Arnold Schwarzenegger on guns

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I was under the impression that Bruce Willis is a pro-gun celebrity, am I mistaken?
Yea, I seem to recall him saying something along the lines of "honest citizens should have guns in case they need to shoot criminals". He couldn't really have put it more bluntly (or accurately!).
I've never been an admirer of "his achievements in bodybuilding" or his physique.
I prefer my wife's physique and her position on guns.
Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis supports gun laws
Sunday, May 7 2006, 15:00 BST

By Matt Houghton

Bruce Willis has expressed his support for the constitutional right of Americans to carry guns.

The Die Hard actor has insisted that everyone should have the right to defend themselves with a weapon if necessary and pointed out that gun owners were not necessarily violent.

He commented: "If you take guns away from legal gun owners then the only people who would have guns would be the bad guys.

"Even a pacifist would get violent if someone were trying to kill him or her. You would fight for your life, whatever your beliefs."


Strong supporter of the second amendment
Q: Where do you stand on gun control?
A: I am a strong supporter of the second amendment. The U.S. constitution allows for law-abiding citizens to own a firearm.

Source: Campaign website, Aug 29, 2003

Support Brady Bill; assault weapon ban; safety locks
I [support the second amendment, but I] also believe that there are responsibilities that gun owners must follow in owning a firearm. I support the Brady bill, I support the current assault weapons ban and I believe that guns must have safety devices or be stored as to prevent accidental discharge.
Source: Campaign website, Aug 29, 2003

Close the gun show loophole
Schwarzenegger supports the Brady Bill, which tightened gun control measures. “I would also like to close the loophole of the gun shows,” Schwarzenegger said, referring to the fact that people can buy weapons at such exhibitions without a background check.
Source: Aug 28, 2003

I’m for gun control; I’m a peace-loving guy
[The National Rifle Association] probably won’t like Schwarzenegger either. In The Terminator Schwarzenegger goes into a gun store and picks out a “12-gauge auto loader, a .45 long slide, a phase plasma rifle and an Uzi 9 mm.” (Then he kills the guy behind the counter.) But as Schwarzenegger began to think of himself as a potential political candidate, he became sensitive on the gun issue, telling one interviewer, “I’m for gun control. I’m a peace-loving guy.”
Source: Time magazine cover story Aug 18, 2003

I'd have to say they are not on the same page.
I wonder if this is something Schwarzenegger actually believed prior to his involvement with his wife...or if he was "coached" by his Kennedy consort/advisor/regent. If the latter is true, it's just as bad...nobody should let himself get led around by the balls like that...but something tells me if you'd asked Arnold circa 1977 what he thought about gun control, he probably wouldn't have been in favor of it any more than weed control.
Willis is very pro-gun. So is Tom Selleck. I also believe that Angelina Jolie went out and bought two USP Elites, like she used in Tomb Raider, and said she might have a need to protect her family. I could be wrong on the last one.
Arnold isn't very pro-gun, but he's by no means the worst in Hollywood. Look at Mark Wahlberg. Nuff said.
Yeah, but a previous poster said...."Look at his wife"..... Every time I see her on TV I have to look away.
Just my take on the Republik, I actually moved out of California becasue of their strict, (read idiotic) gun laws. I know at least five other people who have done the same. I wonder when the government of California will see that the reason that most are in a mass exodous is because of the way left political stance of their state. Unfortunately, a lot of those moving out of Kali because of other reasons try to bring said wackiness to where it is they move!
Hard to beat Tom Selleck in that area. Of course Ted Nugent is probably El Supremo in that area.

The guy is a NAZI, parents supported Hitler. He is a european socialist. Before you start to tweek on the word nazi. They are/were a socialist party.

He is as anti-gun as Pelosi and Kennedy, maybe more so. He signed EVERY SINGLE piece of anti-gun legislation they have sent to him, there is nothing antigun he does not support openly.

In short he is a socialist ******* and that is the high road on this guy. Two faced loser, makes money off violence and peddles socialism on the side.
Willis is pro-gun from all I have heard/read.

Now Arnold, that is another story. He is a RINO, he is not a conservative...
Lonegunman!You've just said what I've been saying for a while[ since sold out ] He reminds us of another austrian in world politics before my time.I have 5-6 more years and I'm out of here as well.
I have experience in heavy diesel and good welding skills,and will be looking for a big ranch to semi-retire on,or something like that
They're just actors. Even one of the classic gun owners idols; Clint Eastwood is anti gun- "I've always supported a certain amount of gun control. I think California has always had a mandatory waiting period, so we were never concerned about it like the rest of the country. Some states didn't have any at all. So I've always supported that. I think it's very important that guns don't get in the wrong hands, and, yes, I would support most of that. I don't know too much about trigger locks. I've never really discussed that with anyone. But I do feel that guns - it's very important to keep them out of the hands of felons or anyone who might be crazy with it."
He signed EVERY SINGLE piece of anti-gun legislation they have sent to him, there is nothing antigun he does not support openly.

I'm no fan of Arnold, but this specific statement is completely wrong.
Arnold has vetoed a number of significant anti-gun bills.

He's one of those people who believes that we can walk a fine line, restricting guns here and there to try to combat crime, without really restricting the rights of the law abiding.

I disagree with this, completely. But he's not a textbook "anti", either.
The Arnold is another body builder who got himself pumped up on anabolic steroids. He is no different from Hulk Hogan in that respect.

Arnold is a dedicated anti gunner and a darling of the Brady bunch. He signed the first ever state law outlawing .50 caliber rifles.

1974. "I take steroids because they help me an extra 5 percent. Women take the (contraception) pill. They are somewhat similar. I do it under a doctor's supervision."

1977: "Yes I have used them, but no, they didn't make me what I am. Anabolic steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for a contest."

1987: "I don't worry about it, because I never took an overdosage."

1992: "In those days you didn't have to deal with the black market. You could go to your physician and just say, 'Listen, I want to gain some weight, and I want to take something.' Then the physician would say, 'Do it six weeks before competition, then it will be safe.' And that's what you would do. The dosage that was taken then versus taken now is not even 10 percent. It's probably 5 percent."

1996: "I used steroids. It was a risky thing to do, but I have no regrets. It was what I had to do to compete. The danger with steroids is overusage. I only did it before a difficult competition – for two months, but not for a period of time that could harm me. And then afterward, it was over. I would stop. I have no health problems, no kidney damage or anything like that from using them."
You know those Kennedy's think guns sprout hands and legs and go off by themselves durring full moons

Well, of course the kennedys are afraid of inanimate objects. Two of their clan were killed by guns, and one of them had a car that killed people. Im surprised that the whole clan isnt totally neo-luddite and living in caves. What's next? a toaster oven that gives one of them a wicked burn?
The Kennedys have had more than their share of accidents too. John, Jr. flew that high performance single engine airplane in IFR conditions that he was not qualified for. Michael Kennedy hit a tree while horseplaying on skis and was killed.
He's one of those people who believes that we can walk a fine line, restricting guns here and there to try to combat crime, without really restricting the rights of the law abiding.
By California standards, he might be pretty good, or at least better than his challengers. However, he isn't exactly Jindal material, either.

his stance on prop 8 was a pefect example of him being conservative
I thought he supported gay marriage.
1974. "I take steroids because they help me an extra 5 percent. Women take the (contraception) pill. They are somewhat similar. I do it under a doctor's supervision."

1977: "Yes I have used them, but no, they didn't make me what I am. Anabolic steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for a contest."

1987: "I don't worry about it, because I never took an overdosage."

1992: "In those days you didn't have to deal with the black market. You could go to your physician and just say, 'Listen, I want to gain some weight, and I want to take something.' Then the physician would say, 'Do it six weeks before competition, then it will be safe.' And that's what you would do. The dosage that was taken then versus taken now is not even 10 percent. It's probably 5 percent."

1996: "I used steroids. It was a risky thing to do, but I have no regrets. It was what I had to do to compete. The danger with steroids is overusage. I only did it before a difficult competition – for two months, but not for a period of time that could harm me. And then afterward, it was over. I would stop. I have no health problems, no kidney damage or anything like that from using them."

Just for the record, EVERYONE in bodybuilding did steroids back then, and everyone in bodybuilding still does them today. There was not a single competitive bodybuilder since Steeve Reeves who didn't use steroids in some way. When Arnold and the other "Golden Age" bodybuilders of the 70s were using steroids, they were not illegal, and they were typically taken orally. There is nothing innately harmful about steroids. Like any drug, the danger comes from over-using them. All of the great pro bodybuilders from the 1970s - Lou Ferrigno, Bill Grant, Frank Zane, Ken Waller - are in excellent physical health to this day. As is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

These guys took anabolic steroids orally, and they worked out for several hours a day, every day, and ate enormous quantities of food - a bodybuilder even at the lowest level needs at least 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight, and the serious competitors consume triple that or more. The way these guys were training, the steroids helped them gain a little edge, and recover faster. There was nothing unhealthy about the way the classic bodybuilders used anabolic steroids.

Today - it is a very different story. The top bodybuilders now not only use anabolic steroids (which they inject, not take orally - huge difference), they also use human growth hormone, which is MUCH more dangerous than steroids, and they mess around with their insulin levels and do a lot of other very risky things, like injecting their muscles with oil (yes, oil) to make them swell up. Bodybuilding has become more risky and more potentially dangerous but anabolic steroids alone are no more unsafe than they were 40 years ago, and I personally think they should be legalized, along with marijuana and many other drugs.

Just compare a bodybuilder from the 70s with one from the current day - the difference is astounding.

Ken Waller, 1975


Ronnie Coleman, today

Which one of those guys would you rather look like?

Make no mistake, steroids don't just give you "instant muscles" and they're not really a form of "cheating" because it's impossible to achieve these massive physiques without them, so saying steroids are cheating is like saying that using a scope is cheating to make a shot at 900 yards. These guys work HARD for their bodies - they have to have their diet and exercise down to an exact science. But really - it's getting out of hand today. Schwarzenegger's experience with steroids is a drop in the bucket compared to what goes on now.
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