who would otherwise be right behind you in the struggle to keep gun rights intact? I am posting to let you know the effect your words have, but how many others who saw your post will keep silent and just drop any thought of participating here or in the gun rights fight?

I realize that you are not alone in your attitude here toward women or liberals, but your post is the one I saw when my "let it slide" tolerance had been exceeded.

I look forward to talking guns with you - just not liberal/conservative or gender politics.
If you own a handgun it's because you want to be able to kill people at will.

Basically this statement is true. So what? Cops carry guns because they want to be able to kill people at will also. You always have the capability to kill people at will whether you shoot them, knife them or just choke them to death. Let's just make sure we only do that to people that deserve it. Unfortunately too many people deserve it.

Like I always say "It's best to level the playing field". If we all have equal destructive power then for the most part people will be nice.

read the definition of generalization, then do the same for absolute.

look at the facts based on voting, sex, and politcal affiliation for gun control advocation.

then re-read what we both said.


I am well aware of the definitions of both of these words, and I am equally well aware that what you were engaging in was making generalizations. That was rather part of my point. It's a bad idea, particularly when you are making generalizations about two groups that each comprise nearly half of the population.

And while you have that dictionary handy, try looking up "prised".
Posted by Solo Flyer:
I've scheduled Philip Slater for his lobotomy on Monday.

Judging by Slater's rant, I'm under the strong impression he's already had one. :evil:

the majority of liberals vote to take away our gun rights.

the majority of women vote for liberal candidates.

the OP's post was from a liberal male making sport of a conservative male's masculinity. it is only sporting to return the favor with the same retoric, logic, and ignorance.

if you cant see the satyr in my post add me to your ignore list as my comments werent directed at you...but if you chose to wrap yourself in them you will need thicker skin.
spelling was never my strong point....thank God for spell check on microsoft word! woo hoo.

If your original comments were intended as satire, it wasn't clear from your original post, and you didn't choose to clarify it until now. I apologize if I missed an honest attempt at humor. Since I am not the only woman to have pointed out that some of what you said could be objectionable, perhaps you should consider the possibility that you didn't present it as clearly as you might have initially thought.Text-based communication, by depriving us of clues to intent such as body language and tone of voice, can make jokes harder to see. That is one reason why "smilies" have proliferated.

I still think that it is a bad idea to make sweeping generalizations about large groups which contain many actual and potential gun owners and rights advocates.
Quote by Cosmoline:

Let's not start bashing croissants and skirts. I'm eating one with my americano ce matin. And I've been known to wear a utilikilt.


Grin. I like croissants too! I love old fashioned kilts and used to wear them quite often in various plaid and solid patterns. I like old fashioned kilts on some men and I LOVE bag pipe music too! (It must be from my late Mother's father's side!)

I know what utilikilts are from the internet but I have never seen one worn by a man in person.

I do LOVE the old fashioned kilts for sure!

Dirty Harry should be examined in light of when it was made and not by today's standards. The idea of a vigilante cop operating outside the law was shocking to the public. This is what made Dirty Harry so successful. Ditto for Charles Bronson's Death Wish when that came out. Today, if someone shoots a criminal like Joe Horn did in Texas, people jump up and cheer. That wasn't done in big cities back in the '70s.
i will use the "quick" reponse less since there are no:uhoh::):confused::):scrutiny::cuss::eek::banghead::D;):evil::p:rolleyes:

They probably dismissively say "penis envy". IMHO, it is "they" (and Phil Slater, to be specific) who really have that issue. Think about it.

Uh huh. Thanks and that is a good point. Yep, I have heard and read that too. I still laugh because that is the LAST thing that I want to be is a 'man'. NO offense. I LIKE men but I sure as heck do not want to BE a man!

Catherine will now sing a song from 'South Pacific' - There is nothing like a dame! Encore!

Girl giggle here.

Clint Eastwood rocks! Those "Dirty Harry" movies just crack me up, and when Clint fires his humongous .357 Mag., it is hilarious to watch.
Clint Eastwood rocks! Those "Dirty Harry" movies just crack me up, and when Clint fires his humongous .357 Mag., it is hilarious to watch.


Hello! Inspector Callahan's (Dirty Harry.) gun was this one below.

It was the famous S&W Model 29 in 44Magnum not a 357magnum.

I just wanted to let you know that.

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I'm not really up on my Dirty Harry trivia, but didn't he have a .44 Automag in at least one of the movies instead of a S&W .44 Magnum?
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I wanna say The Dead Pool, vanity-serialled CLINT-1 and CLINT-2. After filming, Harry Sanford took them back and sold them to collectors. Wonder who has 'em now...

Oh, BTW, if it were about insecurity in my "reproductive life" (or non-life, as the case may ) I wouldn't be carrying something with a barrel only 5" long by .45" bore.
not to mention grenades, automatic weapons, and other items often possessed by NRA nutcakes

The last time I had any of those I was a young Marine, but I wasn't allowed to keep them; and now I know it was due to not being a "NRA nutcake" at the at time. (I guess I should've read the fine print):D

Looking at the pic of the "great Harvard scholar" Phil Slater makes me think he's never enjoyed a good venison steak or buffalo burger. Ol' Clint probably has more muscle in his pinkie finger than this guy has in his whole body.
What do you expect from the Huffington Post?

Bunch of anti-American, whining, brain-dead Commies. They are pimples on the world's ass.
Catherine ,you sound fun!! Come up to NH;we need you up here-too many M*******s followed me when I made my escape!
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